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Old 23-09-2008, 16:56   #166
Splinter's Avatar

Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

So, no proof, like I said.
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Old 23-09-2008, 17:04   #167
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
I have seen far more evidence of ghosts than I have ever seen of God. I also fail to see how anyone can believe what cannot be proved.

So you have seen evidence of ghosts and believe in them because of that. I have seen evidence of God. Can you prove to me that ghosts exist? I too believe that they do and believe that there are different explanations for different types of ghostly sightings. Belief in ghosts and belief in God are not opposites and are quite compatible. I believe that when people die their spirits live on, as what are sometimes seen as ghosts, until the day they are united with their perfected bodies at the resurrection.

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Old 23-09-2008, 17:15   #168
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

I have had experience of the spirit world. A cat of ours passed recently for instance. Both of us have felt a cat that was not visible, jump on the bed.

God has never presented himself to me nor anyone I know if any form. What is your proof?
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Old 23-09-2008, 17:17   #169
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Jesus Christ presented himself to hundreds of people in resurrected form.

God presents himself in many ways to those who really want to know, but never to prove his existence to those who deny him.

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Old 23-09-2008, 17:18   #170
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

You know that because it was written in a book?
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Old 23-09-2008, 17:23   #171
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Nope, I know because he answers my prayers. I read the book to find out more about him.

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Old 23-09-2008, 17:25   #172
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

I think maybe for you, when something goes right, it's God's work, when really, it just went right.
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Old 23-09-2008, 17:29   #173
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

No, it isn't like that at all. Sometimes the answers are not the ones I want and seem on the face of it to be 'wrong' but usually end up being for a better reason than I would have been aware of.

Also, when my first husband died he had no fear of where he was going because he'd seen it in a vision twice before.

It's incredibly difficult to explain faith but I know that it's real and no amount of anyone insisting that it isn't logical could ever change that.

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Old 23-09-2008, 17:35   #174
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

You see, I get hung up on the word 'faith'. It works the same way when you have 'faith' that you car will start, doesn't mean it will.

I had 'visions' that Southend pier would burn, the night before it did.
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Old 23-09-2008, 17:37   #175
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
It works the same way when you have 'faith' that you car will start, doesn't mean it will.
I agree. Just because you believe something doesn't mean it is so. Equally just because you don't believe something doesn't mean it isn't. I could say that I don't believe your car will start and you would think I was daft because you know your car does start.

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Old 23-09-2008, 17:41   #176
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

I don't think I have said I don't believe, I just find it difficult. I lean more towards being guided by the spirit world, and I have been.
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Old 23-09-2008, 18:01   #177
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Even though I am an atheist I believe in survival of personality after death.
People have experienced spirits of deceased pets too - wonder what religion those pets believed in

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Old 23-09-2008, 18:02   #178

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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
God presents himself in many ways to those who really want to know, but never to prove his existence to those who deny him.
Another good cop out there, so thats why I have never seen him, because I don't believe
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Old 23-09-2008, 18:37   #179
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

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Old 23-09-2008, 19:03   #180
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Sorry Splinter, I was meaning 'you' in general terms like anybody, somebody or the posh 'one'. I didn't make that very clear.

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
People have experienced spirits of deceased pets too - wonder what religion those pets believed in
They don't have to have believed in any. It wouldn't stop it being true. If someone didn't believe in life after death it doesn't mean that after they die they will cease to exist. It's like somebody saying they don't believe in Australia because they have never been there. It doesn't mean there is no Australia and it doesn't cease to exist just because someone believes it doesn't.

Eventually we will all know for sure if the believers are right or if the non-believers are right. When that time comes I would rather be a believer
even if I'm proved wrong than a non-believer and be proved wrong.

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