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27-09-2008, 16:25
Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Accyman, why would you want to go to hell? Seriously, if the day comes and you find out that there really is a heaven and a hell and you have chosen the latter by your own free wil, are you really going to be happy with that choice?
But as a non believer he has nothing to be scared off. Maybe it is your fear that their may be a hell that keeps you believing in God. Using our fears against us has always been an ancient method of ensuring our belief.
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27-09-2008, 16:53
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Just because someone doesn't believe in something doesn't mean it isn't there. Actually my own belief of Hell is that it is a personal realisation that you were wrong and could have had all the benefits of Paradise but denied yourself them because you refuse to believe they existed. It will be an eternity of self torment looking at what might have been. A bit like Jim Bowen tormenting the losers on Bullseye with "Now, let's look at what you would have won!"
27-09-2008, 17:17
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
well if there is a god he forgives all sins so not much point in hell existing realy is there?
sure as hell aint gonna live my life by a fairy tale book thrown together by a few mens loony rantings about people walking on water and parting great seas and many other storys probably dreamt up by people smoking too much of the magic herb
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
27-09-2008, 17:18
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by Neil
. Using our fears against us has always been an ancient method of ensuring our belief.
religion dosnt work any more so now we are controlled by fear of terrorism
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
27-09-2008, 17:39
Resident Waffler
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
My religion isn't about fear. It's about joy.
Yes God forgives sinners, but not unrepentant ones.
27-09-2008, 18:25
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
My religion isn't about fear. It's about joy.
Yes God forgives sinners, but not unrepentant ones.
is there any religion out there that lets you do as you like and guarentees entry to heaven because i could cope with that ?
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
27-09-2008, 20:07
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Even growing up as a good Convent schoolgirl, I could never reconcile myself to the "final repentance and forgiveness" idea. Take Adolf Hitler: just suppose that, in the minute before he blew his brains out in that bunker in Berlin, he saw the error of his ways and said, "I've been a bad boy but I'm really sorry now, God. Please forgive all my sins". Even if he meant it, would he deserve to have the slate wiped clean, despite having the deaths of millions of people on his hands?
It's too simplistic, though maybe I'm coming at this from the Roman Catholic angle which is, after all, the one in which I was educated. Catholicism has the concept of Purgatory, you pay for a while then, when you've done your "time", you get admitted to Heaven. It also has the anomoly that if you confess and repent your sins, at the moment of your death, it's, "Come home, Hermione, all is forgiven", and you go straight to Paradise (Do not pass Purgatory. Do not collect £200).
A very wise, highly educated and intellectual old nun, the headmistress of Paddock House School until she retired in 1955, once had a theological discussion with me and my form at school. Surprisingly, for a nun, she didn't have any of the romanticised notions of an after-life spent hymn-singing and "sitting at the right hand of God" that tend to be the norm. When asked to define Heaven, Sister Mary Anthony replied, "Heaven is a state of mind". It impressed me then and it still does.
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28-09-2008, 09:26
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Well nobody relly knows if there is a heaven or hell, but it has often been said tha your heaven and hell are here on earth, life is what you make it, you make your own heaven and hell
28-09-2008, 22:40
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
I find it quite ironic shaker maker you being a GOD member.  Sorry
28-09-2008, 22:43
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by jaysay
I think they call it natural progression JB.
Personally I call it Chinese Whispers
28-09-2008, 22:48
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by mothernature
I find it quite ironic shaker maker you being a GOD member.  Sorry
We all get labelled 'god member' after a certain number of posts.
The way to avoid it is to make a donation to the running costs of the site.
Then you can call yourself anything.
28-09-2008, 22:54
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by MargaretR
We all get labelled 'god member' after a certain number of posts.
The way to avoid it is to make a donation to the running costs of the site.
Then you can call yourself anything.
Does idiot count?
28-09-2008, 22:54
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by MargaretR
We all get labelled 'god member' after a certain number of posts.
Well, if you notice found this default extremely sexist, so altered mine accordingly .. 
28-09-2008, 23:01
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by mothernature
Does idiot count?
Go for it................... 
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28-09-2008, 23:10
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by Royboy39
Go for it................... 
First class idiot aboard
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