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Old 15-09-2008, 20:39   #31
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by blazey View Post

Was that bombing in Manchester years ago by muslims? I was quite young then and only have very vague memories of it in the news.

IRA - but we don't hate everyone from Ireland do we?

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 15-09-2008, 21:01   #32

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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I am still failing to see why there is an 'Us Vs Them' battle all the time. Will someone please explain what is so bad about immigrants and how people determine just on sight who is an immigrant and who is a british national?

I don't see it as us verses them. What I see is people who want to live in the UK but dont want to live under our laws and beliefs. Instead they wish to try and impose there law and beliefs on us. The fact we have these sepratist attutides by some people is in itself causing the us and them.

If people sre not happy to live under UK law and what to live under sharia law then let them move to a country that has sharia law.

How many years will it be before we start to have civil unrests like in Serbia/Croatia in Britain? It may not be in our lifetimes but I can see it as a real possiblity if something is not done to prevent these sepratist communities we now appear to have.
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Old 15-09-2008, 21:14   #33
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I don't see it as us verses them. What I see is people who want to live in the UK but dont want to live under our laws and beliefs. Instead they wish to try and impose there law and beliefs on us. The fact we have these sepratist attutides by some people is in itself causing the us and them.

If people sre not happy to live under UK law and what to live under sharia law then let them move to a country that has sharia law.

How many years will it be before we start to have civil unrests like in Serbia/Croatia in Britain? It may not be in our lifetimes but I can see it as a real possiblity if something is not done to prevent these sepratist communities we now appear to have.

Good post, Neil.

I agree.
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Old 15-09-2008, 21:33   #34
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I don't see it as us verses them. What I see is people who want to live in the UK but dont want to live under our laws and beliefs. Instead they wish to try and impose there law and beliefs on us. The fact we have these sepratist attutides by some people is in itself causing the us and them.

If people sre not happy to live under UK law and what to live under sharia law then let them move to a country that has sharia law.

How many years will it be before we start to have civil unrests like in Serbia/Croatia in Britain? It may not be in our lifetimes but I can see it as a real possiblity if something is not done to prevent these sepratist communities we now appear to have.
very well explained, lets just hope "some" can grasp it.
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Old 15-09-2008, 23:38   #35
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Pure crazy whats happening in this country and even more crazy people who think its not a problem.When in Rome.This does not help imigrants intergrating if anything it does the opposite.Whats happening to common sense or is that a racist word.
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Old 15-09-2008, 23:39   #36
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

well said Lilly
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Old 16-09-2008, 08:50   #37
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
So you mean us against terrorists? I get confused, sometimes I think we're going on about hating terrorists and then all of a sudden I feel like I should be hating some of my best friends. The jump from hating terrorists to hating all muslims seems such a small one recently... I do get confused when anything like this gets brought up on the forum.

9/11 wasn't an attack against England though was it, though I understand why you would bring it up as an example. Wasn't it 7/7 or something in London? That would've been a better example but it doesn't quite have the same ring to it does it.

Was that bombing in Manchester years ago by muslims? I was quite young then and only have very vague memories of it in the news.
Of course 9/11 was an attack against Britain .... it was an attack against Canada .... it was an an attack against western democracy .... as were the attacks in London. This conflct is fundamental, and victory will go to the most highly motivated and the most commited.
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Old 16-09-2008, 20:22   #38
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Sharia Law is fine as long as it's confined to Islamic matters amongst Muslims and operates within the Law of the Land. Where I forsee problems is with the idiots who are so desparate to appear anti-discriminating and pro-anybody from a different culture. These are the people who scream that words like "Christmas" and "Easter" should never be heard, lest they offend non-Christians, and will make much noise about Sharia in what they deludedly imagine to be a "positive" way.

That makes me very angry - consider - Britain has had Jewish communities for a couple of centuries. Who, in the past, ever advocated playing down Christmas in case it offended a Jew? Those PC fools are playing into the hands of the Extremists and helping to create a huge religious division. Rabbinical Law, the Beth Din (court), has already been mentioned in this thread. Hands up who had ever, really, heard of it? Not many, I would think, because it operates quietly to resolve Jewish issues and doesn't impinge on the British Courts and the Politically Correct faction don't think Jews count. To be honest, they don't count because, from day 1, while maintaining their religious and racial identity, they integrated; probably out of necessity in order to thrive but it has worked very well.

No, I'm not against Sharia Law, in its rightful place, but we must be very wary of the smug, "look-at-me-I'm-not-a-racist" faction who may well make it into an Issue. They are the ones who help to maintain bad feeling and mistrust.
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Old 16-09-2008, 20:43   #39
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

I find this quite interesting :

BBC NEWS | UK | First Hindu faith school opening

In it one of the Hindu federation says : "We're hoping it won't actually divide people from us, but integrate them in a different way..."

Eh ? by only allowing people who believe in Hindu values in, yet this only represents 33% of the population there isnt that alienation rather than integration ?
If you can keep your head and remain calm, whilst around you everyone is losing theirs, its likely you dont understand what just went wrong
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Old 16-09-2008, 20:55   #40
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Why does nobody kick up a fuss about sharia banking? That is different than our traditional banking but nobody seems to say 'well if they don't like our banking why don't they go to a country that offers the banking they want'.

I don't know anything about sharia law but I may get a chance to study it when I go back to uni because I've picked a module that looks at various types of law around the world, so perhaps I will be able to make a more educated opinion on whether I'm for or against this because in reality I don't know what the differences would be, so for all I know it could be better than our current system.

Would opinions on this be different if we had (say) French law incorporated into our law? Our law doesn't originate from British ideology anyway does it, it's taken from all sorts of ancient law.

I'm not saying that it is wrong to oppose the changes because you could be right for all I know. But the law is influenced by international laws all the time so I'm not really willing to rule it out without even knowing what it is about, and unfortunately I'm not satisfied enough by the knowledge the media gives me on it to make that opinion.
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Old 16-09-2008, 20:58   #41
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by banjoman View Post
I find this quite interesting :

BBC NEWS | UK | First Hindu faith school opening

In it one of the Hindu federation says : "We're hoping it won't actually divide people from us, but integrate them in a different way..."

Eh ? by only allowing people who believe in Hindu values in, yet this only represents 33% of the population there isnt that alienation rather than integration ?
I went to Roman Catholic schools in this Church of England country, do you think I am alienated as well?

Religious schooling is a good idea I think because they have a better understanding of the students beliefs and can then reflect them on the world outside the school, unlike a school that doesn't understand their beliefs enough to show them how it applies outside.
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Old 16-09-2008, 21:12   #42
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

In the same way that politics and religion is a bad mix, so is religion and education.
If you want your children brainwashed into the same beliefs as yourself, then do it yourself, or pay to send them to classes that will

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Old 16-09-2008, 21:20   #43
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

I don't think religious education is like that at all personally. I've never met anyone that has never rejected an idea that has been taught to them anyway. I'm studying ethics at the moment that relates to this kind of thing but there are so many different ideas that whatever I say can be knocked down by some other theory anyway, which leads me to think that basically there is no right answer at all... but humans are intelligent creatures and form their ethics generally on their fellings towards things. Very few people can honestly say killing is a good thing regardless of what religion has been taught to them.

And no religious school in this country would be allowed to teach anything of an extremist nature, just as a side thought...

Only a few abnormal individuals take pleasure from pain and suffering and death, and I believe they'll think that way no matter what type of school they go to be it religious or non-religious.
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Old 16-09-2008, 21:32   #44
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
In the same way that politics and religion is a bad mix, so is religion and education.
If you want your children brainwashed into the same beliefs as yourself, then do it yourself, or pay to send them to classes that will
Are you saying we should not have church schools, Margaret?

Why is that?

There is a choice of school for everybody. If you are C of E we have St Christophers, if you are Catholic we have Mount Carmel and if you are not religious there are plenty of non church schools i.e. Rhyddings, Hollins, Accrington Academy to send your children to.

If you are not religious you can send your child to a non church school so why would you be against church schools for others?
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 16-09-2008, 21:38   #45
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Leviticus 18: 22 of the Bible pretty much preaches hate for homosexuals. Do you think this means I must believe and live by that because I went to a Catholic School?

The bible is full of all sorts of old fashioned ideology, though I'd like to think any human being capable of learning to read would also be capable of making up their own mind about things.
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