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18-09-2008, 12:25
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
The “When in Rome do as the Romans do” quote, blazey, is made to point out that this is our country and we were here first so any visitors must abide by our laws and not try to enforce their own laws or integrate them into ours.
Look at it this way. If you had a large house and you allowed someone to take up residence in it, how would you feel if they started to try and run your house as they wanted to?
Let us just suppose that your house rule was that the TV had to be switched off at midnight but your ‘guests’ insisted on watching at all hours of the night.
I would imagine that you would soon show them the door.
18-09-2008, 13:36
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Mani what planet are you living on.I think a good holiday to a muslim country would let you see the bigger picture.I am sure your intentions are good but your very misguided.
18-09-2008, 15:13
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by Gordie
Mani what planet are you living on.I think a good holiday to a muslim country would let you see the bigger picture.I am sure your intentions are good but your very misguided.
You really should get to know people before making a comment like that - he is a muslim as far as I am aware
Last edited by MargaretR; 18-09-2008 at 15:19.
18-09-2008, 16:13
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by blazey
Domestic violence and the hate of homosexuality is much further spread than just religious teachings, but whilst we're on the topic this country was once dominantly Catholic, a religion well known for it's distaste for homosexuality and unequal treatment of women.
We're also a country with a lovely grim history in the slave trade. How can we stick our noses up at one culture when our own is just as disgusting in comparison?
We claim to be more civilised than many countries and yet I keep hearing the 'when in rome' type arguments and I find it quite annoying because it implies that our way must be the right way, yet I just need to look at the headlines to see wide spread crime, suffering and the failings of the government that was chosen by our so-called 'we know best' nation.
Currently I would say we are in a bit of a national crisis and at times like these when our government is useless and nothing seems to be getting any better, how can we blame people for turning to God as one last desperate bit of hope and faith.
Our way is the right way, in OUR country, and if people want to come here then they abide by our way or sod of back to where they came from, end of you silly little naive girl.
Last edited by jaysay; 18-09-2008 at 16:16.
18-09-2008, 16:22
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by shakermaker
Err... yeah, a theory with a stupendous amount of hard evidence from millions of years! Hardly 'just a theory' as you infer it to be.
Agreed ... and what a lot of folks forget is that when a scientist uses the word "theory", he means something different from what the lay person understands. For example, we still talk of "atomic theory" and "Avogadro's hypothesis," when they are proven beyond much doubt. To a scientist, "theory" does not mean "educated guess", or "opinion" or "belief"; it means something that has been established and can be challenged by other scientists. Unfortunately for the understanding of most lay people, they still call it a theory even when it assumes the status of "fact."
18-09-2008, 18:14
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by jaysay
Our way is the right way, in OUR country, and if people want to come here then they abide by our way or sod of back to where they came from, end of you silly little naive girl.
Were those last four words really necessary?
But I keep on forgetting, some people on this forum are not allowed to have their own opinions if they happen to be different to others.
18-09-2008, 18:27
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
If things our being done the right way in this country then why are our children stabbing each other over their pocket money, our women being raped by our own, our elderly being mugged and left to die in the street, not to mention the homeless people we ignore.
From what I understand of this issue, as a law student, is that the only sharia law that would be enforced IF ACCEPTED BY BOTH PARTIES, is that of which doesn't breach the Human Rights Act.
I know you are thinking of the Camel's nose, but really, unless something extremely dramatic occurs any time soon then I doubt we are going to see a change in the law that affects a huge portion of the popularity.
Besides, how many of you would like to enforce strict muslim punishment on paedophiles? If that was the suggestion then how many people would ignore the camel's nose and enforce it?
How can I be naive when I am one of the few people on this forum who actually dedicates their life to studying the law and society? I have to spend 40 hrs a week studying these legal problems before I take time to come online and discuss them for fun.
I might be young and indeed I may even be silly at times, and I've no doubts I'm probably smaller than you. But please don't insult my intelligence with your petty comments.
18-09-2008, 18:29
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by jambutty
The “When in Rome do as the Romans do” quote, blazey, is made to point out that this is our country and we were here first so any visitors must abide by our laws and not try to enforce their own laws or integrate them into ours.
Look at it this way. If you had a large house and you allowed someone to take up residence in it, how would you feel if they started to try and run your house as they wanted to?
Let us just suppose that your house rule was that the TV had to be switched off at midnight but your ‘guests’ insisted on watching at all hours of the night.
I would imagine that you would soon show them the door.
No such thing as compromise?
18-09-2008, 18:33
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by blazey
No such thing as compromise?
Yes but having it forced onto you isn’t compromise.
18-09-2008, 18:35
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by blazey
I might be young and indeed I may even be silly at times, and I've no doubts I'm probably smaller than you. But please don't insult my intelligence with your petty comments.
ya manage that quite easily without us.     
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
18-09-2008, 18:36
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by jambutty
Yes but having it forced onto you isn’t compromise.
But we have a elected the government who choose to make a compromise on our behalf.
If we don't like it then maybe we should question why we elected such a liberal feckless government in the first place.
I already said I don't know enough about sharia law to know whether it really could or couldn't work, but I wouldn't be so quick to say it is a bad thing on the basis that there are countries that use the law to treat people badly and it's different.
I've seen lots of our own laws treat people badly enough to know better.
18-09-2008, 18:49
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
An Englishman's home is his castle BUT......beyond the moat --
some flexibility is needed by both existing residents and newcomers.
When this balance of concessions appears unequal, the drawbridge goes up and boiling oil gets thrown from the battlements.
It would be easier for all of us to be flexible if we adopted the North American native peoples attitude to land ownership, which is-
No-one owns any patch of earth at any time - we just borrow the use of the bit we stand on for the short time we are here.
As global warming and natural disasters make large parts of this planet uninhabitable, mass population migration will happen.
We will need to decide whether to lower or raise the drawbridge.
....and bear in mind that you may be on the wrong side of one
18-09-2008, 19:33
Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by blazey
We're also a country with a lovely grim history in the slave trade. How can we stick our noses up at one culture when our own is just as disgusting in comparison?
Because we learnt that it was wrong to treat people like that so we moved on. Why would we allow people to treat other as though we were still in the 18th centuary.
Yes our histroy is disgusting, we don't want our future to be as well.
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18-09-2008, 19:43
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
Originally Posted by Neil
Because we learnt that it was wrong to treat people like that so we moved on. Why would we allow people to treat other as though we were still in the 18th centuary.
Yes our histroy is disgusting, we don't want our future to be as well.
Our future is worse as far as I can see, otherwise it'd be a really lovely end to the story.
18-09-2008, 22:43
Resident Waffler
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!
My point regarding the theory of evolution is that things which were once taught as fact when I was at school have since been disproven. I was taught that homo sapiens evolved from neanderthal man. Then evidence was found of neanderthal and homo sapiens co-existing. The 'earliest known ancestor' keeps getting knocked off the perch too in favour of a new discovery of an even earlier one. Evolution is far from being on solid ground. There are far too many missing links, not just the mythological 'one'.
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