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19-03-2005, 11:07
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Just in case the page DOES change...
TheWizardOfOzzy _WRITES "Known to most people only because of a football team and an old milk advert featuring a couple of Scouse kids, the once thriving Lancashire mill town of Accrington is now, quite frankly, a chav-ridden wasteland. For a town of just over 30,000 people, it has a disproportionate number of dodgy areas: Lower Antley, Fern Gore, Rothwell Ave, Meadoway and Spring Hill (to name but a few) are dotted all around the town, meaning that nowhere in Accy can you live a safe distance from thieving, dole-scrounging wasters. Oh, and not forgetting the Huncoat estate, which is so grim that when a load of ****** arrived there a few years ago, even they couldn't find anything worth nicking.
The town centre, despite the council's best efforts to spruce it up, just illustrates the chav population's descent into total lack of sophistication and taste. Until a decade or so ago, it had an interesting array of mainly independent local shops, but one by one, these have almost all closed down and been replaced by the likes of Poundstretcher, Matalan, TK Maxx, Argos and Wilko's. Particularly popular are the 'everything for 99p' type shops. Despite frequenting these emporiums of utter tat on a daily basis, the locals still haven't grasped the simple concept of them - they can often be heard asking the assistants "'Ey up, 'ow much is this then?"
As far as food goes, all of the chav's favourite eateries and supermarkets are of course present: McDonalds, KFC, Lidl, Netto, Aldi and Iceland are all doing a roaring trade. Woe betide anyone who opens an Italian or Indian restaurant in Accy - they soon find to their cost that the locals don't want any of that "foreign muck".
The same is true when it comes to drinking: the interesting old boozers have practically all disappeared, and in their place are theme bars serving watered-down lager to Burberry-clad youths, who are frantically trying to down enough of it to build up their Dutch courage for the inevitable fight at Lar-de-Dars nightclub ("Lardys") later in the evening.
In fact, there's so much booze-related violence in Accy that it was the first town in the country where drinking alcohol in the street was outlawed. The town centre boasts special signs with a picture of a pint glass inside a red triangle. Not that anyone takes any notice of them, as the blood and vomit to be found in the streets most mornings will testify.
Accy is also notable for the sheer stupidity of its chav criminals. The same names appear time and time again in the crime columns of the local rag, caught and convicted over and over again for the same type of offences. In one recent case, a local Einstein was caught stealing an old biddy's handbag just TWENTY MINUTES after being released from prison, having served a sentence for theft. Back he went for another few months...
On the plus side, Accrington must be one of the last places in the UK where you can still buy a house for under £20,000. Buy one as an investment, insure it to the hilt, let it out to DSS tenants, they'll eventually do a runner, the local chavs will torch it, and you'll be laughing all the way to the bank. Just don't EVER consider living there."
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
19-03-2005, 11:12
Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
I found it very funny. Should I be offended? Nope because we live in Oswaldtwistle ( waiting for similar post about Ossie to be posted )
19-03-2005, 12:26
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Ossy is also Chav central after dark concentrated in the Booze Busters/ War Memorial/Co-op triangle. lt's unfair to label everyone in the stated article as Chavs, theres lots of hardworking decent people also trying to live there. Was funny though, strange that Chavs become a badge of honour! He was wrong about lndian/foreign food though, obviously never been in Accy when it's chucking out time.
Who is the OssyGoblin, does he darken our door here?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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19-03-2005, 13:39
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Perhaps instead of the snipping and tying of tubes of one sort or another, the better solution might be to sever the umbilical cord that provides their source of income and encourages their lack of productivity.
19-03-2005, 14:30
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
yes chavs should be sterilized and the current generation executed along with the rest of the scum
19-03-2005, 21:50
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
The only way to solve the benefits-scrounger problem is to remove the benefits. When people either have to work or starve, they work.
Look at Tax Credits. It is only necessary for a single parent, or one of a couple, to work 16 hours a week in order to qualify for Working Tax Credit. Child Tax Credit is given for each child and can be claimed even if the parents are not working at all, on top of Child Benefits. I know of many cases where people are receiving over £10K a year in Tax Credits and also getting Child Benefit, Housing Benefit, Income Support, free prescriptions, free school meals etc. They are taking from the State but they give nothing back.
Then there's the old favourite, Disabled Living Allowance. Did you know that you can claim this if your child is diagnosed with ADHD? In other words, have a badly behaved child and get paid for it. No I won't lump all such diagnosed children together, perhaps that would be unfair, but the majority are simply the outcome of disastrous parenting. You can also claim DLA if you are unfit for work. I heard of a woman who claimed she couldn't work because she had "short legs". Well, I have short legs (I'm only 5'1) and I'm still working, past retirement age. This same woman's legs, by the way, are not too short to stop her driving a car. A bad back is favourite as it's very difficult to disprove. Again, I've had a bad back for 20 years. Show me someone who hasn't once they get past the age of 50.
I would never deny Benefits to those in genuine need. When the Welfare State first began that was the whole point of them but, today, it is far too easy for the idle and work-shy to work the System and end up better off than some who work hard all their lives.
I wouldn't sterilise the Chavs. I would refuse them any Tax Credits and Housing Benefit unless they work at least 30 hours a week, stop any payments at all for any after the first two children and refuse DLA unless they are absolutely proved to be incapable of going to the local pub or bingo hall, with a heavy fine for those claimants who still manage a holiday in Tenerife despite their disability. What's more, I would re-instate corporal punishment, in other words I would give teachers back the right to discipline pupils and policemen the right to clout young thugs. Do away with the the ASBO and Community Service and bring back some form of National Service and the old, tough Approved School system for the wrong-doers.
I suppose I am advocating an England, an Accrington, as it was 50 years ago. To those who may disagree with my views I make no apology. It was a damned sight better place to live then than now.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
19-03-2005, 22:03
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
As some one who would starve unless l got Disability Living Allowance and Incapacity Benefit, unless l survived on stale cakes, l totally disagree and not only from a personal point of view. The original idea of the Welfare State was to act a saftey net, not as a trampoline for a feckless generation to make it their raison d'etre. lt's the system that needs changing not the ideal.
See my journal entry for today before you judge me, and then l'll be ready to argue my case, or beg for a few crumbs Missus 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
19-03-2005, 22:17
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
how about fitting them all with cast iron, unbreakable chastity belts instead.
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19-03-2005, 22:27
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Originally Posted by g78
how about fitting them all with cast iron, unbreakable chastity belts instead.
Wouldn't work Chavs chafe. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
19-03-2005, 22:30
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
No, Garinda, I don't begrudge anyone in genuine need and if you read again what I said you will see that. I do begrudge those who are claiming this Benefit who are not genuine and you must know that there are many of them. It makes me very angry that I know of people who really do need the support of DLA who have been refused at Tribunals when others, who are quite capable of working, get away with it.
I'm sorry if what I said hurt you as an individual. It wasn't my intention to cast any aspersions on those who have no alternative to claiming a Benefit, merely to point out that the Benefit system is abused on a wide scale.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
19-03-2005, 22:38
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Perhaps l misunderstood you West Ender, so then l owe you an appology. l quiet agree, the system as it is needs an over haul, so people can't so easily take advantage of it.
l recently enjoyed a holiday in Gran Canaria, not Tenerife. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Last edited by garinda; 19-03-2005 at 23:06.
19-03-2005, 23:05
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Agreed. Friends?
It's these very scroungers who make life hard for the genuine claimants like you. Just as a "for instance", there is a former mining community not far from where I live. About 60% of the men there were miners until the demise of the coal mining industry. Of them, approximately 75% are now claiming DLA, though they were all able-bodied enough to work in the pits. Their local golf club membership is full because all these "disabled" ex-miners are out on the course 7 days a week.
I also have a close friend who is disabled, she has arthritis in her spine and cannot walk without sticks, and she had to fight to be considered a genuine case. She eventually came off DLA when she got a job as a typist in my office. She dreads not being able to continue working because she will have to go through the same humiliating procedure as before if she can't support herself.
It's a mad, mad world.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
19-03-2005, 23:11
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
P.S. Garinda
I've never met you but I'm quite sure you're NOT a Chav. 
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
20-03-2005, 10:56
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Originally Posted by West Ender
P.S. Garinda
I've never met you but I'm quite sure you're NOT a Chav. 
No, l may infact be a transchavette
N.B. After a flurry of PM's WestEnder and l are now bestest friends, and are agreed we agree on the basic view of the original thread.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
21-03-2005, 06:54
Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
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