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21-03-2005, 09:34
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
ive been sterolized after haveing twins on my 4th c sextion and im now preg again and the twin are only six months old so we are on about getting them removed and my partner haveing the snip and me going on the pilll see iff that works i wouldnt advice it after a c section it give u more chance of it comeing off
21-03-2005, 09:47
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Can't you sue someone after having steralization and it fails?
Watch Channel 4 ads this afternoon and see if no-win no-fee soliciters can sort you out.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
21-03-2005, 10:06
Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Originally Posted by carl hurles
ive been sterolized after haveing twins on my 4th c sextion and im now preg again and the twin are only six months old so we are on about getting them removed and my partner haveing the snip and me going on the pilll see iff that works i wouldnt advice it after a c section it give u more chance of it comeing off
Please can someone translate this into English for me.
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21-03-2005, 11:04
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Originally Posted by garinda
Can't you sue someone after having steralization and it fails?
Watch Channel 4 ads this afternoon and see if no-win no-fee soliciters can sort you out.
You can't sue them because they are very clever and tell you that ''nothing is 100%'' so therefore they aren't liable for it.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
21-03-2005, 13:41
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Originally Posted by garinda
Can't you sue someone after having steralization and it fails?
Watch Channel 4 ads this afternoon and see if no-win no-fee soliciters can sort you out.
No, you can't sue - but there was a case a couple of years back where a woman got Legal Aid after undergoing voluntary sterilisation - her existing children were in care, Social Services had stated firmly that if she had another baby, it would be taken into care immediately after the birth, and this cow got Legal Aid (our money) to sue the Local Health Authority because they refused to try to reverse her sterilisation!!
It's not new - the Fabians (early champagne socialists) were of the opinion that the "undeserving poor" should be put into labour camps and sterilised so that they could not breed.
It's true - remove the benefits, you remove the incentive. If someone will not work, and is able to work, then don't give them any money. I am sitting at my desk, dosed to the eyeballs with Nurofen plus because I have RSI and some days it is agonising. BUT I work full-time and extremely hard.
21-03-2005, 14:01
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
My friend Janet was sterilised and they put the clips in the wrong place and she needed it doing again to put them in the right place, the same surgeon had carried the same op out on many women and none of them could sue even though they had to go through the op again, this was carried out at Scunthorpe General so if you are planning on being sterilised don't go ther.
My sister was sterilised after having her daughter who is now 16 and found heself to be prgnant 10 years later and is now the proud mother to a lovely 6 year old.
As for the chavs I think they should be sterilised or made to support their offspring by getting a job like the rest of society
The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed .......Sebastine Chamford
21-03-2005, 14:04
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
I had a tubal ligature (posh for sterlisation) some years back. I had two children. I would have liked more, but two was what I could afford and cope with as I worked full time (I took maternity leave when my son was born). So why should I pay a fortune in tax and Social Security so that some idiot woman can have 14 kids by several different fathers?
21-03-2005, 14:06
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Originally Posted by pendy
I had a tubal ligature (posh for sterlisation) some years back. I had two children. I would have liked more, but two was what I could afford and cope with as I worked full time (I took maternity leave when my son was born). So why should I pay a fortune in tax and Social Security so that some idiot woman can have 14 kids by several different fathers?
Exactly..they are a drain on our taxes...
The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed .......Sebastine Chamford
21-03-2005, 14:30
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
It sucks doesn't it.
You should have to apply for the right to have children.
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21-03-2005, 14:43
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Good job u mentioned that or else i would have .. lone parents gets enough stick n usually tarred with this breed unfairly!!! Some of us tried to make it the proper way but end up finding too late that the sperm donor or [egg donor as case maybe] is a total selfish, lazy, evil arse'ole whom cant keep fists/willys [fannys] to 'emselves n leave the other parent to just 'survive' with difficulty n reliant on whats available cos those w*nk*rs wont take responsibilty  n try to hold a job n childcare by yerself with no help!! Agree that parents whom leave their kids n dont provide then shouldn't be in a position to father/mother more..... rant over lol! .....now love to know how i can have my kids dressed in Burbury n Baby Gap waste of dosh n wots wrong with George Asda ...they do lasting quality n inexpensive n does for my lot
Originally Posted by garinda
l'd just like to say l have nothing against parents bringing up children under averse conditions. l'm just sick of boys and girls dragging children around town and not taking the slightest bit of interest in them. l see them everyday, and soon these children who have been dragged up will go onto breed themselves, and it frightens me.
21-03-2005, 22:15
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Can I just say something in defense of single parents?
I think you will have gathered I'm rather anti the Scroungers we all know are around us. I have to say, though, that both my daughters have been single parents at some time in their lives. My youngest daughter still is and lives, together with her 5 year old daughter, with me. Neither, obviously, wanted to be in that position.
My elder daughter was left with a baby son. She didn't work until he was 5 years old. During those years she did an OU degree and, once he was in school she got a full-time job, continued studying and is now a qualified Accountant. The early years were hard but she coped, with some help from her father and me. Subsequently she saw that her son had a good education and made financial sacrifices so that he could go to Manchester Grammar School. He is now a 19 year old college student and she is happy with a decent, hard working partner.
My younger daughter was "dumped" before her little girl was born. She refused to be labelled a Single Mother on Benefits and went back to work, part-time, when the baby was 4 months old. She is bringing up a delightful, intelligent little girl who has a bright future ahead of her - and a very good relationship with her father, which my daughter worked towards regardless of her own feelings.
I get a little tired of the labelling of children from single-parent families as the "no-hopers" of tomorrow. There are many single parents who are responsible and caring and I totally agree with Accystanmac that there's too much adverse comment about lone parents. And yes, my granddaughter looks great in her George from Asda clothes too. 
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Last edited by West Ender; 21-03-2005 at 22:32.
21-03-2005, 22:26
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Blimey can o worms- loads of issues going on here now all worth a seperate thread, anyone?
1/ Single or Pair, l've every admiration for good parents, thats all of you as Chavs would find all this here to like hard work!
2/l know sterilization aint 100%, nothing in life is.
3/My Great Grandfather was a Fabian, but being a Methodist had to pass on the Champagne, and not in the usual way it's passed. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
21-03-2005, 22:33
Beacon of light
Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
All surgeons explain to women BEFORE they are sterilized that there is a 1 in 300 failure rate, this applies to however it is done e.g through the telescope or by abdominal operation......and whoever does it......so it is just as likely to fail if a consultant does the job as if it is done by a senior house officer.
But it is like a car crash.....no one ever thinks it will be them that is the one in three hundred. Hysterectomy is a pretty sure bet though.
21-03-2005, 23:26
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Well said n thanx Westender bout single parents we arn't scroungers made out to be n sick of being labelled as such as with owt you'll get those whom do abuse this by claiming to be a SP but clearly arn't which p*sses me orf cos it makes a mockery of those of us whom are trying to do the best for our children n want to work but find work can be limiting for balancing kids n work single handedly work bloody hard specially if u have no support from anyone being both mum n dad n try to work - no wonder my heads up my bum sometimes its very trying!
21-03-2005, 23:43
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Re: Should Chavs be sterelized?
Originally Posted by accystanmac
Well said n thanx Westender bout single parents we arn't scroungers made out to be n sick of being labelled as such as with owt you'll get those whom do abuse this by claiming to be a SP but clearly arn't which p*sses me orf cos it makes a mockery of those of us whom are trying to do the best for our children n want to work but find work can be limiting for balancing kids n work single handedly work bloody hard specially if u have no support from anyone being both mum n dad n try to work - no wonder my heads up my bum sometimes its very trying!
In no way did l say when l started this thread anything about single parents. My Grandmother was a single parent, and it can be even more difficult to raise children well on your own, which she did for my Mum & my Aunt. Good parenting is an attitude a lot of these so called Chavs don't have, thats the point, not if they are single, paired or living in a menange a trois in a Burberry tent.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
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