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Old 23-02-2007, 14:03   #31
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Cool Re: Should Harry Go?

Some troops being withdrawn from Iraq and now it has been announced that 1,000 more troops will be sent o Afghanistan. We could see that coming!
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Old 23-02-2007, 14:04   #32
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Re: Should Harry Go?

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Yes, I think he should go - if he joined the army then he has to serve as a regular guy.

Btw Ianto, a friend of mine entered the army as an officer so I don't think it's just royalty that can do that.
I understand Gayle, I was in the Royal Armoured Corps, my question was 'why' are they always officers? In this last batch of 'armified royals' only prince Edward could not hack it, he should have been made to serve in the ranks 'backsquadied' into a lesser demanding regiment, not let out to play with paint brushes, and a fancy wife found for him.
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Old 23-02-2007, 14:26   #33
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Re: Should Harry Go?

Originally Posted by SamF View Post
If you have a degree you can go in as officer.
Getting in with a degree does not guarantee you will be an officer, if you fail to pass the basic tests that any soldier has to do and attain a certain standard in drill firearms medical standards, (Marines and parachute regiments are more strict than the others), you will be backsquadied to try again, then if you fail you will be 'binned', or offered a less demanding regiment. This applies to all ranks not just officer cadets who all do the same initial basic training. You would be amazed at the amount of 'two left feet brigade' that have degrees and get 'binned'.
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Old 23-02-2007, 19:31   #34
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Re: Should Harry Go?

I believe with a college degree over here, you can go into the army as a 2nd lieutenant! Not sure how that corelates to the British Army.


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Old 24-02-2007, 01:58   #35
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Re: Should Harry Go?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
I believe with a college degree over here, you can go into the army as a 2nd lieutenant! Not sure how that corelates to the British Army.

It's the same here Brian, doctors and the like are 'fastracked' up to captain prety quickly, but usually that's as far as they go.
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Old 24-02-2007, 07:39   #36
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Thumbs up Re: Should Harry Go?

Originally Posted by katex View Post
I think the main problem here is that he definitely would be singled out as the prime target, so more at risk than any other soldier and so would the men under his command. What a coup that would be for the 'opposition', eh ? They would certainly stick their tongues out at us.

Anyway, good luck to the lad and come back safe, as I wish all the serving soldiers out there.
Agree with you he would be a prime target. Hope ALL the lads come back safe including H
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Old 24-02-2007, 13:43   #37
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Re: Should Harry Go?

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
I understand Gayle, I was in the Royal Armoured Corps, my question was 'why' are they always officers? In this last batch of 'armified royals' only prince Edward could not hack it, he should have been made to serve in the ranks 'backsquadied' into a lesser demanding regiment, not let out to play with paint brushes, and a fancy wife found for him.
I'm sorry and I'm not meaning to be awkward but why shouldn't he go in as an officer if he's got the grades to get him in at that rank? I can't imagine anyone, royal or not, saying 'I've got a degree but I'd rather start as a squaddie, thanks', everyone is more or less bound to want to start at the highest rank that they can. Plus, I thought that if you went is as a squaddie there was only so high you could be promoted to regardless of how good you are. So, again why should he not go in as an officer?

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 24-02-2007, 14:42   #38
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Re: Should Harry Go?

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I'm sorry and I'm not meaning to be awkward but why shouldn't he go in as an officer if he's got the grades to get him in at that rank? I can't imagine anyone, royal or not, saying 'I've got a degree but I'd rather start as a squaddie, thanks', everyone is more or less bound to want to start at the highest rank that they can. Plus, I thought that if you went is as a squaddie there was only so high you could be promoted to regardless of how good you are. So, again why should he not go in as an officer?
I'm not arguing either Gayle he got his degree, he did and passed the arduous training to pass out as an officer, I wish him well and a safe return. Why do they always pass at university never any failures all clever bright kid's?, not in the real world, I would have had more respect for Harry as a private soldier working his way through the ranks and realy earning the position he has now short-cutted, believe me I have had to salute some dim -wits in my time in the army. There is nothing to stop any bog standard squadie from attaining any rank, although it is easier in wartime promotion in the field etc.
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Old 24-02-2007, 15:57   #39
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Re: Should Harry Go?

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
I'm not arguing either Gayle he got his degree
Prince William has a degree, but Harry hasn't.

However they were both in the Army Cadets at Eton, which I think goes towards officer entry requirements.
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Old 25-02-2007, 12:58   #40
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Re: Should Harry Go?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Prince William has a degree, but Harry hasn't.

However they were both in the Army Cadets at Eton, which I think goes towards officer entry requirements.
I stand corrected garinda, being a royal probably helped but I must admit it is unusual
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