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Old 22-02-2007, 14:12   #1
Apprentice Geriatric
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Cool Should Harry Go?

The news report stated that Harry would be treated exactly the same as any other soldier.

So without a doubt yes he should go wherever his regiment goes.

He should also be issued with the same weapons that other soldiers were issued with, those that seize up after firing a few shots.
He should go on patrol in a flimsy Range Rover.
He should also have to share his flack jacket and other body armour just like Tommy does.
He should be short of water not just to drink but to wash in.
In short he should suffer all the trials and tribulations that other soldiers do.

If in the event his tour of duty proves to be fatal to him he should be treated like any other casualty of an illegal war.

Should Harry come home in a body bag, and I don’t wish that on anyone, what’s the betting that sycophants Blair, Brown and the cabinet will be at Brize Norton with military band and the full trimmings. I didn’t notice him there when other body bags arrived.
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Old 22-02-2007, 14:17   #2
white rabbits

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Re: Should Harry Go?

He should be treat exactly like his peers ,after all the other lads are human beings too.And their mums and dads think their sons are just as important,,
But to be fair i think Harry wants to be treated the same
Not a full brick
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Old 22-02-2007, 14:17   #3
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Re: Should Harry Go?

I was never under the impression that any Royals serving in the military received special treatment?
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Old 22-02-2007, 14:23   #4
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Re: Should Harry Go?

It will give the little ****** a reality check and hopefully make him a better person. Title and privalage aint going to make a bullet take a turn to the guy next to him is it. He will have to take his chances with the rest. Mind you he will have the cash to be certain he aint short of owt though.

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Old 22-02-2007, 14:50   #5
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Re: Should Harry Go?

if they aren't prepared for him to serve as a soldier on a par with any other soldier of equal rank then they shouldn't have allowed him to join

all soldiers have a duty to perfom active service when required and as far as i'm concerned he should be no different.

what's ok for little johnny from number 57 is ok for little harry from bucky palace!
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Old 22-02-2007, 14:58   #6
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Re: Should Harry Go?

Too damm right he should go, my son is in the army he,s been told that when he finishes the azmatt course next week he starts battle training
ready to go to afghanistan, in october, what good for one is good for another
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Old 22-02-2007, 15:04   #7
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Re: Should Harry Go?

Does nobody else think that it is more than a coincidence that as it was announced that Harry would be going to Iraq, the gov't announced plans to start pulling our troops out of there....
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Old 22-02-2007, 15:11   #8
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Re: Should Harry Go?

What bugs me about the royals is that they never put their siblings in the armed forces as a bog standard squadie, they are always officers, well if he does go we will see if he is a 'leader of men' if they ever let him out of the cotton wool.
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Old 22-02-2007, 15:23   #9
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Re: Should Harry Go?

they should send teh bloody lot of them and give them size 12 boots then send them looking for landmines
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Old 22-02-2007, 15:26   #10
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Cool Re: Should Harry Go?

Originally Posted by lettie View Post
Does nobody else think that it is more than a coincidence that as it was announced that Harry would be going to Iraq, the gov't announced plans to start pulling our troops out of there....
It would appear that there is a connection but we would have a hard time proving it.

Apparently when some of the troops do come home they will be replaced by 50 on behind the scene activities like training Iraqi forces and well away from the front line so to speak.

Potential scenario for Basra. British troops activity is limited to supporting the Iraqi troops and police. Meaning no more patrols but safely behind a ring of steel. Perfect for Harry so when he finally comes home the pro monarchy brigade will be able to point to the fact that he was on active service in Iraq. Which he would have been but not under direct fire.

I’m pretty sure that the lad would want to be with the men at the front line but moves are afoot to limit his exposure.
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Old 22-02-2007, 15:26   #11
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Re: Should Harry Go?

yes of course he should go .he's in the army ...his uncle andrew was in the falklands war whats the difference ?
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 22-02-2007, 15:53   #12
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Re: Should Harry Go?

sadly what worries me is the fact that once harry and his lads are over there they will dominate media attention when it should be on all our boys not just a select few ..

Im all for him going but at the end of the day he is there to do a job just like every other squaddie, my sons done his bit over there thankfully and he is soon to return to afghanistan but as i mother i feel for every lad that is serving in such places ..not just my own
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Old 22-02-2007, 16:25   #13
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Re: Should Harry Go?

Someone, a member from abroad, sent me a pm last night on this subject, asking if it would be treasonable to start a thread asking if Prince Harry was being sent to a war zone because by paternity he isn't really Royal!

I don't know why they chose to ask me, but I answered by saying what's another conspiracy thread amongst so many, and if he wants to start a thread he should.

Sorry Steeljack, but Jambutty beat you to it!

My own thoughts are that Harry should be treated like any other member of the armed services, not to do so would be an insult to all those serving at present.
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Old 22-02-2007, 18:24   #14
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Re: Should Harry Go?

I think the main problem here is that he definitely would be singled out as the prime target, so more at risk than any other soldier and so would the men under his command. What a coup that would be for the 'opposition', eh ? They would certainly stick their tongues out at us.

Anyway, good luck to the lad and come back safe, as I wish all the serving soldiers out there.
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Old 22-02-2007, 18:25   #15
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Re: Should Harry Go?

shouldnt have joined the bloody army if they dont want em to go to war!
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