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View Poll Results: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants
yes 14 77.78%
no 4 22.22%
Voters: 18. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 13-07-2005, 09:41   #16
Senior Member

Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

I agree that you should be recompensed for any damage caused by bad neighbours but this dosen't just apply to private tenants but council ones as well. The rules have changed so that if some scumbag puts your window through HBC say it is the tenants responsibility to replace it. If you have problem neighbours it takes HBC forever to get rid of them. they like to give them lots of chances to mend they're ways.
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Old 13-07-2005, 11:10   #17
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

i think the screening by many is none existant,there are some good landlords but the bad ones far outweigh them. at the end of the day i think it would be difficult to legislate but safeguards for the neighbours should somehow be implemented,as chav says some are only interested in the GIRO.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 13-07-2005, 11:17   #18
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

I must admit we have a very good landlord,if there is anything that needs doing he is there after all it his his property he has done all we asked him to do ie new kitchen floor new kitchen units ect .
I phoned him the other day about the lock on the front door he was there the next day with a new one and he even did some weeding in the garden for use.
As long as we look after the property he will look after us by the way he lives in rotherham
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Old 13-07-2005, 12:00   #19
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

Originally Posted by Debbie J
I agree that you should be recompensed for any damage caused by bad neighbours but this dosen't just apply to private tenants but council ones as well. The rules have changed so that if some scumbag puts your window through HBC say it is the tenants responsibility to replace it. If you have problem neighbours it takes HBC forever to get rid of them. they like to give them lots of chances to mend they're ways.
I think you'll find it's the courts that drag it out when most councils/Housing Associations are desperate to evict these low lifes!!! Not sticking up for HBC in any way, just from personal experience working for a housing association

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 13-07-2005, 12:14   #20
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

in holland i think it is they make scumbags live in converted shipping containers under motorways

bloody good idea
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Old 13-07-2005, 12:21   #21
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

If we can't make parents accountable for their kids....................................
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Old 13-07-2005, 17:40   #22
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

Of course landlords should be held accountable, not only for their Tennants but for any lager they sell. They should clean their pumps regularly.
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Old 13-07-2005, 18:06   #23
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Thumbs up Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Can't we find a nice island somewhere to dump the lot of them on and leave them to their own devices so the rest of us can live in peace and quiet?
I think france will be a good place for them . and its not the landlords folt, WHAT thay do
small ,
green and
... meen ...
.. apest1 ..
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Old 14-07-2005, 13:48   #24
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

The problem can be, if you are a landlord, that you have an agent managing your property. The agent is supposed to screen tenants, but all too often they will accept someone on housing benefit with no references, because if the property is empty they aren't getting paid.

I fully agree that if people are able bodied, they should do something for their dole money/ benefits. Keeping the streets clean could be a start - doing gardening for elderly/disabled people, doing their shopping - but it's a fair bet that a large majority would suddenly develop bad backs or something similar.

Wandsworth Council adopted a policy of dealing with problem tenants by putting them all on one sink estate - that way, they only annoyed one another. Of course there was an outcry from the bleeding-heart liberals that this was unfair to the problem tenants, but Wandsworth replied that it was totally fair to the decent tenants.

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Old 14-07-2005, 19:13   #25
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

three cheers for wandsworth council its a damn good idea.or is that not p.c.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 14-07-2005, 21:59   #26
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

No doubt they were accused of creating ghettos but if it keeps them out of the hair of responsible and respectable citizens good for Wandsworth.

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Old 15-07-2005, 00:12   #27
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

i had to edit this because if the scum i mentioned got wind of what i put it may put my friends property at risk

lets just say a friend of mine is suffering from scum that should either be executed or forced to live in caves

Last edited by chav1; 15-07-2005 at 00:18.
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Old 17-07-2005, 10:46   #28
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

I recently reported a council tennant for sub-letting. The property in my honest opinion is being used now for a drugs drop. The council say they cant do anything about it. . Reported it to the police weeks ago too.
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Old 18-07-2005, 00:24   #29
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

no wonder we get so many idiots in private rented houses through estate agents

my friend has just been to rent a house and the conversation went somthing like this

friend: how much deposit do you want
estate agent : £200
friend : no problem i have that here in my pocket when can i move in
estate agent: straight away
friend: good i will pop round tomorrow after work
estate agent : sorry did you say work
friend : yes me and my partner both have jobs
estate agent: oooh sorry but were going to need a months rent in advance and a gurentour to sighn this form plus the £200 deposit

seems like WORKING for a living can seriously hinder the chances of getting a roof over your head

now i know that a person on benefits can pay a deposit on a rented property and the estate agents wont start getting rent through for between 8 - 12 weeks so they are willing to go without rent for upto 3 months if you have no job but if you dare work for a living want paying upfront and a gurentour before you get over the first hurdle

Last edited by chav1; 18-07-2005 at 00:27.
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Old 18-07-2005, 09:43   #30
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

HOW The hell have we arrived at a situation as ludicrous as this?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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