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View Poll Results: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants
yes 14 77.78%
no 4 22.22%
Voters: 18. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 18-07-2005, 09:49   #31
Resting in peace
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

We've got here because we have encouraged a work-shy population to believe that there IS something for nothing - and all too often there is. Why work hard and see over a third of your income go in tax and national insurance, when you can sit on your idle backside and get everything paid for? There are posters on London buses inviting Islington tenants on housing benefit to apply for their FREE gas overhauls and FREE wiring checks. Where is the money supposed to come from? - from those poor idiots who feel that they have responsibilities as well as rights - i.e. you and me. There are those who need help, and they must be given it. If you cannot work due to ill health or disability, then fair enough. But if you simply don't want to work, then you shouldn't be paid for it. Link benefits to community service - save the Council street-sweeper's wages by getting the undeserving unemployed to do it. Job-Seeker's allowance is a joke - all too many of them are not seeking jobs, but actively avoiding them.
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Accrington Web
Old 18-07-2005, 10:11   #32
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

I dont think the landlords should be held accountable, its the responsisbility of the tenant, these louts need to take responsibility for something, I think landlords should keep an eye on how their property is being treated and get references for their tennants, but their tennants behaviour isn't their responsibility.
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Old 18-07-2005, 12:41   #33
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

i dont want to stereo type but you can usualy figure out if a tennant is going to be trouble when they turn up to view the property and propper background checks should be compulasary infact i would go as far to say that landlords should be able to acess criminal records like security firms can so that they can check if they are going to be renting to violent people , drugdealers , burgulars or peodophiles etc
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