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View Poll Results: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants
yes 14 77.78%
no 4 22.22%
Voters: 18. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 12-07-2005, 20:27   #1
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should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

i doubt i am alone in been one of the poor soles who lives on a street where a few properties have been bought up by housing agencies who couldnt give a toss who they rent out to as long as they get the the rent

now this isnt a dig at anyone renting property i have done so my self in the past but theres always that one family that moves into a house and all hell hits the street from drug dealing , prostitution and rioting in the streets an destruction of other peoples property ie: windows cars etc

what i ask is should landlords be held accountable for their tennants actions and have to take out some kind of liabilty insurance so that if their tennants go about destroying other peoples property the victim can claim against their insurance

this may well make landlords check out people properly before renting out to any old scumbag
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Old 12-07-2005, 20:31   #2
Resident Waffler

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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

Not sure of they should be made liable but I would like to see landlords take more interest in who they rent property to. I too have a personal interest in this due to a neighbouring eyesore of a house.

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Old 12-07-2005, 20:33   #3
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

but if a landlord got the typical scumbag turning up on his doorstep they may think twice about letting it rent their property if they knew it would hurt their pocket if they were trouble
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Old 13-07-2005, 06:54   #4
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

Yes I do think landlords should be held accountable. I live on what used to be a quiet street. There is a family renting a house on here, and a bigger load of scumbags you've never seen. The popular weekend pastime for them seems to be fighting in the street and usually one of their windows goes through. We are sick to death of phoning the police.
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Old 13-07-2005, 07:07   #5
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

we had a very similar family on my street not too long ago and they got evicted but soon rented another house on the next street

only last night my whole family was awoke at 4am because some drugged up bint was walking the streets screaming Lee Lee where are you you lying f**king B**tard for over 1 hour

perhaps if these scumbags were forced to work cleaning cannals or somthing for their dole money they wouldnt have the energy to be argueing in the streets at 4am
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Old 13-07-2005, 07:11   #6
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

Can't we find a nice island somewhere to dump the lot of them on and leave them to their own devices so the rest of us can live in peace and quiet?

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Old 13-07-2005, 07:19   #7
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

we tried that once and it worked out pretty well

australia lol

hang on it didnt work as well as we may think

they have loverly weather

golden beeches

clear seas

no imigrant problem as far as i know

looks like we got screwed lol

Last edited by chav1; 13-07-2005 at 07:21.
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Old 13-07-2005, 07:22   #8
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

Two Familys have moved into our street and since this hot weather ,we have had nothing but loud music ,fights , drinking in the street ,shouting to all hours of the night the police have been round they even bring the stereo outside to play music .
we rent the house we live in and have a very good landlord but these two have just been left to get on with it .
The amount of litter in the street ie empty cans and bottles has gone up a lot they just do not care and only think of themselfs,kids are trying to sleep but with the noise its hard for them
The landlord should check just who he is renting the property too first

Last edited by Mick; 13-07-2005 at 07:27.
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Old 13-07-2005, 07:26   #9
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

i feel for you mick we have plenty of them arouind here and even though the little idiots wouldnt put up much of a fight if you went out and had words the spinless scumbags wont even think twice about smashing your windows for daring to ask if they could turn off thier music at 4 or 5am
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Old 13-07-2005, 07:31   #10
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

I own a couple of properties in Accy and I for one dont think the tenants behaviour should be the responsiblity of the landlord. Having said that, we do screen our potential tenants and it is my own interest to make sure they are reliable and look after the house. No 'private' landlord wants trouble tenants.
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Old 13-07-2005, 07:35   #11
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

no offence but a lot of landlords dont care less who they rent to as long as they get money

its good to see you take care as to who you let your property to but a lot of landlords dont care and arnt the easiest peopel in the world to track down if average joe wants to complain to them

its not as though the tennants are going to tell you their landlords names
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Old 13-07-2005, 08:47   #12
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

well arn't you lot lucky!

In the street where i live its the other way round not a handful of bad tennants we have a handful of good tennants. Its a knightmare, these goings on you talk of are an everyday thing to us.

As it is preston council who own this estate speaks for itself, the only good ones are those who keep themselves to themselves, i have lived here for 6 years now and i know very few people round here through choice.

I used to private rent but then when i was 8 months pregnant he sold the house we were living in so we had to move here we plan to buy the house and move away from this estate i hate so much.

Right back to thread, i know you are talking private rent here but i dont agree that the landlord should be held responsible for the tenants actions but i do think there should be some sort of insurance taken out so that if anything does happen you are abe to claim from the landlords insurance instead of your own, in fact i think its a great idea.

How many times has criminal damage been done but nobody's paid up for it?
maybe the rent could include some kind of insurance, i don't know but like i said i think its a good idea.
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Old 13-07-2005, 08:51   #13
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

People should be accountable for their own actions, but I agree that there should be tougher screening of potential lodgers.
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Old 13-07-2005, 08:59   #14
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

like i said in my original post i am not saying all people who rent houses are like this and i have rented many properties yet i was always considerate to my sourounding neighbours even when i was a teenager

what i object to is landlords renting properties to people they sure as hell wouldnt like as their neighbours and i also think landlords should be forced to maintain the properties they own so as not to make the street look bad or cause damage to neigbouring properties because they cant be bothered repairing roofs and gutterings etc

i worked pretty damned hard in a job i hate to put a roof over me and my familys head and these scumbags come along causing my family sleepless nights and damaging my property all on a free ride provided by the tax payer and as long as the landlord gets his or her giro/checque from HBC they couldnt care less

Last edited by chav1; 13-07-2005 at 09:01.
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Old 13-07-2005, 09:38   #15
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Re: should landlords be held accountable for their tennants

I am in a private rented house, i make sure i behave myself because my sister is my landlord. lol
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