i bet the officer was '
just doing his duty' or the victim was tazered as a result of a '
misunderstanding'(move along now nothing to prosicute here)
The case has been refered to the IPCC a totally government run and funded organization heaed by a former prison governer(move along now nothing to prosicute here)
Chief Superintendent stuart williams said “On Friday evening we received a number of reports that a man was walking through Chorley armed with a samurai sword. A description of the offender was circulated to officers and patrols were sent to look for the man.
“One of the officers who arrived in Chorley believed he had located the offender. Despite asking the man to stop, he failed to do so and the officer discharged his taser.
“It then became apparent that this man was not the person we were looking for and officers attended to him straight away. He was taken Chorley Hospital by police officers who stayed with him whilst he was checked over by medics. They then took him to meet his friends in Chorley at his request.
“Lancashire Constabulary deeply regrets what has happened. We have clearly put this man through a traumatic experience and we are extremely sorry for that. Officers have remained in contact with him and his family over the past few days to enquire about his recovery and we will continue to keep in touch with him and keep him informed of our inquiry.
“We have launched an urgent investigation to understand what lessons can be learned and the matter has also been referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.”
MORE LIKE Chief Superintendent stuart williams said we've a duty and freehand to tazer anyone we like with impunity