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18-04-2005, 14:10
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Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
My immeadiate reaction on hearing of this incident in yesterday's marathon was to ask the question "Whatever happened to the Rule of Law?". Irrespective of the event or who you are, peeing in the street is an offence, normally punishable by a fine. Although a constable has the power of discretion, I simply do not see why she was not nicked there and then, especially given the fact the marathon route was lined with hundreds of portaloos.
Although the concensus of opinion is very much in favour of the marathon, nevertheless for local residents along the route - especially those such as myself who are forced into vacating their properties on race day - the event is an annual nightmare to be avoided at all costs, as the great unwashed hoards of screaming kids, drunken louts, half-wit grandparents and their ill-mannered, obnoxious offspring descend into the locality
It has therefore occured to me that the London Mararthon, as such, should cease to exist and in it's place should be a British Marathon, held in a different location each year. As a starter, why not the Lancashire Marathon, encompassing towns such as Accy, so that everyone will get the opportunity to view that delighful millionairess, Mrs Radcliffe, dropping her strides and peeing on Blackburn Road.
Who is in favour of this magnificent sporting event gracing the streets of Accy?
Last edited by Tealeaf; 18-04-2005 at 14:18.
18-04-2005, 14:28
I am Banned
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Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
when i was a kid i was told to goto the toilet befoe setting off on a long journey
i dont see why she shouldnt do the same
if she dosnt want to stop to pee there are things she can use like cathiters and the things like spacemen and women use to pee into when in zero gravity
simply no excuse for peeing in the street its dirty no matter what the excuse
my 2 cents 
18-04-2005, 14:49
Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
I simply do not see why she was not nicked there and then......
Maybe they tried but could not catch her 
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18-04-2005, 15:11
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
i remember a guy i know comin home from the jazz club in the 60s doing the same thing at 1-0 in the morning in a doorway of a shop in burnley rd. no traffic in those days,he was arrested and charged with indecent exposure, they have changed the name of the offence nowadays,does it not matter anymore?how would paula or anyone feel with that in the local paper?the mind boggles.
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18-04-2005, 15:32
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Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
the lesson is to go to the toilet before you go on a 26 mile run or get better bladder control
life is loud protect yourself
18-04-2005, 15:39
land of hope and glory
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Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
When You Are Picking Up Just Under Half A Million For Running Round The Block You Can Pee Anywhere You Want~
18-04-2005, 15:56
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Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
half a million
now that is taking the pi$$ 
18-04-2005, 16:06
land of hope and glory
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Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
when paula was four miles off the finishing line being a blonde she thought to herself if they give me another 80 grand it would have been half a million!at this paulas tummy went all squishy and she needed to pee so low and behold she peed,i was nearly nicked for that in preston centre on a lads night out couldnt wait to get to the next pub (you know what its like lads...... ask paula) lob.... out it comes next minute police all over, my mate said that i was just emptying my caffiter bag and i got let off.
18-04-2005, 16:15
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
To pee, or not to pee......... I suppose we're lucky it was just a pee. After all, it could've been worse and I don't think they make dog pooh bags or poop scoops for people. I like the idea of a British Marathon, although if it ever gets to be Accy's turn, I think I'll bog off to London for the weekend and visit Pendy and Tealeaf. 
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
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18-04-2005, 16:29
land of hope and glory
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Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
Three old men were sitting around the old folks home talking about their problems. One old man says, every morning I have to get up and stand in front of the toilet for about twenty minutes before anything finally decides to come out. The second man says that's nothing. Every morning I sit on the toilet for an hour trying to have a bowel movement. The third man says thats nothing every morning at six o'clock I urinate and at seven o'clock I have a bowel movement. The two men looked at each other and say, so what's the problem! He says, I don't wake up till eight.
can you imagine paula with these problems..........he...hee
18-04-2005, 16:36
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Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
Originally Posted by lettie
, it could've been worse and I don't think they make dog pooh bags or poop scoops for people. I . 
Its already been worse. She crapped her pants in Athens. Thats why she packed up that race. What is it about these athletes that they have to do these things? Really, have they no shame?
18-04-2005, 16:41
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Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
perhaps she was trying for an allmighty fart to give here that extra boost over the finish line and followed through accidently 
18-04-2005, 16:43
white rabbits
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Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
i think i must have been on another planet ,i mssed all that ,,i saw her crouch down along the course but i thought she had cramp...i get bored watching the elete runners ,,i much prefer to watch the fun runners ,,i wish they would show more of them, than the money grabbing top athletes ,,,pity they dont do the run for charity ......
WELL DONE ANYONE OF YOU NORMAL PEOPLE THAT RAN ........hope all your aches and pains soon go
Not a full brick
18-04-2005, 16:43
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Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
Possibly....then again, it could just have been all that foreign muck she was eating out there. She should have stuck to a couple of bacon butties prior to the race.
Anyway, this is a serious thread....Who would like an Accy Marathon?
18-04-2005, 16:49
I am Banned
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Re: Should Paula pee on the streets of Accy?
as long as the money raised goes to a PROPPER LOCAL charity i think it would be a good thing
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