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View Poll Results: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'?
I know Margaret, but it has become another insult-fest. Which I am sure wasn't what was intended when it was started at first.
I wish that threads like this would migrate over to the Over 18's section. I think they would be more appropriate there - and I would be shut out of them...after all, I am only 14.
__________________ The world will not be destroyed by evil people... It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing. (a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Eric good post - you are talking sense unlike the 3 Stooges (Cashman, Less and Jaysay) who only have Knee jerk dogma to say on this subject and many others!
Oh, how upset am I, you named and shamed me as one of your stooges.
What a shame, will I sleep tonight?
Of course I will, will I laugh a little at your comments?
No, I will give a really good belly grunting guffaw at your mediocre posts, I often read through this trash, it confirms that my grip on sanity is so firm in comparison to yours.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Not as another thread, discussing exactly the same subject.
So it would be hopefully clear what support there was, or wasn't, for the leagalisation of recreational drugs.
I hoped the poll could be attached to the thread discussing this issue.
As has happened in the past.
Lib-dem Mayorial Candidate Brian Paddick says if he gets in he'll stop the police nicking people for posessing small amounts of cannabis! To save money!
Lib-dem Mayorial Candidate Brian Paddick says if he gets in he'll stop the police nicking people for posessing small amounts of cannabis! To save money!