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View Poll Results: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'?
No. 24 77.42%
Yes. 7 22.58%
Voters: 31. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 14-05-2012, 19:15   #241
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
That was a pity Margaret, I prefer the old brigade when I'm in hospital, those who are there for all the right reasons, you can't teach caring at university
Just what my mum says . She is now 85 and did her nursing training at Burnley Vic and finished her career at AVH Casualty .She says they are not nurses now just admin staff. She always has a mention when she has to go in hospital over the way nurses always seem to walk round holding a clipboard
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Old 14-05-2012, 20:14   #242
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
That was a pity Margaret, I prefer the old brigade when I'm in hospital, those who are there for all the right reasons, you can't teach caring at university
No John, not really a pity...but a natural progression.
I was 'spent'.........I loved the caring, but was fed up of fighting the bureaucracy of it all.........all I ever wanted was to make a difference to the lives of the patients I looked after.
They tell me that there are still people who ask 'what happened to Sister P?'....and I passed on my skills to the students I taught...I hope I passed on my values too.

After seeing Ma in hospital after her stroke, I know things have not got easier for the nurses....there seemed to be fewer staff, but just as much to do.
I think I did my nursing at just the right time...and got out at the right time too.

I'm pretty sure that Lettie would confirm what I am saying.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 14-05-2012, 22:30   #243
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I didn't retire particularly young....anyway, which patient wants to have an arthritic old bird trying to run to their assistance with the 'crash' trolley.(not that I was arthritic)

I retired at 55 Eric. There were so many meddlesome government targets that meant nothing to the care of patients.......made the lives of nurses more I had paid into my pension and decided to get, while the going was good.(it was a good decision, and I'm glad I'm out of it)
I had had a long and very satisfying career...looked after many women...and later their daughters too...taught lots of student general felt I had done my bit
Mmm ... should have made the compliment a little less opaque But we have to beware of clickism.
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Old 14-05-2012, 22:58   #244
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
Just what my mum says . She is now 85 and did her nursing training at Burnley Vic and finished her career at AVH Casualty .She says they are not nurses now just admin staff. She always has a mention when she has to go in hospital over the way nurses always seem to walk round holding a clipboard
Have to say that in my experience most of the young ward nurses are pretty clued up and must have had excellent trianing...of course the more experienced senior nurses hold the ship together and overall I cannot fault any of the nursing staff I've come across ..young or mature.
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Old 14-05-2012, 23:08   #245
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
What? You can't get marijuana on prescription in the UK?
Only under strict conditions and some NHS Trusts don't do it. It's certainly not like in California where as far as I understand it is so easy to get Cannabis for health problems, very similar to the UK's prescription system in which you can get painkillers like Co-codamol just by seeing a GP!
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Old 14-05-2012, 23:53   #246
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Only under strict conditions and some NHS Trusts don't do it. It's certainly not like in California where as far as I understand it is so easy to get Cannabis for health problems, very similar to the UK's prescription system in which you can get painkillers like Co-codamol just by seeing a GP!
In California it's easy to get cannabis for any purpose ... even easier in British Columbia ... and any painkiller you need, you can get from your family doctor. I think I should point out that the delivery of health care in Canada is the right and responsibility of the individual Provinces ... this adds a different dimension to our health care system.
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Old 15-05-2012, 06:08   #247
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Mmm ... should have made the compliment a little less opaque But we have to beware of clickism.
Thought you were just being curious Eric
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 15-05-2012, 08:44   #248
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
No John, not really a pity...but a natural progression.
I was 'spent'.........I loved the caring, but was fed up of fighting the bureaucracy of it all.........all I ever wanted was to make a difference to the lives of the patients I looked after.
They tell me that there are still people who ask 'what happened to Sister P?'....and I passed on my skills to the students I taught...I hope I passed on my values too.

After seeing Ma in hospital after her stroke, I know things have not got easier for the nurses....there seemed to be fewer staff, but just as much to do.
I think I did my nursing at just the right time...and got out at the right time too.

I'm pretty sure that Lettie would confirm what I am saying.
Its just a pity that you couldn't bottle what you had and sell it on Margaret, you'd have made a fortune
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Old 15-05-2012, 09:56   #249
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

John, I have never wanted a fortune......just enough to make ends meet and the bit extra for the bow.
Being motivated by money is probably one of the biggest problems in the world today.
If I could bottle it and give to every potential carer, then those who need looking after would be the ones to feel the benefit.

I do hope that doesn't sound trite or conceited - it isn't meant to.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 15-05-2012, 10:17   #250
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
John, I have never wanted a fortune......just enough to make ends meet and the bit extra for the bow.
Being motivated by money is probably one of the biggest problems in the world today.
If I could bottle it and give to every potential carer, then those who need looking after would be the ones to feel the benefit.

I do hope that doesn't sound trite or conceited - it isn't meant to.
Well I have to say money has never been King with me either Margaret, so long as I've had enough to satisfy my needs that's all I've ever really wanted, nursing first and foremost to me must be about caring, which doesn't always seem the case today, to be a nurse today you need to be a university grad, but you don't learn caring in the classroom it comes from inside. Its the same with care in the community which I know about first hand, I've been lucky I've had some marvelous people coming into my home and very very few poor ones probably two in two and a half years. Even after my main carer, George, was struck down with illness, I've had some really good people around me and the good news is George could be back shortly which is even better news for him than it is for me, because he'll have won his battle for fitness
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Old 15-05-2012, 10:38   #251
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

How good that George is going to be back with you soon...and that he is back to health once more...I was only thinking about him recently and wondering how he was getting on. Good news indeed, John...for you both.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 15-05-2012, 17:58   #252
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
How good that George is going to be back with you soon...and that he is back to health once more...I was only thinking about him recently and wondering how he was getting on. Good news indeed, John...for you both.
Ya he pops in to see me quite often Margaret, he was here last week, I'm more concerned about him making a complete recovery, because he's such a genuine guy, who's more off a friend now than a carer, but they certainly don't come any better than George, to say that he has only been doing the job around 4 years, Mears are very lucky to have him believe me
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Old 15-05-2012, 19:34   #253
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

If you get a good carer you need to keep hold of them if you can. A good carer is worth their weight in gold .My mum is lucky she has two good carers who call in twice a day every day.
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Old 16-05-2012, 09:20   #254
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
If you get a good carer you need to keep hold of them if you can. A good carer is worth their weight in gold .My mum is lucky she has two good carers who call in twice a day every day.
Spot on there Max, they become part of your life, until George was taken ill he'd been my carer for 20 months and as I've said previously he was more like a mate, since then I've had different ones coming but they've been great, can't complain, I've been very lucky really and there is no doubt that its improved my quality of life and at least I see somebody every day were as before I could go all week without seeing a soul
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Old 24-05-2012, 10:51   #255
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

One for the legalise cannabis camp to ponder. From the 'LancashireTelegraph':

East Lancashire holidaymaker killed on Spanish motorway (From Lancashire Telegraph)

An excerpt from the article:
Mr Laurie became ‘a little paranoid and erratic’, especially after he had smoked cannabis.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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