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View Poll Results: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'?
Since I'm now in the fifth decade, since I first came into contact with illicit drugs, and with all my many already given experiences, which resulted in my already much stated belief that decriminalistion would be seen as a green light, and I believe a resultant increase in users, and therefore more misery for the ones who do develop addictions...don't expect me to change my mind on this issue, anytime soon.
It'll take a better dope than you, if someone's capable of making that happen.
I haven't bothered to read any of your posts for the past six month's, however I feel I still have the right to criticise anything you or anyone else has posted because mine must surely be the only opinion anyone should listen to?
(Actually I try to read everything, but drug related lethargy and the fact that if it's posted on AccyWeb it must mean it's wrong anyway prevents me from giving a damn).
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
I haven't bothered to read any of your posts for the past six month's, however I feel I still have the right to criticise anything you or anyone else has posted because mine must surely be the only opinion anyone should listen to?
(Actually I try to read everything, but drug related lethargy and the fact that if it's posted on AccyWeb it must mean it's wrong anyway prevents me from giving a damn).
Feel free.
Read, don't read.
Carry on regardless.
I will.
Just as I'll carry on turning you every hour.
So those nasty bed sores don't come back.
Give, give, give.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
I haven't bothered to read any of your posts for the past six month's, however I feel I still have the right to criticise anything you or anyone else has posted because mine must surely be the only opinion anyone should listen to?
(Actually I try to read everything, but drug related lethargy and the fact that if it's posted on AccyWeb it must mean it's wrong anyway prevents me from giving a damn).
Since I'm now in the fifth decade, since I first came into contact with illicit drugs, and with all my many already given experiences, which resulted in my already much stated belief that decriminalistion would be seen as a green light, and I believe a resultant increase in users, and therefore more misery for the ones who do develop addictions...don't expect me to change my mind on this issue, anytime soon.
It'll take a better dope than you, if someone's capable of making that happen.
Do you know the actor Keith Allen, he was on a morning TV show and he said, to paraphrase him; "People have been changing the way they enjoy life - using drugs since the dawn of humanity so get over it, we should legalise drugs!"
Do you know the actor Keith Allen, he was on a morning TV show and he said, to paraphrase him; "People have been changing the way they think using drugs since the dawn of humanity so get over it, we should legalise drugs!"
almost guarantee now, that keith, wont be having a good come down, drugs will be shown in a negative way, channel 4 dare not do anything but, irrelevant of figures
bbc 3 have already done it, shown people taking drugs
the hook with this is its live and "celebs" article says a few have been approached
Personally speaking i don't give a toss who takes what, its there choice, what i do give a toss about,is they become addicted n have to thieve to feed the habit.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
We had some good old chin-wags, whilst sat in the bath, on many a Monday afternoon.
Nice chap.
Bit of a scrounger.
Always asking to be 'lent' whatever, that once consumed, he very rarely gives you back.
Lives in a bit of a dream world, but I suppose that's a result of attempting to be educated in Essex.
Yes, people always have, and always will want to feel absolutely effin fantastic, by means of artifical stimulus.
Would l encourage a child l loved to take the risk, in the hope they're in the majority, and won't have to go on the rob, or spread their legs for some olf perv to fund a serious habit?
(That question was to the forum, not myself, by the way. You should at least make an attempt at deception, when practicising that ol' time religious preachin'.)
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Do you know the actor Keith Allen, he was on a morning TV show and he said, to paraphrase him; "People have been changing the way they enjoy life - using drugs since the dawn of humanity so get over it, we should legalise drugs!"
So some actor says its okay to use drugs and you start grovelling at his feet
Talking of Keith Allen, telly programmes, and drugs.
One of the maddest programme I ever saw was the film Keith Allen made about the posh little English wonderboy and so-called antiques expert who appeared on Wogan....who took a few drugs....and few years later is now a mad Welsh slut called Lauren.
Do please research carefully all known side-effects, before necking any pills.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Since I'm now in the fifth decade, since I first came into contact with illicit drugs, and with all my many already given experiences, which resulted in my already much stated belief that decriminalistion would be seen as a green light, and I believe a resultant increase in users, and therefore more misery for the ones who do develop addictions...don't expect me to change my mind on this issue, anytime soon.
It'll take a better dope than you, if someone's capable of making that happen.
You are allowed your opinion of course and I would never begrudge you that, but it doesn't make you right. You may of course be right. I however am of the opposite opinion. Are you certain that youngsters are not drawn to things that are illegal because they are so and would therefore not so be drawn if they weren't?
These are my principles and if you don't like them------well, I have others. (Groucho Marx)
almost guarantee now, that keith, wont be having a good come down, drugs will be shown in a negative way, channel 4 dare not do anything but, irrelevant of figures
bbc 3 have already done it, shown people taking drugs
the hook with this is its live and "celebs" article says a few have been approached
thats my threpence appney
How do you know it will show them from a bad light? I don't think Keith Allen is the type to fudge things because a TV Producer tells him to - I think he'll probably be more honest.
When is it on then? They've been talking about it for ages.
Yes BBC 3 did it in the late 90's they had people taking mushrooms of both kinds, extacy and I think mescaline in a mansion with experts checking on the users progress.