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View Poll Results: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'?
No. 24 77.42%
Yes. 7 22.58%
Voters: 31. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-09-2012, 23:12   #676
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
Yeah. I was.

They were calling Mephedrone 'Bubble' Long before it was made illegal. I think the 'Bubble' name is a local thing? on the legal highs program one lad named it something else.

I have a friend. He is on sickness benefits for depression, anxiety and alcoholism. I have known him since I was 3 years old. It hurts to have to tell him that I have finally had enough of him. He stole £40 from his mother. Must be on drugs again-- I don't want to know anybody that steals from their own family.

Damn. watching that Shadsworth program really depressed me.
OK so they were calling it Bubble - but isn't the stuff called Bubble now not pure Mephedrone?

I know that since Mephedrone was banned, the quality has gone right down and the price gone right up - and more people are taking it. That is according to official sources.

Thing with taking drugs to cope with problems - the problem is still there when the drugs have worn off and you still have to face it and pay for the drugs. So it's just a downward spiral.

Sounds like your mate is on that spiral.

The program didn't get me down, but it's sad for these kids with no future and hardly any prospects.
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Old 11-09-2012, 23:15   #677
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Amyl nitrate is not a recreational drug. It is a reagent used in organic synthesis and an additive in diesel fuel.

Poppers are various organic nitrites including amyl nitrite. As I said in an earlier post it is also used against cyanide poisoning and is commonly kept available in chemical laboratories in case of this and other emergencies. It is also used to treat heart diseases such as angina as it dilates the coronary arteries, thus improving blood flow to the heart muscle.
Good information Sue. But what effect does Amyl have on the arteries for someone repeatedly taking it for fun?
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Old 11-09-2012, 23:43   #678
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by Alan Varrechia View Post
I think boyh nitrite and nitrate

are commenally called poppers.

Don't think either are good if you have a heart problem.

Maybe others on here who know/think they know better than anyone else.

would like to comment.

They can be bought freely.

Quite good for shirt lifters by all accounts.

I wouldn't know.

Perhaps some on here may.

Maybe some use them so the Bullshine comes through better.

Who knows.

Just saying.

I wait with baited breath.
Never having had anal sex, with man, woman, or tethered Oswaldtwistle beast, I can't really comment, on poppers as a muscle relaxant.

Personally I always presumed that nasty stuff was something Catholics did, so as not to have babies, whilst staying in their God's good books.

All I can add, was that the last time I saw poppers being openly used was by a 'well respected member of the community', relative of a forum member, and friend of a well known politican, who was sat sniffing them in a local pub, with his wife and adult child, and they were all wearing woolies, which weren't being lifted, and not shirts.

Though I do know this person is a long time dope smoker.

Like way back.


Who knows.
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Old 11-09-2012, 23:47   #679
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

I was actually in the boozer with forum member Accyman at the time, who'll confirm this to be true.

It was definitely woolies they were wearing, un-lifted, not shirts.
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Old 11-09-2012, 23:53   #680
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
OK so they were calling it Bubble - but isn't the stuff called Bubble now not pure Mephedrone?

I know that since Mephedrone was banned, the quality has gone right down and the price gone right up - and more people are taking it. That is according to official sources.

Thing with taking drugs to cope with problems - the problem is still there when the drugs have worn off and you still have to face it and pay for the drugs. So it's just a downward spiral.

Sounds like your mate is on that spiral.

The program didn't get me down, but it's sad for these kids with no future and hardly any prospects.
Before it really became the current party drug of choice if you can't run to Charlie, this crap was mainly called meow meow.
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Old 12-09-2012, 05:31   #681
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
The fact is that Bubble is a new name for the drug called Mephedrone, mixed with other unknown substances to get more quantity and more money. Since it was banned - the price has gone up and the quality of what passes as Mephedrone now called Bubble is even worse than it was before ( that said the hysteria in the press before Mepehdrone was banned caused people to think that people were dying from Mephedrone when it wasn't the Mephedrone that actually killed them, it was something else - a mixture of other drugs and booze) it was made illegal and now in fact more people are taking this drug - Bubble.

So fact is banning it has made the situation worse long term, as kids on Blackburn estates are still going to want a cheap high, and criminals are prepared to mix up even more rubbish and sell it as this Bubble to make more money. No one actually knows what Bubble really is?

Mephedrone ban causes young adults to turn to cheap 'bubble' drug | Mail Online

We're told this very popular recreational drug was classified as illegal in the UK 2010.

Would you really like the law overturned, so kids can get their hands on it legally?
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Old 12-09-2012, 05:35   #682
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
We're told this very popular recreational drug was classified as illegal in the UK 2010.

Would you really like the law overturned, so kids can get their hands on it legally?
As stated earlier, this forum really isn't the place where you're EVER going to win that argument here.
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Old 12-09-2012, 06:14   #683
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
I know that since Mephedrone was banned, the quality has gone right down and the price gone right up
Thats going to be the case with any powdered drugs. Mixing it with other stuff to make it go further/make more money. Then it becomes even worse and more of a risk to take it. There seems to be little to no awareness of the dangers of this stuff.
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Old 12-09-2012, 06:22   #684
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by Alan Varrechia View Post
Quite good for shirt lifters by all accounts.
Never really understood that term.

What sort of shirts get lifted?

Like matching T-shirts, worn by close chums?

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Last edited by Neil; 16-09-2012 at 06:30.
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Old 12-09-2012, 06:27   #685
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
Then it becomes even worse
...and if this drug was made legal once more, and there was some sort of quality control for this popular recreational drug, that would make it somehow better?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 12-09-2012, 06:34   #686
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Forget about poppers being a supposed muscle relaxant, I think some would have more luck with Rohypnol.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by Neil; 16-09-2012 at 06:30.
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Old 12-09-2012, 06:44   #687
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

I think I'm beginning to understand what the term 'shirt lifter' is now.

Is this it happening, mid lift?

Personally I don't think it looks very nice, and am quite sure it's not for me.

Besides, I think they'd struggle with the mother of pearl buttons on my bespoke shirts.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Last edited by Neil; 16-09-2012 at 06:30.
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Old 12-09-2012, 08:57   #688
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Amyl nitrate is not a recreational drug. It is a reagent used in organic synthesis and an additive in diesel fuel.
Of course it's not, nor will it ever be if your going to cut it with diesel, have you seen the price of that stuff?
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Old 12-09-2012, 09:00   #689
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Don't be silly! Cyanide would kill you dead after a lot of agony!
Hell your quick on, mind you so will illegal substances, it just takes a little longer
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Old 12-09-2012, 09:03   #690
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Re: Should we 'legalise illegal drugs'? - Poll.

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
The fact is that Bubble is a new name for the drug called Mephedrone, mixed with other unknown substances to get more quantity and more money. Since it was banned - the price has gone up and the quality of what passes as Mephedrone now called Bubble is even worse than it was before ( that said the hysteria in the press before Mepehdrone was banned caused people to think that people were dying from Mephedrone when it wasn't the Mephedrone that actually killed them, it was something else - a mixture of other drugs and booze) it was made illegal and now in fact more people are taking this drug - Bubble.

So fact is banning it has made the situation worse long term, as kids on Blackburn estates are still going to want a cheap high, and criminals are prepared to mix up even more rubbish and sell it as this Bubble to make more money. No one actually knows what Bubble really is?

Mephedrone ban causes young adults to turn to cheap 'bubble' drug | Mail Online
I see you have a very good knowledge about these substances how they affect people what they cost and where they're available, must be in the bubble
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