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Old 07-04-2010, 00:44   #61
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Re: Sick note

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
..and the ability not to tell the truth, even to his mummy. Making fools in public of the both of you.

Thankfully I was brought up to have self-belief. Thus requiring no further parental back-up, which would be too shaming for all concerned.

Sorry you feel like that.
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Old 07-04-2010, 00:47   #62
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Re: Sick note

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
and will not be responding to your posts again

'At the Conservative Party conference today, David Cameron announced his plan to move half a million people who are able to work from Incapacity Benefit to Jobseeker's Allowance, and cut their payments by £25 a week.'

"We are concerned that the Conservative Party's plan to reduce dependency on benefits could force some people who are genuinely unable to work onto Jobseeker's Allowance, reducing their income, and causing unnecessary stress
Parkinson's Disease Society - Conservative Party plans to change Incapacity Benefit

Sadly it's not only people suffering from this, and other degenerative, incurable diseases who'll be affected by the proposed Tory proposals.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-04-2010, 00:50   #63
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Re: Sick note

Originally Posted by garinda View Post

'At the Conservative Party conference today, David Cameron announced his plan to move half a million people who are able to work from Incapacity Benefit to Jobseeker's Allowance, and cut their payments by £25 a week.'

"We are concerned that the Conservative Party's plan to reduce dependency on benefits could force some people who are genuinely unable to work onto Jobseeker's Allowance, reducing their income, and causing unnecessary stress
Parkinson's Disease Society - Conservative Party plans to change Incapacity Benefit

Sadly it's not only people suffering from this, and other degenerative, incurable diseases who'll be affected by the proposed Tory proposals.
You must admit though, there are certain people who are swinging the lead a bit regarding the magical Incapacity Benefit....?
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Old 07-04-2010, 00:51   #64
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Re: Sick note

'Within three years of being elected, the Tories want all 2.6 million people on incapacity benefit to be assessed to see what work they could do and offered training or other help in getting work.'
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | We need strong mandate - Cameron

It looks like those doctor's surgeries might be chock-a-block for quite some time to come.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-04-2010, 00:55   #65
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Re: Sick note

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
You must admit though, there are certain people who are swinging the lead a bit regarding the magical Incapacity Benefit....?
There are, but when people have already been diagnosed with a degenerative disease, and told they weren't fit to work, and supposing no miracle cure has yet been found, reassessing everyone seems rather Draconian, and an unnecessary strain on the medical staff who'll be doing it.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-04-2010, 00:58   #66
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Re: Sick note

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
There are, but when people have already been diagnosed with a degenerative disease, and told they weren't fit to work, and supposing no miracle cure has yet been found, reassessing everyone seems rather Draconian, and an unnecessary strain on the medical staff who'll be doing it.
One would hope that a degenerative disease would be seen as a genuine case and not worthy of re-diagnosis in a sensible world.

Ever the optimist.....
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Old 07-04-2010, 01:05   #67
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Re: Sick note

So, let’s review. David Cameron is proposing
a minimum £14,565,600 increase in the annual public sector wage bill;
a 148% increase in the number of publicly-funded medical examination centres;
an unknown increase in the number of civil servants in the DWP to process the additional paperwork;
an unknown increase in the number of civil servants required to process an unquantified number of appeals against the removal of benefit.
David Cameron + Incapacity Benefit + Basic Arithmetic = FAIL « Aethelread the Unread
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-04-2010, 01:11   #68
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Re: Sick note

seem to remember there used to be a Govt. sponsored organization (Remploy ?) which used to re-train the handicapped/disabled to get back into full time employment it still in operation, disability was no excuse for lying in bed in those days .
Also think the blind chap with metal "claws" for hands (theres a thread about him, 3 or 4 yrs old) who worked in either the old Accington council or County offices as a receptionist/telephonist would be tad upset at seeing how easy it is to get onto disability list these days .
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Old 07-04-2010, 01:23   #69
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Re: Sick note

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
seem to remember there used to be a Govt. sponsored organization (Remploy ?) which used to re-train the handicapped/disabled to get back into full time employment it still in operation, disability was no excuse for lying in bed in those days .
Also think the blind chap with metal "claws" for hands (theres a thread about him, 3 or 4 yrs old) who worked in either the old Accington council or County offices as a receptionist/telephonist would be tad upset at seeing how easy it is to get onto disability list these days .
Ok Steejack but this thread was started by a commited tory complaining about the new rules.. then we get another commited tory saying get rid of this government.. when it has been pointed out that if the next government is tory the rules will be more stringent... these people backtrack and start saying they "imagine" any tory government will weed out the slackers.. is that not what the present goverment are trying to do?
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Old 07-04-2010, 06:16   #70
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Re: Sick note

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
So, let’s review. David Cameron is proposing
a minimum £14,565,600 increase in the annual public sector wage bill;
a 148% increase in the number of publicly-funded medical examination centres;
an unknown increase in the number of civil servants in the DWP to process the additional paperwork;
an unknown increase in the number of civil servants required to process an unquantified number of appeals against the removal of benefit.
David Cameron + Incapacity Benefit + Basic Arithmetic = FAIL « Aethelread the Unread

No wonder he wants people off the sick, he'll need to fill these jobs from somewhere and it's better to have someone with at least a little experience, even if it is only lead swingers and malingerers that can fill the positions.
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Old 07-04-2010, 06:33   #71
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Re: Sick note

By the way, I am one of these malingerers that has been declared fit.

The Doctors comment on summing up was,
This disability can be cured within 12 months with the correct medical help.
So fit for work but acknowledged as having a disability by the examining Doctor.

I obviously didn't get the 'correct medical help', during the time I was on incapacity benefits, or I wouldn't have been on that benefit for over a year.

Now that I am fit and well, (though still suffering from the aches pains and inconvenience of my 'disability'), I'm still not getting the 'correct' medical help.

But it's nice to know, I have seen the system treat at least one horrible scrounger to his just deserts!

It could have been worse, if I'd managed to hang on, and 'IF' the Tories get in, then at the very least I no doubt would have been branded or had a hand chopped off for my deceitful use of the system, (that would encourage me back to work).

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 07-04-2010, 07:04   #72
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Re: Sick note

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
We have to have a government in so we dont have much choice but to vote and the opposition has to be better than than the current one. I have never known the country in such a state or people struggling to make ends meet than under this government
In which farmyard did you find this biomass?
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Old 07-04-2010, 07:08   #73
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Re: Sick note

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
In which farmyard did you find this biomass?
She was part of a job lot, first we got the son now we have to put up with the person involved in that 'virgin' birth.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 07-04-2010, 07:50   #74
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Re: Sick note

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
seem to remember there used to be a Govt. sponsored organization (Remploy ?) which used to re-train the handicapped/disabled to get back into full time employment it still in operation, disability was no excuse for lying in bed in those days .
Also think the blind chap with metal "claws" for hands (theres a thread about him, 3 or 4 yrs old) who worked in either the old Accington council or County offices as a receptionist/telephonist would be tad upset at seeing how easy it is to get onto disability list these days .
I can only write about Parkinson's, because I'm involved with the Parkinson's Disease Society, and I happen to have it.

I only had to attend one interview. The man was very nice. In fact he was quite emotional, and said he was very sorry that I had it.

My only hope is that one day soon they will find a cure.

Work was my life. I loved it, and even went in, or did work for others, when I had time off.

I'm not going to post a sob story, saying woe is me, but in the last nine days I've not left the house. My mum tried to get me to walk, in the Easter sunshine on Saturday, but I only managed to get the two yards to my garden gate, and had to go back, my brain being unable to tell my feet to move.

When I was diagnosed six years ago, aged thirty nine, and was told by the neuroligist that I'd never work again, I was heartbroken. I felt my skills would be wasted. At that time it only affected my dominant right side. Slowly I managed to learn to do things with my left hand. Over the last year it's become apparent that it' now affecting the other side of my body too. Because it now affects my now stronger, non-dominant, left hand, and typing with my one finger has become noticably more difficult, I didn't use the computer at all for a few weeks before Christmas, so I wouldn't notice this change. Out of sight, out of mind etc.

Besides the tremor, and restricted movement, there are other less well known side effects of Parkinson's. Visual and aural hallucinations, periods where you don't sleep at all for 72 hours, which lessens the effects of the drugs, and periods between drugs wearing off when the pain is so acute that tears are the only release.

There's a high probability that withinn five years I'll be in a wheelchair, unable to speak, and reliant on someone else for my total care. Sadly I've got to know other people, diagnosed with young onset Pd, who are at this stage. Even now, without my family's help, I couldn't enjoy living independently. I don't know how long this will continue.

Parkinson's isn't unique, there are sadly lots of degenerative diseases and conditions, which make work practically nigh on impossible.

If I'm reinterviewed, so be it.

I look forward to hearing what career options are open to me.

Sadly basket making would be an impossibility, and even shaking a tambourine to a recognised beat, wouldn't be an assured thing.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-04-2010, 08:20   #75
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Re: Sick note

Originally Posted by Less View Post
By the way, I am one of these malingerers that has been declared fit.
Just as a little extra to this post, my case went to appeal I had to sit before two gentlemen and be judged, many questions were asked and answered, by my side was a very nice bloke from one of the advice places.

My appeal was denied, when we got outside my nice man told me that in his opinion, I would have got the appeal except that I had been too polite! Yes, it does seem strange, that I should have to resort to bad manners to win such an appeal, then another thought struck me, if I had known this before hand, I could have gone in, imagined these fellows as Accyweb posters and treated them accordingly,

I'd have been quids in and probably would have been given a rise in my benefits as well.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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