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Old 12-11-2008, 23:10   #16
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Re: How can this keep happening?

Originally Posted by cherokee View Post
Blazey it seems we both decided to do a thread round about the same time so I obviously missed yours. more than happy to have them combined after all the content in both leads to the same

Well no actually it doesnt, one will lead to people saying kill the people that did it and if they are both combined the actual death of the child will end up being over shadowed with the fact that it's so-called parents should now be killed in an attempt to make it better.

I think people should leave nice messages on one about the baby itself and then this one can be open to the animalistic views that are undoubtedly going to follow.
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Old 12-11-2008, 23:10   #17
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Re: Sickened

Oh I wouldn't kill them, that's far too good for them. I would like to see them suffer the way that child did. And no, I won't keep my anger "to myself". We should shout it from the rooftops in the hope that some of the idiots we pay to keep at-risk children safe may hear and take heed.
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Old 12-11-2008, 23:13   #18
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Re: How can this keep happening?

I heard on the radio today the appalling abuse suffered by this poor child. It makes you sick to the stomach to think of the horror it went through, at the hands of those who were meant to care and love it. If rescue wasn't going to be an option at least death brought an end to it's terrible suffering.

What's equally worrying is that it happened in Haringey, the borough which saw the death of Victoria Climbié, the child killed by her guardians because she was branded a witch by a pastor. It sadly appears that lessons about child protection haven't been learned, especially in Haringey.

Tonight's Dispatches on Channel 4 was equally horrific. Thousands of children in Nigeria are killed and tortured by their families, after being branded as witchs and wizards. The images made you weep.

Here in the U.K. the Met suspect that there have been 60 similar cases of child torture in this country in the last two years alone.

Channel 4 - News - Dispatches - Saving Africa's Witch Children
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Old 12-11-2008, 23:16   #19
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Re: Sickened

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
Oh I wouldn't kill them, that's far too good for them. I would like to see them suffer the way that child did. And no, I won't keep my anger "to myself". We should shout it from the rooftops in the hope that some of the idiots we pay to keep at-risk children safe may hear and take heed.
I think the child probably witnessed more than enough anger and pain without it's memory being focused on the same emotions as well.

There is another thread though that I am sure you can fill with the anger you want to express. I work with children and yet I still can't bring myself to get angry about these things, even having a young brother and sister doesn't do it for me. My heart just feels overwhelmed with the love that these children need and miss out on.

It is Children in Need on friday, I hope everyone contributes in someway so that charities are able to provide for children in all the various good ways they generally help in. I'm at Uni so I'll be selling cakes to students and fundraising throughout the day and I'm sure there are many things happening at home that everyone can get involved in.
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Old 12-11-2008, 23:18   #20
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Re: How can this keep happening?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
turned me stomach will never understand, also sickening was how "Cameron" tried to make political capital out of it in Parliment.

Very important questions were asked. Brown was completely out of line to suggest Cameron was trying to make political capital out of it.

As for what happened, I think it is absolutely shocking. I also think its shocking that nobody has taken responsibility and been sacked or resigned yet.
formerly cyfr
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Old 12-11-2008, 23:32   #21
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Re: How can this keep happening?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I heard on the radio today the appalling abuse suffered by this poor child. It makes you sick to the stomach to think of the horror it went through, at the hands of those who were meant to care and love it. If rescue wasn't going to be an option at least death brought an end to it's terrible suffering.

What's equally worrying is that it happened in Haringey, the borough which saw the death of Victoria Climbié, the child killed by her guardians because she was branded a witch by a pastor. It sadly appears that lessons about child protection haven't been learned, especially in Haringey.

Tonight's Dispatches on Channel 4 was equally horrific. Thousands of children in Nigeria are killed and tortured by their families, after being branded as witchs and wizards. The images made you weep.

Here in the U.K. the Met suspect that there have been 60 similar cases of child torture in this country in the last two years alone.

Channel 4 - News - Dispatches - Saving Africa's Witch Children
And who is this down to? you, me or the ones who have been trusted with the running of our country for the last eleven years?
If the Met officers tell it how it is they get sacked or are asked to step down.
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Old 13-11-2008, 01:09   #22
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Re: How can this keep happening?

Originally Posted by Royboy39 View Post
And who is this down to? you, me or the ones who have been trusted with the running of our country for the last eleven years?
If the Met officers tell it how it is they get sacked or are asked to step down.
As the song say's 'What a wonderful World'
The first people who must answer why this terrible death was allowed to happen, again, are the Social Service team at Haringey Council.
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Old 13-11-2008, 08:40   #23
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Re: Sickened

In the news, a comment was made about the fact that the mother and boyfriend hardly had a braincell between them, the failing in my opinion was twofold, they didnt see what was happening, and seemingly didnt give enough support of a 'how to look after the child' to the people responsible in the early days of this poor babies life, I also have reservations about how understaffed and overworked the social services are, I know that caseloads are massive, and the person responsible for keeping an eye on things is changed on a regular basis, ie, the same social worker rarely sees a case through to the end, so I wondered just how many social workers this family have had in the time leading up to the death of the baby.
Then, you have Brown and Cameron screaming at each other, and trying to score points against each other and thier parties! That is disgusting, surely the person in charge of ss has a tory shadow? So there should have been no argument, or debate, just a decision arrived at between the two about how to go forward and be as sure as possible that this will never happen again, of course this will cost money, which neither party will spend.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 13-11-2008, 09:28   #24
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Re: Sickened

While some poor children are tragically slipping through the net of Social Services, others are being denied a safe and loving home with their families.

Something is very wrong, and the whole system that's meant to protect children needs a massive overhaul.

Couple trying to save grandchildren from council care banned from seeing them... after speaking to MoS | Mail Online
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Old 13-11-2008, 09:53   #25
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Re: Sickened

I was devastated when I saw this in the paper... that poor little boy
What he went through was shocking

What made me upset too was the fact the paper put pictures of all other people involved in this awful act, ie the "lodger", doctor, social worker and a few others, but then left out the main culprits!!! His guardians
If they can name and shame all the others then these too should be named and shamed
Instead no doubt they will get a new identification and witness protection when they get out in about 6 years

RIP baby boy, ya'll be a lot better off now x
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Old 13-11-2008, 10:01   #26
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Re: Sickened

I think the thing that annoyed me more than anything about this case was the interview with some smug bastard from Haringey Council, she actually said that no one would lose their jobs, but some people had been given written warnings, and of course the obligatory, lessons must be learned. To me she should have been the first one scanning the none jobs column of the Guardian. The fact of the matter is that councils like Haringey are more concerned with the rights of the parents, because they don' want to have to answer to some smart arsed civil rights lawyer fighting the corner for the feckless parents. Who on earth can let that child stay in the house after 60 home visits and the poor little chap being placed on the "At Risk" register is quite beyond me. These two animals, no sorry animals would never treat their young like this, should never see the light of day again and whilst they are behind bars get some same treatment dished out to them by other inmates, just like the inflicted on that poor little lad
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Old 13-11-2008, 13:33   #27
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Re: Sickened

just tell them not to do it again cos its naughty and then send the bloody excuse for parents on a free holiday or something nice,,,
Not a full brick
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Old 13-11-2008, 13:45   #28
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Angry Re: Sickened

I can only concur with what has already been expressed.
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Old 13-11-2008, 13:50   #29
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Re: Sickened

Amazingly enough, the female creature in this case has since given birth to a baby girl. She has no access to the baby at the moment and I would sincerely hope that she never has, but who knows, now that the lunatics have taken over the asylum? It seems to me that all three should be compulsorily sterilised, but I'm sure that the politicians and the "experts" who currently misrule us would start bleating about "human rights".
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Old 13-11-2008, 13:54   #30
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Re: Sickened

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Amazingly enough, the female creature in this case has since given birth to a baby girl. She has no access to the baby at the moment and I would sincerely hope that she never has, but who knows, now that the lunatics have taken over the asylum? It seems to me that all three should be compulsorily sterilised, but I'm sure that the politicians and the "experts" who currently misrule us would start bleating about "human rights".

It said today on Radio 2 that she is also currently pregnant.
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