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Old 13-05-2007, 22:13   #211
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Now you're confusing me more.

Halo not finished yet Garinda so maybe it will be better in the end. It's going to light up!
No, sorry, I squinted, used my imagination, and it still looks rubbish as a piece of sculpture.
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Old 13-05-2007, 22:51   #212
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

Im reserving judgement until its finished
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 14-05-2007, 05:22   #213

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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

I do think that HBC were very narrow minded when they turned the idea down. Looking back it is a shame that the Council could not have reached an agreement for some free investment and publicity.
I think the residents (and possibly the Council) never fully understood that the money could only be spent on that type of development and got hung up on what else they could have spent the same amount of money on. With the amount of publicity for the surrounding areas the panopticons are causing, lets hope HBC learn a lesson by all this.
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Old 14-05-2007, 07:20   #214
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

This type of art was first intoduced in the 14th century by an artist named Eronomous. Bosch., a Flemish artist who used to paint obscure, as we know know 'or think' were religious messages, as no one has really interpreted their meaning even know. The latest theory put forward was that he painted these caricatures to make people look twice, to try to work out what they were all about, as most people were illiterate in those days. I wonder if that is the reason for these present day 'structures'?
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Old 14-05-2007, 07:45   #215
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I do think that HBC were very narrow minded when they turned the idea down. Looking back it is a shame that the Council could not have reached an agreement for some free investment and publicity.
I think the residents (and possibly the Council) never fully understood that the money could only be spent on that type of development and got hung up on what else they could have spent the same amount of money on. With the amount of publicity for the surrounding areas the panopticons are causing, lets hope HBC learn a lesson by all this.
One of the 'objections' to the idea related to future maintainance of the thing and the probability of it attracting vandals and graffiti artists - a concern which has been justified by the state of the Blackburn Panopticon which is now more like an eyesore and an embarrassment than an asset to the town. Add to the fact that when I ask people who live in Blackburn what they think of it I've had replies like "A what?" "Where?" "What's it for then?". A friend of mine who used to live in Burnley and visits regularly wasn't even aware of the SRT and someone from Rawtenstall thought the halo was a mobile phone mast!

Is there actual evidence of any of them having brought prosperity to the towns which I think we were told they would do? The halo can be seen from quite a way off but I don't think it would encourage me to want to visit Rossendale. The reason why Busman and I have been going to look at them is because of all the chat about them here on AccyWeb. We haven't seen the atom yet though. Do many people go to visit that?

It does look as if Rossendale is going to make more of a feature of theirs as a tourist attraction but then I am concerned about access if loads of people aim to get up there for picnics and what have you.

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Old 14-05-2007, 13:11   #216
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

I had watched the video's on it and I am still waiting for the little grey men to answer the call to visit.

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Old 14-05-2007, 13:16   #217
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

Can you imagine if this "Whistling Tree" thing had ended up in Church? We'd all be ringing up the council to complain about fly-tippers dumping their rubbish again.
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Old 14-05-2007, 17:05   #218
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Can you imagine if this "Whistling Tree" thing had ended up in Church? We'd all be ringing up the council to complain about fly-tippers dumping their rubbish again.
You insulting the intellect of the Church dwellers Tealeaf ? LOL

Probably said this before, but can't be bothered to look back through the thread ... just seems too many going up now in every town, and not a novelty as such any more so not going to have the same impact.

Not against them at all, just getting a design that suits all of the people all of the time .. not easy, certainly not in Hyndburn.

Seems you need planning permission for buildings to fit in with the rest of the rural planning, but these appear to be an acception, which is the idea of course.

Like the idea of lights .. that was good thinking on behalf of Rossendale; will be seen everywhere for miles around and encourage people to visit in the evening and give it a magical feel too.
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Old 14-05-2007, 18:00   #219
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Can you imagine if this "Whistling Tree" thing had ended up in Church? We'd all be ringing up the council to complain about fly-tippers dumping their rubbish again.

More like they would have weighed it in for scrap.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 15-05-2007, 07:27   #220
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
More like they would have weighed it in for scrap.
Hi rindy, I'm surprised it is still intact, especially as it is located in 'Dingle Land', the only redeming feature this pile of rubbish has in it's favour, is the fact that they have and not us, thank god.

Last edited by Ianto.W.; 15-05-2007 at 07:30.
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Old 15-05-2007, 08:33   #221
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

Someone I know went up on a windy day to hear it sing and was most disappointed that it didn't.

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Old 15-05-2007, 13:24   #222
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Someone I know went up on a windy day to hear it sing and was most disappointed that it didn't.
They don't sing on Turf Moor either these days Willow.
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Old 15-05-2007, 14:04   #223
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

If I was deaf then I would have no hesitation in sueing the organisation responsible for this piece of junk. Built with no expense spared, it actively discriminates against all those who are aurally challenged. Disgraceful.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 15-05-2007 at 14:07.
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Old 16-05-2007, 19:31   #224
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

What I would like to know is how does anyone get money for messing up the green belt, never mind the planning permission. This pile of junk is a damnd eyesore, at least 'The Angel Of The North' is pleasing to the eye whatever message it is trying to convey. Why can these funds not be diverted to helping Heroin addicts or homeless people? the money spent on these controversial ventures is nothing short of criminal, when you consider the number of genuine areas it could have been spent.
The old excuse does not wash with me, "if we don't get someone else will" better that than throw money at a pile of scrap, why can these funds not be spent where they are most needed?
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Old 16-05-2007, 19:38   #225
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Re: Singing Ringing Tree, Burnley

Because they are not allocated for those things. They are allocated for Panopticons and nothing else.

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