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Old 11-10-2008, 16:59   #31
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Re: Single Mums....... of 7....

Well said lancsdave, cant give ya karma again though, have to spread it around, I dont mind people thinking I am racist if they cant smell the bull around a landlord and tenant from the same country having our government over again! If that is considered racist, then I would be in real trouble if I get going.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 11-10-2008, 17:49   #32

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Re: Single Mums....... of 7....

Originally Posted by fireman View Post
I wonder what contribution 20 year old Jawad is making towards the keeping of his single mum and the family.... AND who bought him the car.....................
Well he hasn't gone home to join the army and protect his country from the Taliban has he?
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Old 11-10-2008, 18:15   #33
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Re: Single Mums....... of 7....

The specific nationality of the people involved is irrelevant but the fact that they are asylum seekers does seem relevant to me. How come they have been able to get such a ludicrous level of benefit when some people who were born and brought up here (of whatever shade or hue or ethnicity) have to make do with a lot less? You'd expect refugees to be thankful for a safe haven never mind dismissing a property because it doesn't have a driveway for their car. Plenty of people have to cope without a driveway for their car and end up not even being able to park close to their own home and they are hard working tax paying home owners!

There may be some sort of red-tape nonsense which prevents her older 'children' from working but it seems totally barmy.

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Old 11-10-2008, 18:26   #34
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Re: Single Mums....... of 7....

Does anyone know if these folks were among the 'passengers' on that Afghan Airways (Ariana) jet that was Hi-jacked to the UK a few years back ? seem to remember that the flight included lots of women and children .
Also seem to remember that the Hi-jackers were first convicted and later cleared and all the passengers given leave to settle in the UK
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Old 12-10-2008, 08:25   #35
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Re: Single Mums....... of 7....

According to the News Of The World they have a 50" plasma TV. Seems right, lets face it a 20" tele would look stupid in a house of that size

What your £166k benefit a year buys single Afghan mum-of-seven | News | News Of The World
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Old 12-10-2008, 09:18   #36
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Re: Single Mums....... of 7....

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
According to the News Of The World they have a 50" plasma TV. Seems right, lets face it a 20" tele would look stupid in a house of that size

What your £166k benefit a year buys single Afghan mum-of-seven | News | News Of The World
Not to mention another TV in another room set up for video games and 2 more lap tops, and this crap about no driveway for a car, if they are using the begging bowl how can they afford a car anyway. yet it seems that the 20 year old son has more than 1 car kept somehere out of site, it appears he races for money on the back streets around Kings Cross and on motorways, marvellous
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Old 12-10-2008, 10:30   #37
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Re: Single Mums....... of 7....

If he is racing on taxpayers money, is an expensive way to get rid of him dont you think? Could just enlist him to afghanistan to stand in front of our boys!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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