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  • 1 Post By Jim Procter
  • 2 Post By umpire
  • 4 Post By Margaret Pilkington
  • 4 Post By Shurm
  • 2 Post By Margaret Pilkington
  • 2 Post By Gordon Booth
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Old 25-07-2016, 14:16   #1
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Sir Phillip Green

I have been following the story of British Home Stores and Sir Phollip Green with a nasty taste in my mouth. It brings shame on Capitalism and on the Tory government.Teresa May said the other day that she would root out practices that were against the public interest.This is definitely one Teresa, so get busy.How anyone could anyone be allowed to get away with milking a public company for millions of pounds without any redress is beyond my comprehension.Hundreds of stores closing thousands of people losing their jobs, not mention the thousands of people whose pensions are in jeopardy. Surely the government can come up with some form of redress and I don't mean taking his knighthood away.He is making a fool of the whole of the British people Labour as well as Tory. Surely our government can find a way to strip him of his millions and return the money to the people who have earned it, the employees of British Home Stores.By the way he bought his third yacht the other day
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Old 25-07-2016, 14:38   #2

Re: Sir Phillip Green

He's only done what Brown or Bust did when he increased the tax on Occupational Pension Schemes and forced a lot to close
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Old 25-07-2016, 15:05   #3
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Re: Sir Phillip Green

Originally Posted by umpire View Post
He's only done what Brown or Bust did when he increased the tax on Occupational Pension Schemes and forced a lot to close
So does it matter who does it? still its what i expect from some.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-07-2016, 15:26   #4
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Re: Sir Phillip Green

no, it doesn't matter who does it. We all know that businessmen are in it to make money and you do not begrudge them a profit...but this is obscene.
He sold BHS to a man who was not competent and who had previously been declared bankrupt(even though his bankruptcy was spent).
Sir Philip Green knew that the pension scheme for BHS workers was in trouble, but chose to do nothing about it.
BHS could have been rescued but Sir Philip Green blocked attempts to buy BHS as a going concern.

I hope that Theresa May is as good as her word and clamps down on dubious business practices.
I also hope that Sir Philip Green is made to make good the money in the BHS pension scheme...and that he has to pay compensation. I also hope that once this is done and dusted he has his knighthood removed.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 25-07-2016, 21:01   #5
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Re: Sir Phillip Green

The reporter on the evening news said Sir Philip was in the Mediterranean and when asked when he would be back in Britain had answered ' Hopefully never.'
He should definitely have his Knighthood taken from him and if there is any way of getting back thousands of pounds he has had from the company it should go to the workers. I doubt that will happen though.
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Old 26-07-2016, 00:05   #6
God Member

Re: Sir Phillip Green

a few weeks back he was ASKED not told to attend a parliamentary hearing or whatever they call it

he basically sat there sticking two fingers up at them and at one point demanded they spoke to him in a better tone

he also complained about the line of questioning
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Old 26-07-2016, 05:01   #7
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Re: Sir Phillip Green

Usual crap, one rule for people with money and another for ordinary folk. I'm sure if an employee had stolen money from the pension fund they would be in prison.
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Old 26-07-2016, 08:23   #8
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Re: Sir Phillip Green

Originally Posted by Shurm View Post
Usual crap, one rule for people with money and another for ordinary folk. I'm sure if an employee had stolen money from the pension fund they would be in prison.
Thing is shurm its not against the law, so therefore not stealing, both parties when in government have done sod all about it, to make it illegal (as it should be) why is that? i ask, Not rocket science is it? I know for fact this was happening 30 yrs ago, in fact i raised it back then, None of the controlling money people care, WHY?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Last edited by cashman; 26-07-2016 at 08:25.
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Old 26-07-2016, 09:19   #9
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Re: Sir Phillip Green

As you say Cashy, it isn't rocket science. They feel that they can do it because it is not illegal.....but it is sharp practice.
You ask why it hasn't been sorted.....well, I know you aren't daft.....we all know why it hasn't been is because these people see themselves as a cut above the rest of us?
They do NOT work for a living like the rest of us.....they are parasitic and live off the work done by the little people.......those people whose pensions were plundered, whose jobs were removed at the wave of a hand.
These people like Philip Green are NOT interested in their workers, they are only interested in the lifestyle that these workers have helped them to achieve.....a lifestyle that the workers can not imagine in their wildest dreams.

It is a bit like tax loopholes, if all the big businesses paid what they should, then we would be able to spend this money on the infrastructure of our towns and cities, but while it is legal to avoid taxes, then they will continue to pay less than you and me.
I would vote for any party that closed the loopholes and did away with the 'sweetheart deals' while chasing pensioners for underpayment of tax that HMRC has calculated wrongly.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-07-2016, 12:03   #10
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Re: Sir Phillip Green

I think you're all being a bit hard on 'Good ol Phil'.
He's been having to manage with only two yachts, one only £38.5 million(207ft long) and the other a mere £9.2 million speedboat(only 108 ft long).
Now no man man hold his head up high with just those two but 'Good ol Phil' can finally stand proud with his new £115.5 million toy(295 ft long).
Then he has the crews to pay and his moorings in Monaco.
You wonder how he manages to pay his bills, he really needed that £400 million he took out. And he did deserve his fair share of the profits BHS was(n't) making. In fact he's probably spent most of it already so how can you expect him to make good the pension fund?
He's broken no laws(unbelievable) and he is obviously very upset at people like you having a go at him. You can tell he's a very sensitive,shy person- look how upset he got when that MP kept looking at him.
Shame on you.
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Old 26-07-2016, 12:14   #11
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Re: Sir Phillip Green

'Mummy, mummy, the big boys are picking on me' that is what Philip Green would have us believe.
My heart bleeds purple pee for him.....and I wish for him and his family the karma that they deserve.
He is morally bankrupt and emotionally impoverished.
Money cannot buy manners, morals or respect.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 26-07-2016, 17:40   #12
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Re: Sir Phillip Green

He did tell the Select Committee that he would "fix the pension problem" - I expect he thinks that we also believe in the Tooth Fairy & Father Christmas
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Old 26-07-2016, 17:51   #13
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Re: Sir Phillip Green

Oh hes really "Fixed" it Barrie.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 26-07-2016, 20:19   #14
God Member

Re: Sir Phillip Green

I recall he said to the Commons Committee that he'd "sort it".
Sort it, sort of, not.
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