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Old 06-07-2007, 12:46   #1
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Skin cancer claims sunbed user

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glad i dont use them anymore, today people use them spray thingies, but dont you think they look orange?
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Old 06-07-2007, 12:51   #2
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

Oh how awful. That is so sad. In the early days I don't think people realised how much harm they did. I remember first hearing about them causing skin cancer and a friend of mine saying how can getting a 'healthy tan' give you cancer.

I'm pale a pathetic and just live with it.

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Old 06-07-2007, 14:06   #3

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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

What a terrible shame.

I thought everyone knew the dangers on sun beds, isn't that why people call them cancer beds? Twice a day for seven years, I am not surprised it made her ill.
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Old 06-07-2007, 15:01   #4
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

Sadly in this world that we live you have to be as thin as a rake and have a permanent tan. The blame should lie with the people that encourage it not just the victim. I am lucky that if in the sun I burn so dont bother and as for sunbeds no chance of getting me on one.

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Old 06-07-2007, 15:08   #5
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

was reading only last week that under 18s have an 80% more chance of skin cancer through using sunbeds, that really startled me, those are not good odds at all.
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Old 06-07-2007, 17:01   #6
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

She used it from being 14 to 21 so I suppose she was at her most vulnerable too.

Yes Spuggie I agree this constant bombardment of the images of 'perfection' has a lot to answer for.

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Old 06-07-2007, 18:16   #7

Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

the only time I've ever used a sun bed was for about a week before my sister's wedding.... but twice a day for 7 years? That's a bit extreme... poor woman
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Old 06-07-2007, 18:23   #8
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

Hopefully the fashion for using them is on the way out now.

There really is no need nowadays, with home or salon St. Tropez kits, as well as self tanning moisterisers.

It was Coco Chanel who first made tanning fashionable in the 1920's, and I feel she has a lot to answer for.

Incidentally Joan Collins swears she hasn't had any facial nip and tucks, just stayed out of the sun. A lesson for us all, when it comes to protecting ourselves from that strange yellow thing, that sometimes appears in the sky.
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Old 06-07-2007, 18:46   #9
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

on teh radio tonight they had some bloke from a sun bed shop trying to defend them. one comment nearly had me coughing my head off.

" This girl went to an extreme and suffered a SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM"

I wouldn't exactly describe death as a significant problem its a bit more serious than that!

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Old 06-07-2007, 18:50   #10
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

I haven't used a sun bed for years, but used to go on regularly, also know someone who's addicted to it, thing is, she's not even a nice colour.
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Old 06-07-2007, 18:55   #11
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

I know someone like that and she's all dry and wrinkly too.

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Old 06-07-2007, 19:07   #12
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

I used them occasionally but didn't like that odd smell you always get in tanning salons ! I now rely heavily on Johnson's Holiday Skin; in lieu of the natural sun that we aren't getting. That will obviously all change when I get my pallid butt to Spain in a few weeks and I will be basting nicely under the Spanish rays !
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Old 06-07-2007, 19:36   #13
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

I am very pale and will remain that way.I did try get a tan in the sun when I was younger but the only thing that happens is I go a bit red,then back to white,then blue if it gets cold,so I'm like a Union Jack!
I had a spray tan done in a salon when I was going to be a bridesmaid at my best friend's wedding last year and was very pleased with the results.I'd have one of those done regularly if I could afford it but at £15 a go it's a luxury that I couldn't justify on a regular basis....if I were a WAG things would be different!I have never been tempted to use sunbeds regularly though.Skin that looks like a pensioner's scrotum and so thick you could make a handbag out of it has never been desirable to me.
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Old 06-07-2007, 20:44   #14
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

I bet Brigitte would have fared better having had spray St. Tropez tans, rather than living there for fifty years.

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Old 06-07-2007, 20:53   #15
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Re: Skin cancer claims sunbed user

Trust you to come up with the perfect excuse not to sunbath G.

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