02-03-2007, 06:20
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Re: Sky Channels On Virgin Media (aka NTL)
ok a dumb question for you tech guys who have a satellite dish for TV reception, do you have to pay for it ? reason for question ........my daughter and her family live in a small village just over the border in what used to be east Germany and they have a satallite dish on the roof , usually on my annual visit I have 'jet-lag ' for a couple of days and end -up getting up at 3 a.m. and flicking on the TV and channel surf ....I am amazed that they can pick-up 100s of stations from all over Europe , I asked the son-in-law how much this costs them (ok , I'm a nosy sod) each month ? .........he told me nothing .....they bought the dish and this gadget, ( kind of a cross between a compass and an azmiuth meter which allows them to align the dish to the signal) from a local electric goods store and they have T.V. , the co-axial cable is direct from the dish to the TV no scambler as I could see ...... and I know from friends who live in the middle east that they also get free satallite TV , .......so basically my question is why do folks in the UK have to pay a monthly fee to download signals ?