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25-05-2015, 18:46
Beacon of light
Re: Small Beer?
It isn't that they deserve a label, but that each of those brave men gets the recognition that their sacrifice warrants.
Personally, I think to use The Pals as an advertising stunt(because essentially that is what it is) devalues their bravery.
We should always remember them but not in this way to benefit a commercial venture
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
25-05-2015, 20:02
I am Banned
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Re: Small Beer?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
It isn't that they deserve a label, but that each of those brave men gets the recognition that their sacrifice warrants.
Personally, I think to use The Pals as an advertising stunt(because essentially that is what it is) devalues their bravery.
We should always remember them but not in this way to benefit a commercial venture
What got me was his post about the Pals Ales. If it had been anyone else in the Observer other than Grahm Jones nothing would have been said, he just can't resist having a dig.
One thing your wrong about, it is Not a Commercial venture, our Cath is trying to raise funds for the Pals commemoration for July 1st 1916.
There are some events going to take place in Accrington on that date which there is no other way to get funding, she's tried various funding organistations but they are not interested in much outside the Southern Counties. I am also tring to get new panels made for Accrington's War Memorial, there are 14 men named twice, 18 spelling mistake 2 men who did not die, and 9 Accrington Pals missing.
I have also created two books in memory of Bill Turner listing all the Pals Casualties July 1/5th 1916, the numbers bandied about on web sites are miles out, even the Battalion War diaries are wrong. These books are at present with a bookbinder and will be presented to the Mayors of Bapaume & Puisuex on July 1st 2016. All this has come out of my pocket, it hasn't cost the people of Acc anything. I sometimes wonder why I ever bothered to start all this work, when some one who should know better starts making snide comments, no matter how much they deny it. I know he's entitled to his opinions I just wish he would keep them to himself.
Rant over for now.
Last edited by Retlaw; 25-05-2015 at 20:07.
25-05-2015, 20:57
Beacon of light
Re: Small Beer?
So is this beer being given away then...not being sold?
I did not mean that Caths input was commercial, just that the sale of beer is not appropriate to commemorate this brave band of men.
I appreciate that funding is required for events to take place and all power to Caths elbow in doing what she can to raise the public profile.
As for the work you are doing, well it is invaluable and you are to be commended for your efforts.....I really think that you are a star for doing everything you can to keep the flame of their memories alive...we should never forget these men.
Having said that........
I don't think the comments were snide and they definitely were not opinions.....it was a valid question being asked.
I think that offence was taken when none was meant...and it really isn't necessary.
You need not rant because you are speaking to the converted.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
25-05-2015, 21:15
Senior Member
Re: Small Beer?
I can see both sides of this argument..
Thing is.. if Walters lass had designed a label for Gunner Fred Bloggs Ale…it simply would not have got any publicity at all.
I’m always up front in having a go at our MP on here, twitter and facebook, but in this case, it’s a smart publicity move…MP gets a cute photo op and the fund gets a nice little boost..
However, this debate has shown me my ignorance….I thought we’d done the centenary in 2014.
Why is 2016 so significant? Because to be totally honest this is the first I’ve heard of a 2016 remembrance or that money is needed to make it happen…..
And how do I contribute a coupla quid to the fund?
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
25-05-2015, 21:23
Beacon of light
Re: Small Beer?
I could be wrong...and I am sure that retlaw is the man to give you a definitive answer, but 2016 is centenary of the pals Casualties on the 1-5th of July of that year...in fact it says something like that in Retlaws post number 17.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
25-05-2015, 21:26
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Re: Small Beer?
July 1st, 1916, centenary of the Battle of the Somme where so many Pals lost their lives.
If you want to contribute to the fund, buy some Pals Ale, mate. It's crackin' stuff and you'll be helping a good cause!
25-05-2015, 21:44
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Re: Small Beer?
Singleton's Cheese are doing something similar. Bought a pack at the weekend of their "Lancashire Pals Cheese" - Tesco or Asda. A picture of one of the Pals on the package with his details, I don't know how many Pals are going to figure in this way. They are donating 5p to SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors & Air Force Association), for every packet sold - a very worthwhile charity for all serving and retired servicemen and their families.
25-05-2015, 22:11
I am Banned
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Re: Small Beer?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
So is this beer being given away then...not being sold?
I did not mean that Caths input was commercial, just that the sale of beer is not appropriate to commemorate this brave band of men.
I appreciate that funding is required for events to take place and all power to Caths elbow in doing what she can to raise the public profile.
As for the work you are doing, well it is invaluable and you are to be commended for your efforts.....I really think that you are a star for doing everything you can to keep the flame of their memories alive...we should never forget these men.
Having said that........
I don't think the comments were snide and they definitely were not opinions.....it was a valid question being asked.
I think that offence was taken when none was meant...and it really isn't necessary.
You need not rant because you are speaking to the converted.
A Eck Margaret.
Our Cath came up with this idea to generate funds for the July 1st 2016 commemorations, how the heck can she give it away. No body on that committee, thats supposed to be organising these up coming events has come up with any thing better, and she's now sold a heck of a lot, to keep the interest alive she keeps changing the labels one of them has Bill Turners picture on it, he was'nt a Pal, but without Bill Turners work Accrington would be in deep doodoo next year, all this effort has put Accrington on the World Map. The Accrington Pals were mentioned in a debate in the house of commons, I was sent the pages from Hansard.
We can only try, what else can we do, Cath is open to suggestions.
If any one wants to help they are welcome, just buy the PALS Ale.
The Centenary events in 2014 were for the outbreak of the war in Agust 1914, and when the Pals Battalions were raised.
Last edited by Retlaw; 25-05-2015 at 22:16.
26-05-2015, 07:08
Beacon of light
Re: Small Beer?
Retlaw, that is exactly what I thought.....it is a commercial venture.....the Pals soldiers names are being used as an advertising ploy.
Of course I knew that they were not giving the beer away.....I'm not as daft as I am cabbage looking.
So the battles of these men have been hijacked to make money for a brewer.
They might be giving a donation but to me it devalues the actions of the men who lost their lives....just my personal opinion......and there are other opinions out there to be had.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
26-05-2015, 08:14
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Small Beer?
Originally Posted by Retlaw
What got me was his post about the Pals Ales. If it had been anyone else in the Observer other than Grahm Jones nothing would have been said, he just can't resist having a dig.
One thing your wrong about, it is Not a Commercial venture, our Cath is trying to raise funds for the Pals commemoration for July 1st 1916.
There are some events going to take place in Accrington on that date which there is no other way to get funding, she's tried various funding organistations but they are not interested in much outside the Southern Counties. I am also tring to get new panels made for Accrington's War Memorial, there are 14 men named twice, 18 spelling mistake 2 men who did not die, and 9 Accrington Pals missing.
I have also created two books in memory of Bill Turner listing all the Pals Casualties July 1/5th 1916, the numbers bandied about on web sites are miles out, even the Battalion War diaries are wrong. These books are at present with a bookbinder and will be presented to the Mayors of Bapaume & Puisuex on July 1st 2016. All this has come out of my pocket, it hasn't cost the people of Acc anything. I sometimes wonder why I ever bothered to start all this work, when some one who should know better starts making snide comments, no matter how much they deny it. I know he's entitled to his opinions I just wish he would keep them to himself.
Rant over for now.
How pathetic, millions of men have died so that we can speak freely.
I spoke freely, you seem to be protesting against that freedom in favour of a commercial publicity stunt just because it involves your daughter.
The pals and all others involved in this conflict died to allow me to speak freely, not so that their memory would be exploited 100 years later in a cheap promotion for 'small beer'.
If you feel slighted by my comments that is your problem not mine, I didn't start the thread to have a dig at anyone but you seem to have taken it to heart and are trying to blame me, AccyWeb and anyone that may show an inclination to agreeing with my comments, which thanks to the very same sacrifices of those brave men you are entitled to do, I however do not need or desire their memory to be used in some commercial publicity stunt. Death made them equal and equal is how I will remember all the fallen.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
26-05-2015, 09:33
Re: Small Beer?
Why the negativity about beer and soldiers? I'm sure almost all of them would have enjoyed a beer so whats the problem.
It's a fund raiser, those who don't like the fact it's beer but would like to help with the fund raising can walk up to Cath at the food festival or the other many places places she sells it and just give her the money without taking the beer?
I don't care who they stick on the bottles but if our MP's great grand father creates free publicity and more sales then it was a good idea.
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26-05-2015, 09:41
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Small Beer?
Originally Posted by Retlaw
These books are at present with a bookbinder and will be presented to the Mayors of Bapaume & Puisuex on July 1st 2016. All this has come out of my pocket, it hasn't cost the people of Acc anything. I sometimes wonder why I ever bothered to start all this work,
I admire your work.
I don't give a stuff what you think of me when you imagine a slight, however if you would care to call in to the Railway at some time I am more than willing to give you £100 towards the expenses you have had with your project.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
26-05-2015, 10:18
Beacon of light
Re: Small Beer?
Originally Posted by Neil
Why the negativity about beer and soldiers? I'm sure almost all of them would have enjoyed a beer so whats the problem.
It's a fund raiser, those who don't like the fact it's beer but would like to help with the fund raising can walk up to Cath at the food festival or the other many places places she sells it and just give her the money without taking the beer?
I don't care who they stick on the bottles but if our MP's great grand father creates free publicity and more sales then it was a good idea.
Neil it is commerce masquerading as charity support.
I am also sure that these soldiers would have enjoyed a beer (or two) that does not mean that they would like their deeds to be used for commercial ends...to make a fat profit for the brewers.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
26-05-2015, 10:33
I am Banned
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Re: Small Beer?
According to the Observer article:
"Another Accrington Pals beer named ‘Lest We Forget’ will also go on sale at the Strangers Bar at Westminster between June 30 and July 5"
Resisting the obvious punning of the name.
We can all raise a glass of this brew in unison to those unfortunate souls without fear, favour, controversy and upset.
26-05-2015, 10:54
Re: Small Beer?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Neil it is commerce masquerading as charity support.
I am also sure that these soldiers would have enjoyed a beer (or two) that does not mean that they would like their deeds to be used for commercial ends...to make a fat profit for the brewers.
No masquerading at all. The brewery were approached, more than one if I remember correctly, they brew the beer which they don't do obviously for free and it is sold with all profits going in the pot for the event.
You don't complain about the poppy appeal being commerce masquerading as charity support
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