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Old 24-01-2017, 18:43   #16
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Re: Smart Meters

My experience is slightly different, i have new smart meters in, when i moved into this house 20 years ago it already had pre pay meters in so i left them in, these new smart meters are in my opinion very good, when i get paid at the end of the month i put £50 on each meter, this has always lasted me a full month, if you are running low on either meter you can simply transfer money from one meter to the other...and you can top up online which is better than having to go to the shop to top up, i know it will be different for people who get bills but for me they are ideal
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Old 24-01-2017, 21:35   #17
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Re: Smart Meters

Do people really turn off their appliances as a result of reading how much it is costing?
I have always been 'careful' with my energy usage, but if your washing needs doing and your food needs to be cooked, it doesn't matter what the reading says. You will use the energy that you need to use.
I also think that after a time you may stop taking notice of what the smart meter is showing.

My bills are never estimated these days, there is nearly always someone at home to let the meter reader in...if not, they send a bill and we check the readings and phone the correct one through.
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Old 25-01-2017, 07:53   #18
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Re: Smart Meters

I am so pleased this subject has come up. My gas meter is outside and my elect meter is in a cupboard in my kitchen aprox 12 ft apart plus an eight inch thick wall. It was installed about two years ago by Utility Warehouse. who I have been with for about three years, I have Gas, Electricity, Telephone, TV and Broadband with them and I pay on an average 92 pounds a month for everything. I am not advertising just telling you guys what I have.
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Old 25-01-2017, 17:03   #19
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Re: Smart Meters

Mine are further apart than that.
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Old 25-01-2017, 19:29   #20
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Re: Smart Meters

What a load Of bull, get a proper electrical engineer. Any smart meter can connect to it's other, so long as you live in a average house.
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Old 25-01-2017, 21:25   #21
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Re: Smart Meters

I would have thought the blokes who work for the providers are proper engineers.
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Old 29-01-2017, 16:07   #22
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Re: Smart Meters

Originally Posted by Rowlf View Post
Mine are further apart than that.
We had smart meters fitted only a few months ago, the Electric box is in a small cupboard by the front door, the gas meter was moved (by the gas board), In early 2016, to a new weatherporoof box on the outside back wall; the house is a semi detached. I would have thought that the two meters could not be much further apart but I stand to be corrected

We have had no problems up to now.
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Old 29-01-2017, 19:35   #23
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Re: Smart Meters

I've just been reading about the Smart meters, I gather they have a panel in your house so you can see how much energy you are using. They don't make anything any cheaper unless you continually watch the meter and go around switching things off. I don't think I will bother getting one as I don't mind using electricty and gas as long as my home is warm.
The only peope who will gain will be the power companies who will be able to sack all the meter readers.
My monthly bill for gas and electricity combined is £58 for a modern two bedroom bungalow.
Gremlin R.T.
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Old 29-01-2017, 20:23   #24
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Re: Smart Meters

I won't be having one either Russell.
When these first came out I asked myself who would benefit by these meters...and I decided that it certainly wouldn't be the customer.
I do not need a lit up box to remind me to turn off lights, I use energy frugally anyway(not that I would let myself be cold)....and since himself has been busy cutting wood for the woodburner the TV is seldom on during the day.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 29-01-2017, 22:31   #25

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Re: Smart Meters

I'm expecting cheaper tariffs to be only available to smart meter customers to encourage them to have smart meters. A bit like you get a better rate if you pay by direct debit because thats better for the energy supplier
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Old 30-01-2017, 07:59   #26
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Re: Smart Meters

That maybe one of the marketing ploys...and of course if the energy companies are not paying meter readers then they should have some spare cash to allow them to do this.
I do not require a smart meter, I pay my bills on the day they come through the letterbox, so I don't need direct debit either(I have been bitten by this particular beast before and it took a lot of mad making ....that is they made me mad,negotiations to get MY money back)so I won't be doing that again for variable bills.(I do pay for my broadband and telephone by direct debit but only because I could not get my broadband any other way. If I had had the choice I would not have done it that way)
Some people may like direct debit, and smart meters. I am not one of them.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 30-01-2017 at 08:02.
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Old 30-01-2017, 10:19   #27
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Re: Smart Meters

You always say it like it is, Marge, Top marks!
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Old 30-01-2017, 11:08   #28
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Re: Smart Meters

Thank you Taddy.
Some people would have measles if they thought they were free.
These gizmos are not free we have all been paying for them via our energy bills...oK maybe the government put something in the fund to start the ball rolling, but like green energy taxes we have been paying.
It is just anothercomputerised gizmo that could at any minute go wrong...or maybe even hacked into.
Thanks, but I will stick with what I have. It works for me, so until it no longer does that I will keep my meters.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 30-01-2017, 11:21   #29
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Re: Smart Meters

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I'm expecting cheaper tariffs to be only available to smart meter customers to encourage them to have smart meters. A bit like you get a better rate if you pay by direct debit because thats better for the energy supplier
Yer probably expecting wrong, i pay Direct Debit and aint got a smart meter. plus pay in go suck eggs.
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Old 30-01-2017, 12:05   #30

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Re: Smart Meters

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Yer probably expecting wrong, i pay Direct Debit and aint got a smart meter. plus pay in go suck eggs.
I said that I'm expecting cheaper tariffs for smart meter customers not that they are now.

I also think they will use smart meters to make tariffs variable during the day to encourage people to reduce load at peak times and increase load at other times like economy 7 but with more control.
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