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Old 16-12-2021, 11:33   #76
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Re: Smart Meters

What these also do is help the utility companies understand demand better at a far more granular level to be able to work out how we can best meet demand without blackouts and not generate more than we need. if all they get is a monthly or even annual reading its hard to calculate exactly how much will be needed at 3:37 on a wet dark thursday. do we have enough in renewable generation or do we need that dirty old coal station up and firing away..

its interesting to read about how Japan is putting its near future in coal and generation of "Blue Hydrogen" where the cars etc use a clean fuel at point of use but its generated through dirty methods where the CO2 etc is captured and stored..

Their volcanic location and Fukushima accident has definitely spooked them into concern over Nuclear where they are.

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Old 16-12-2021, 13:10   #77
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Re: Smart Meters

Entwisi…I have said it before, but I am going to say it again… have been MISSED.
I make no apology for shouting that out loud or for repeating myself…it was on purpose and not because of my advancing years or deafness.

You post in an interesting and informed way……and while I do understand why they are useful to the power companies…I still won’t have one.
They do not save the consumer money…..and that was the premise the adverts used….all they do is highlight your usage….and the MIGHT get you to use less, but I doubt it.
I am frugal with energy use….lights turned off no gadgets left on standby….the only things that are using power all the time are my fridge, my freezer and my boiler….and a digital alarm clock.
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Old 16-12-2021, 14:21   #78
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Re: Smart Meters

technically they do save us money as by being more efficient at generation there is less "waste" and thus we aren't charged to cover this. plus its always a win for the planet if we don't make/use more than we need...

I too am frugal ( i prefer tight.. ) and will always look to using as little as possible. My solar panels have been up 7 years now, well over payback on FIT alone never mind the ~ 100 a month saving on my bills ( in conjunction with the wood burner we fitted at the same time ) . We do live a completely alien life to those of even my parents. heck i preserve that much energy i don't even need to stand up and walk to the light switch or thermostat to use them

I am and will probably always be there at the bleedin edge of the list for using tech to make life easier and more convenient and just generally better.. I make no apologies for that but equally where using old tech is the right way I'm there as well.. the age of something doesn't define its value to me.

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Old 16-12-2021, 14:26   #79
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Smart Meters

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
heck i preserve that much energy i don't even need to stand up and walk to the light switch or thermostat to use them
Alexa and such are wonderful, though I still can't get my head around the coffee maker, I still have to get up and collect it from the machine.
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Old 16-12-2021, 14:30   #80
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Re: Smart Meters

It is ready when you make it down after ablutions chap, no waiting for it to cool..

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Old 16-12-2021, 15:03   #81
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Re: Smart Meters

So Entwisi…it is a benefit to the supplier and generator rather than to the consumer(who is after all, paying a green levy.
There is no such thing as free when it comes to energy.
So smart meters are promoted as being free, but we are all paying for them.
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Old 16-12-2021, 15:17   #82
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Re: Smart Meters

depends to what level you take a benefit to a supplier to be ultmately passed back in terms of lower prices than would happen without that efficiency/saving... its sliding doors scenario though as you wont know either way as the other option is never followed

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Old 16-12-2021, 23:08   #83
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Re: Smart Meters

My take on all this SMART METER talk is simply this. I cannot think of any Governments giving the surfs anything that benefited them. The "SMART" meters are there to stop the surfs from fiddling the meters when the gas and electric prices go through the roof.
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