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Old 25-06-2009, 10:10   #31
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Why have kids in cars in the first place? Not one of of the little brats know how to behave - when they are not fidgeting they are crying or arguing or making the sort of silly comments that we constantly read on here. They are quite simply a distraction and a hazard to drivers. Still, if they have to get from A to B maybe we should have special kiddy cars with soundproof compartments in the back where they can be locked up for the duration of the journey.
I take it kids aren't your forte Tealeaf
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Old 25-06-2009, 10:17   #32
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I take it kids aren't your forte Tealeaf
Yeah....but I might change my mind when I become a grown-up.
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Old 25-06-2009, 10:43   #33
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

Are we there yet.

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Old 25-06-2009, 15:34   #34
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

Funnily enough I was thinking about this today. I saw a woman with her fag in her hand whilst she was driving and I just thought it was a bit distracting. What if she was to accidentally burn herself because she'd forgotten to flick the ask off the end or something?

I think there should be a balance of the pros and cons when you choose to do something, and for me it would seem that it seems to be an unnecessary risk to take for the sake of a bit of nicotine.
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Old 26-06-2009, 17:05   #35
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

[quote=blazey;724385]What if she was to accidentally burn herself because she'd forgotten to flick the ask off the end or something? [quote]

ash dosnt burn you and besides weve been smoking for years we know how to handle a ciggy
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Old 26-06-2009, 17:14   #36
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

[QUOTE=accyman;724689][quote=blazey;724385]What if she was to accidentally burn herself because she'd forgotten to flick the ask off the end or something?

ash dosnt burn you and besides weve been smoking for years we know how to handle a ciggy
Not everyone has though have they? And I meant like the boulders... they must burn because they burn through clothes and stuff...

Or if you drop the cigarette.

I just think it is unnecessary. I've seen people rush a fag at a bus stop before the bus comes. I just don't see the need for it.
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Old 26-06-2009, 17:49   #37
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
What if she was to accidentally burn herself because she'd forgotten to flick the ask off the end or something?

Not everyone has though have they? And I meant like the boulders... they must burn because they burn through clothes and stuff...

Or if you drop the cigarette.

I just think it is unnecessary. I've seen people rush a fag at a bus stop before the bus comes. I just don't see the need for it.
Ive never had a "boulder" off a normal cigarette, I may be wrong but thought that it was only dodgy fags that dropped boulders (and i will stand corrected if wrong, just never has happened when ive been smoking - i dont smoke the dodgy ones lol)
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Old 26-06-2009, 17:59   #38
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
What if she was to accidentally burn herself because she'd forgotten to flick the ask off the end or something?

Not everyone has though have they? And I meant like the boulders... they must burn because they burn through clothes and stuff...

Or if you drop the cigarette.

I just think it is unnecessary. I've seen people rush a fag at a bus stop before the bus comes. I just don't see the need for it.
Neither do I should be able to go on the top deck with it still lit.

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Old 26-06-2009, 20:10   #39
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
And I meant like the boulders... they must burn because they burn through clothes and stuff... .

think your getting ciggys confused with joints blazey lol

boulder burns are from joints , thats why dope heads walk around with burns in their tops lol
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Old 27-06-2009, 14:30   #40
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
think your getting ciggys confused with joints blazey lol

boulder burns are from joints , thats why dope heads walk around with burns in their tops lol
Well I don't smoke but obviously I've seen burns in material in the past. I just did a quick google search and some car valeting companies seem to do 'cigarette burn repairs' on car seats.

Sadly I also brought up a picture of a baby covered in cigarette burns as well.

I don't understand the need to smoke. I have tried it, I don't find it particularly worth my time, so I don't do it. So maybe I am as biased as the smokers who think it is so necessary to smoke. Who knows.

What I do know is that I know very few smokers of my own age at university, so I think smoking is something which is in decline and will hopefully continue to do so. I imagine most of you wouldn't want your children to smoke even though you think it is so necessary yourselves.
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Old 27-06-2009, 14:50   #41
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

im in the preocess of giving up but wouldnt dream of telling smokers they should give up as well infact the last time i gave up i still stood outside with the smokers with no problem what so ever

sadly non smokers seem to feel the need to preech to smokers when all they really need to do is shut their gobs and go find somewhere thats more suited to them

theres peope do a lot worse to tehir kids than smoke near them infact i would argue that regular trips to mcdonalds and kfc are just as bad to a childs health if not worse

i bet theirs more kids wheezing through lack of breath from been over weight than what there is from mum or dad smoking in teh car
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Old 27-06-2009, 15:34   #42
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

I've just read through this.
I may be wrong but I thought it was illegal to do ANYTHING whilst driving? Using a mobile, eating, smoking are all considered to be a distraction that could create, or be a factor of, an accident. Are you not supposed to have both hands on the wheel at all times unless changing gear?

Incidentally, my thoughts on this are that the selfishness of some parents towards their children are too unbelievable for words. How the hell can you expect to teach them smoking is wrong and unhealthy for the human body when you're doing it in front of them? You may as well teach them to smoke....
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Old 27-06-2009, 15:49   #43
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

I've never told anyone not to smoke, and I'll often stand outside in the cold with my few friends that DO smoke so then I don't have to just sit and wait and put our conversation on hold.

As smokers are in the minority in my age group and social circles, I think it is the smokers that should 'shut their gobs and find somewhere better suited to them', and the law now demands this.

Jolly good
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Old 27-06-2009, 16:03   #44
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I've never told anyone not to smoke, and I'll often stand outside in the cold with my few friends that DO smoke so then I don't have to just sit and wait and put our conversation on hold.

As smokers are in the minority in my age group and social circles, I think it is the smokers that should 'shut their gobs and find somewhere better suited to them', and the law now demands this.

Jolly good
but then you would follow them so you can continue talking to them
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Old 27-06-2009, 16:08   #45
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Re: smoking in the car with kids

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
but then you would follow them so you can continue talking to them
Yes, but that is my choice then. Plus there is less fresh air indoors to balance out the smoke.
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