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18-06-2009, 16:29
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smoking in the car with kids
here we go again the anti smoking dimwitted, nazi,scumbag,saddos with no life or anthing better to do brigade are trying to get smoking in teh car banned
do these morons not realise that now cars come without ashtrays we have the window open so we can chuck our fags out of teh window so theres plenty of fresh air circulating
now they want smokers to be classed as child abusers if they smoke in a car when their kids are in it
they cant save children who get 7 bells of sh*t kicked out of them by tehir parents but have the time to moan about a bit of smoke in a car
my car - my rules
ya dont like it start walkin or get a bus
if im gonna be treated like a taxi by my kids im sure as hell gonna have a fag to stop me killing them
well until i get my champix sorted then i will have to find somthing else to keep me calm lol
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 18-06-2009 at 16:32.
18-06-2009, 16:36
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
Im supprised they have not classed it as a distraction to driving aswell.
18-06-2009, 16:38
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
Originally Posted by accyman
now they want smokers to be classed as child abusers if they smoke in a car when their kids are in it
Anything that puts kids health at risk is wrong (abuse is a bit strong) i see this daily up at the school and think its disgusting that parents sit in their car puffing away whilst full of kids........i think smoking in cars carrying minors should be against the law........its appalling  but then again if people are happy to put their kids at risk thats up to them and their poor morals.
18-06-2009, 16:47
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
i swear they kill off the pubs then make up some bogus statistic showing that teh smoking ban isnt resposible yet most teh pubs in ireland shut before teh ban hit england and then pubs shut down left right and center in england within months of the ban coming into effect
ya know who started off all this hassle towards smokers
bloody roy castle and his flippin trumpet and his dippy bitch wife parading up and down the country moaning about passive smoking
if your that affraid of breathing somthing in that can cause cancer stay away from traffic and get onto your local MP about companies that pump out a lot worse crap into our atmosphere than tobbacco
thank god they havnt found a link between farting and asthma or we will end up been fitted with filters over our arseholes
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
18-06-2009, 16:50
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
Originally Posted by pipinfort
Anything that puts kids health at risk is wrong (abuse is a bit strong) i see this daily up at the school and think its disgusting that parents sit in their car puffing away whilst full of kids........i think smoking in cars carrying minors should be against the law........its appalling  but then again if people are happy to put their kids at risk thats up to them and their poor morals.
if im going down teh road with my window open having a ciggy it is totally different to sitting in a car with teh windows up chuffing away on a ciggy , when driving there is sufficiant airflow to dilute if not remove all of teh smoke from teh car
hell i cant sit in a car having a ciggy with teh window up and would definatly not do it with kids in teh car but come on theres been picky and too damn picky
if smoking is so damn dangerous why not ban it all together or does teh anual extortionate raise in tax on them keep this country affloat
im giving up ( again) but i sure wont be one of them ex smoking halfwits that preeches to everyone who dares have a ciggy
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 18-06-2009 at 16:55.
18-06-2009, 16:56
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
Originally Posted by accyman
hell i cant sit in a car having a ciggy with teh window up and would definatly not do it with kids in teh car but come on theres been picky and too damn picky
I don`t remember mentioning the window being up or down..........but i`m not arsed because its not something that me or my kids will ever have to deal with........
18-06-2009, 17:00
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
Originally Posted by pipinfort
I don`t remember mentioning the window being up or down..........but i`m not arsed because its not something that me or my kids will ever have to deal with........
didnt say you did i was merely pointing out the different situations where people smoke in a car , these halfwits want it banning period and havnt as far as i know shown any proof that smoking in teh car while driving it causes harm to passengers
if teh cars parked up with no airflow and teh windows are up then yes constant exposure to that could cause problems but driving down teh road with yur wiondow down and fag held out of the window or very near to te open window isnt harming anyone except for teh person smoking it
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
18-06-2009, 17:04
Re: smoking in the car with kids
Originally Posted by accyman
do these morons not realise that now cars come without ashtrays we have the window open so we can chuck our fags out of teh window....
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18-06-2009, 20:08
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
This is bs ... we already have it in Ontario ... funny thing is, you can drive down the highway yakking on a cell phone quite legally .... but you can't smoke in your vehicle if there are minors inside
18-06-2009, 20:14
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
Another dumb thing I forgot to mention is that this law is not Canada-wide ... for example, if you drive from Kingston to Montreal with kids in the car, it is illegal to smoke until you reach the Ont./Que. border, then you can light up. The Quebecois, as a rule, tend to ignore all laws related to limiting smokers' rights. Vive le Quebec
And on a slightly realated topic (under the general heading of "This is a Crock): Anyone who has caught the late-breaking news from the US of A might wish to re-think their fly swatting habits ... pretty soon we may not even be able to squeeze zits for fear of putting bacteria at risk 
18-06-2009, 20:29
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
Smoking around children is quite disrespectful and is obviously a distraction from driving.
Surely it doesn't take such an effort to hold on a few minutes, stop the car and get out away from the children and smoke a cigarette then? I am so glad smoking in public places has been banned. Passive smoking is just as bad. It isn't nice for a child to be around. They'll still be able to smell it and breathe quite a lot of it in even if the window is down. I can't ever see smoking being totally banned for many reasons but more restrictions need to be made, surely. Fair enough if you enjoy smoking but it isn't nice for those who don't enjoy it.
19-06-2009, 09:40
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
Well I've not much to say about smoking really, I'll just ask anybody who wants, to pop round to my gaffe for half an hour then judge for yourself if smoking is worth it, I've no thoughts one way or the other in the smoking debate, everybody makes their own minds up. When I was growing up it was "cool" to smoke, the thing to do, you were a wimp if you didn't dash out of school and light up down the nearest back street. I gave up 31 years ago the first time a doctor said it was damaging my health, mind you he just told me to cut down not stop, but I stopped, unfortuneatley to late was the cry. As I said feel free to pop in and see the effects of smoking first hand, but remember there's NO SMOKING
23-06-2009, 17:22
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
Originally Posted by accyman
here we go again the anti smoking dimwitted, nazi,scumbag,saddos with no life or anthing better to do brigade are trying to get smoking in teh car banned
do these morons not realise that now cars come without ashtrays we have the window open so we can chuck our fags out of teh window so theres plenty of fresh air circulating
now they want smokers to be classed as child abusers if they smoke in a car when their kids are in it
they cant save children who get 7 bells of sh*t kicked out of them by tehir parents but have the time to moan about a bit of smoke in a car
my car - my rules
ya dont like it start walkin or get a bus
if im gonna be treated like a taxi by my kids im sure as hell gonna have a fag to stop me killing them
well until i get my champix sorted then i will have to find somthing else to keep me calm lol
strap em to the roof rack... hahaha
Champix...? Thats if it works of course. Made no difference to me at all
23-06-2009, 18:47
Resting in Peace
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
Originally Posted by jaysay
Well I've not much to say about smoking really, I'll just ask anybody who wants, to pop round to my gaffe for half an hour then judge for yourself if smoking is worth it, I've no thoughts one way or the other in the smoking debate, everybody makes their own minds up. When I was growing up it was "cool" to smoke, the thing to do, you were a wimp if you didn't dash out of school and light up down the nearest back street. I gave up 31 years ago the first time a doctor said it was damaging my health, mind you he just told me to cut down not stop, but I stopped, unfortuneatley to late was the cry. As I said feel free to pop in and see the effects of smoking first hand, but remember there's NO SMOKING
So are you saying that stopping is of no help at all,or only in your case.  

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
23-06-2009, 19:31
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Re: smoking in the car with kids
I think jaysay is saying that by observing his current poor health and witnessing his fight or every breath he takes may put you off smoking if you did want to light up at his place...kind of a warning....and I think you know that
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