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Old 25-02-2007, 14:05   #1
Apprentice Geriatric
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Question Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

Several local authorities up and down the country are being given funds by the government to recruit and train Smoking Spies. Hereinafter known as the “SS” However there is no truth in the rumour that they will be wearing a ‘Swastika’ armband and black leather jackboots. Sums of money ranging from £42,000 to £173,000 have been reported.

The SS’s brief will be to enter into premises disguised as an ordinary customer to snitch on anyone lighting up a fag, cigar or pipe after 1st July 2007 when the nationwide smoking in public enclosed spaces ban begins.

Apparently they will have the power to issue on the spot fines of £50 to anyone who lights up and fines of up to £2,500 for the premises owner. The general public will also be encouraged to report lawbreakers on a specially set up hot line.

Now there is an exercise in fostering neighbourhood friendliness.

Having pushed forward a ludicrous law it is only to be expected that enforcement would follow but an SS force? Isn’t that going over the top somewhat?

None of this ‘Big Brother’ stuff would have been necessary if Blair and co had listened to a not unreasonable suggestion to allow the pub/restaurant/factory/office owner, after consultation with the workforce, decide to be either smoke free or not. But then since when has being reasonable been a forte of this government?
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Old 25-02-2007, 15:13   #2
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

I just think its going too far as 'proper hard core crims' get off scotfree even dont pay fines then get them wiped. Its all about getting the innocent people, i wouldnt mind but how are these officers being paid???? Taxes ??? or from the tobacco tax.

Just think this coutry has gone to the dogs in every sence of the word lately!
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Old 25-02-2007, 15:24   #3
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

You'd think they could be better employed elsewhere doing some real crime prevention wouldn't you?

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Old 25-02-2007, 15:32   #4
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
You'd think they could be better employed elsewhere doing some real crime prevention wouldn't you?
Yeh u would but this gov is making small things such a big deal cos they are too soft to deal with the big stuff! I can see this causing a fair few problems in near future just ask traffic wardens LOL
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Old 25-02-2007, 16:53   #5
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

The govenment has a yellow streak thats like the M25 when it comes to tackling real issues and problems. If they could put the same effort into this countries biggest issues as they do into harassing motorists we would have a crime rate so low we would be the envy of the world.

As for the "spies" they have them up here and a timber yard owner is facing court because of it.

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Old 25-02-2007, 16:59   #6
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

Theres a new tax system in place called FINING people next you'll be fined for breathing too much
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Old 25-02-2007, 17:07   #7
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

'29.5 million is to be spent on wages of undercover spies, to make sure the ban is carried out in pubs.

At a time when care for the elderly is being cut back all the time, that amount of money is a disgraceful.' [quote]

This issue was raised in another smoking thread the other week.
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Old 25-02-2007, 17:47   #8
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
Theres a new tax system in place called FINING people next you'll be fined for breathing too much
Yep because we breath out carbon dioxcide increasing the greenhouse effect. So we will being tax based on how much breathing we do.

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Old 25-02-2007, 19:02   #9

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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Having pushed forward a ludicrous law it is only to be expected that enforcement would follow but an SS force? Isn’t that going over the top somewhat?
You are the first to moan about people flaunting the law and nothing being done about it. On second thoughts most AccyWebbers moan about people not being held to task for breaking the law, why is this any different?
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Old 25-02-2007, 19:08   #10
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
You'd think they could be better employed elsewhere doing some real crime prevention wouldn't you?

Catching real hardened criminals results in them ending up in jail which costs money. The government would rather collect money from easy targets therefore making them look good in terms of balancing the books.
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Old 25-02-2007, 19:30   #11
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Angry Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
You are the first to moan about people flaunting the law and nothing being done about it. On second thoughts most AccyWebbers moan about people not being held to task for breaking the law, why is this any different?
You can bet your sweet life that I moan about ALL lawbreakers and this is no different.

My beef is why such a stupid law was made in the first place when a perfectly acceptable compromise would have been possible and now its in place hiring a SS to spy on potential lawbreakers ready to pounce if someone lights up.

Do we have police hiding in doorways in disguise just waiting for some yobbo to walk past misbehaving? I’ve been burgled SEVEN times in my life and the police told me on more than one occasion that after one burglary I would be more likely than my next door neighbour to be turned over again within a few days. So where was the plain clothes cop staking out my garden shed to wait for one? Where are all the spies following dog owners as they walk their dogs? Or even more spies waiting for someone to be mugged?
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Old 25-02-2007, 19:39   #12
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

I can't see many volunteers for these jobs , who in their right mind would want to enter a busy pub and start handing out 'on the spot' citations to boozed up patrons ,and have their parentage questioned , Seems to me the best candidates for this job would be the lame and disabled (I think even the lowest lowlife would think twice before smacking a cripple) unless of course they are accompanied by a uniformed police officer , in which case the whole idea defeats itself . and if these smoking spies are employees of the local council wont they get known after a couple weeks visiting the same pubs .
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Old 25-02-2007, 20:06   #13
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

Who ever gets the job wont be any different from the bin rakers checking to see if you are recycling. In the pub if smoking is banned then there should be no need to police it if even if drunk they respect the law. Either that or they get banned. They only have spot checks at random up here and by and large its not an issue and they dont have any SS poking around even in nightclubs.

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Old 25-02-2007, 21:00   #14
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

What a waste of money, this government are totally crap.
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Old 25-02-2007, 22:20   #15
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Re: Smoking Spies Better Known as the SS.

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