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Old 02-03-2018, 10:54   #16
God Member

Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

people are certainly not all wimps by any means but if you think all this mamby pamby way of life that some want, health and safety for everything, one food scare after another, drug addiction, vandalism, animal cruelty increasing are your green and promised land i hope you enjoy it. in the past things were not all that rosy but most were better than young and old have to suffer nowadays. try the suicide rate at present as well.
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Old 02-03-2018, 10:58   #17
Beacon of light

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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Originally Posted by russthemink View Post
You guys need to stop living in the past - things have moved on, some maybe not for the better but most are as far as I can see. If people these days are what you call wimps then maybe thats because the older generations have brough them up that way - im looking at you. Put the daily mail down and stop believing all the nonsense. Its like the monty python yorkshiremen sketch on this forum sometimes.
Who died and left you king of opinions?
If you do not like what you are reading then do not can move, you are not a tree.
What 'nonsense' are we believing?

I certainly did not bring my child up to be a wimp. I gave her the experiences that we had as children...well apart from brothers.

Yes, times have moved on...they always do...but somewhere along the line common sense got lost or thrown away.

By preventing children to take a balanced risk we are not allowing them to form good strategies for life in the big bad world out there. For the dangers that they might meet.
Perhaps your life was devoid of fun and adventure(if it was, then I pity you)...mine wasn't.
I played out, I climbed trees, I ate wild berries straight off the bush, I walked miles with my brothers, we fished in streams, we built dens, we had snowball fights, we sledged on tin trays, we collected wood and built bonfires....stood on street corners collecting pennies for the guy.
In general, had a very rich and rewarding childhood without the interference of the nanny state.
So sad that todays children do not get these opportunities...they sit in front of screens and that is how they get their sad is that?
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Old 02-03-2018, 11:08   #18
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Originally Posted by russthemink View Post
some maybe not for the better but most are as far as I can see.
You are not in a position to make this judgement if you did not live in the days we are cannot really know anything at all about the past that we lived in.
You think most things are far as you can see.

Maybe you should visit Specsavers....and stop swallowing whole the pap that government agencies feed you.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 02-03-2018, 11:25   #19
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Originally Posted by russthemink View Post
You guys need to stop living in the past - things have moved on, some maybe not for the better but most are as far as I can see. If people these days are what you call wimps then maybe thats because the older generations have brough them up that way - im looking at you. Put the daily mail down and stop believing all the nonsense. Its like the monty python yorkshiremen sketch on this forum sometimes.
Well as far as i'm concerned you seem like one of em.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 02-03-2018, 11:47   #20
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

A lot of things are better but for my money a lot of things are much worse. One of my grandsons spends so much time on a game console he looks like a vampire. Sunlight would kill him. At his age I was in the scouts (Christ Church ) and like most of our generation spent most of my waking hours outdoors. That why this country has more fat kids (Oo er I'm a fattist) Also I was fit and healthy, ate proper food, played a lot of sport which I loved, climbed trees, fell in Priestly Clough, built rope swings, skinned my knees, and had a good fun child hood. It was fun healthy and innocent. I thought Manuel Labour was a Mexican bandit and Wan King was a city in China. Not so today. As for the generation that brought them up well unfortunately a lot of government establishments were staffed/infiltrated by key people in the 60's and 70's who had a very nanny state approach to raising kids and that under His Tonyness only got worse. This is a great country but sadly it is the worst for being a nanny state where you can do wrong and the first thing that happens is their is a queue of people lining up to tell you its not your fault someone else is to blame and while were at it have some compensation. Anyway have to go back tu shoe box in road.
" In a battle of wits it is unfair of me to fight an unarmed man"
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Old 02-03-2018, 12:19   #21
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Ive just logged back on for the sake of Russthemink. Here is a case study for you Russ.
1974 I'm playing rugby for the school. Its cold wet and muddy. I'm the ball carrier, go into a tackle, and offload the ball game moves on. Pick myself up run on. Whistle goes. I'm blood subbed. My right incisor tooth has been knocked out in the tackle. ( Never found it ) spent five minutes on the touch line biting on cotton wool then back on. We lost by the way. After the match got the bus home alone. Blackburn to Accy. Got home. Mum is annoyed because my good looks have been spoilt, Dad gets home "should have got lower in the tackle son" End of. Fast forward same incident today.
I would have been taken off and a teacher would have taken me to A and E.
Having been assessed I would be offered trauma counselling.
The referee would be suspended as would the sports coach. The lad who tackled me would be arrested for assault.
An ambulance chasing parasite would contact my parents offering to sue the school for letting me play without a gum shield, putting me in harms way without adequate protection, and not calling a halt to the game to allow me to find my tooth. They would also seek huge compensation for my life changing facial disfigurement. My parents would be investigated by social services for failing to provide a gum shield and I may be taken into care because of their neglect. The school would spend thousands defending its actions but would be deprived of the sports coach until the issue was resolved several years later.
Do I still sound like the Monty Python sketch Russ?
" In a battle of wits it is unfair of me to fight an unarmed man"
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Old 02-03-2018, 12:27   #22
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Big Joe....look at your signature.
It says it all in respect of the comment by this member.
The other thing to note is that he has been here since 2010 and he has posted 17 posts.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 02-03-2018, 20:35   #23
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Big Joe....look at your signature.
It says it all in respect of the comment by this member.
The other thing to note is that he has been here since 2010 and he has posted 17 posts.
His last post before the one on this was Nov 2013, yet comments on whats posted on the forum. his perogative, but if everyone was like him there wouldn't be a forum.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Last edited by cashman; 02-03-2018 at 20:37.
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Old 02-03-2018, 20:39   #24
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
The other thing to note is that he has been here since 2010 and he has posted 17 posts.
Might have something to do with the Minkies blaze of red where his reputation is concerned (looking at his public profile page).
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 02-03-2018, 20:47   #25
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Yes, I spotted that but thought i would not mention it.
Not exactly an asset to the forum...except, if I am devil's advocate, it HAS provoked a healthy response.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 02-03-2018, 21:45   #26
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Originally Posted by russthemink View Post
Its like the monty python yorkshiremen sketch on this forum sometimes.
No, it's not, myself, sister and brother all walked to and from school everyday, from Lonsdale St to Rhyddings School whatever the weather (and my Dad was one of the few people on our street that actually had a car). I don't ever remember the school closing due to bad weather. No bloody 4x4's either.

Teachers could actually discipline kids, I remember there was a woodwork teacher who had a bat with Ouch written in chalk...

If you did something wrong and were caught by someone they gave you a clip round the lughole and dragged you off to your parents and you'd get the same again.

We actually had friends and you went around to their house to get them to play out (and not talking to them on mobile phones via Facebook). Your dad would help you make trolleys and we would fly down Exchange St with no brakes and not have to worry about cars getting in the way.

In the summer months we would be out from early morning until it got dark, if you fell and hurt yourself, it's just how it was - there was no ambulance chasing/compensation culture then.

I'm sure this will be familiar to anyone of a certain age....
An Oxymoron is but an Onomatopoeia isn’t. I shall leave you to ponder that one.
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Old 03-03-2018, 09:18   #27
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Originally Posted by Big Joe View Post
A lot of things are better but for my money a lot of things are much worse. One of my grandsons spends so much time on a game console he looks like a vampire. Sunlight would kill him. At his age I was in the scouts (Christ Church ) and like most of our generation spent most of my waking hours outdoors. That why this country has more fat kids (Oo er I'm a fattist) Also I was fit and healthy, ate proper food, played a lot of sport which I loved, climbed trees, fell in Priestly Clough, built rope swings, skinned my knees, and had a good fun child hood. It was fun healthy and innocent. I thought Manuel Labour was a Mexican bandit and Wan King was a city in China. Not so today. As for the generation that brought them up well unfortunately a lot of government establishments were staffed/infiltrated by key people in the 60's and 70's who had a very nanny state approach to raising kids and that under His Tonyness only got worse. This is a great country but sadly it is the worst for being a nanny state where you can do wrong and the first thing that happens is their is a queue of people lining up to tell you its not your fault someone else is to blame and while were at it have some compensation. Anyway have to go back tu shoe box in road.
think that sums up most of our childhoods. saturday morning if there wasn,t a school match consisted about 12 of us playing football in the local rec. rain, snow and occasionally shine. was repeated after the match we went too in autumn after the game. managed to keep slim without the need of poncy diets. plenty of fish and chips and sugry drinks for all. funny when i still meet up with some of these lads we do not look much different apart from looking older. must have done something right then.
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Old 03-03-2018, 10:52   #28
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I was rubbish at cross country running too, but my best friend was good and she used to drag me along with her.
A lot of the girls would stop and have a fag behind farmer Nelson's barn otherwise I think I would have been last.
I was (with Pat's encouragement) usually in the first ten back to base.
The games mistress used to take binoculars so that she knew who had taken a long time behind the barn...she would smell their breath for the smell of ciggies and they would have to be outside the Headmasters office the next morning.
Cross country running was always the last lesson on a Wednesday...and it put me off all sport too...I hated it.
As the song goes, "yes I remember it well"; think yourself lucky Margaret, I and many other lads had to do the same as the lasses whilst under the mean and watchful gaze of Milton Suthers; he did treat everyone equally though, the piece of rubber V belt that he used in place of a cane brought on the ritual of not daring to cry or even sniffle in front of your class mates.
After saying the above, I still believe that corporal punishment should never have been banded; used without malice it did no harm.

Your's Taddy.
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Old 03-03-2018, 10:53   #29
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Banded should have read Banned
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Old 03-03-2018, 11:06   #30
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Re: Snowball fights, health, safety and compensation

Originally Posted by taddy View Post
After saying the above, I still believe that corporal punishment should never have been banded; used without malice it did no harm.
agree about not banning corporate punishment if you broke school and home rules as it was the only thing that got us all in line, but it was used a bit too frequently at my junior school if you made a mess of your classwork. not everyone was good at sums or english and did feel a bit sorry for some who just could not do what was asked.
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Last edited by Neil; 05-03-2018 at 03:12. Reason: fix quote
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