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07-12-2008, 10:25
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Re: Snowball Incident
Originally Posted by forceten
It was wrong to put him in the car and take him to the police station. He is a child after all.
And the fact that his sister is obviously stupid, and his Dad is in prison is not the lads fault.
Don't tar him with the same brush, not his fault.
But if he did throw the snowball then he was in the wrong, and it should be dealt with.
That might be true forceten, but whats betting that the lad ends up the same, stupid and in prison like his sister and dad
07-12-2008, 10:53
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Snowball Incident
Originally Posted by jaysay
That might be true forceten, but whats betting that the lad ends up the same, stupid and in prison like his sister and dad
Perhaps he will, but maybe if he sees justice being done, i.e. his abductor facing the full force of the law, he might just have a reason to try to be different from the rest.
What a shame that a young lad has been written off as a "bad 'un", just over a snowball!
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07-12-2008, 11:07
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Re: Snowball Incident
the way some folk are reacting you would think the guy took the kid away in a car and murdered the kid over the tops
the poor bloke took the kid directly to the police station and if my son had done somthing to warrant been taken to the police station my son would be in a whole load of trouble and i would be appologetic to his victim, however if a bloke bundled my son into his car and took him over the tops then i would want this bloke dead but as it stands the bloke took this little thug to the police station and for doing the right thing has now found himself been protrayed as the bad guy and instead of this little thugs family been ashamed of the little thugs actions they show their little darling the way to react when caught doing somthing wrong to someone is to threaten them and kick up enough fuss so that people dont remember what it was exactly that caused all this trouble in teh first place
talk about the victim always coming off worse
its treacherous enough driving in the snow and like others said this bratts actions could have caused injuries or deaths to others
i wonder how people would be reacting if this driver had been forced to swerve and hit a pram with a baby in it
also the child wasnt abducted he was placed under citizens arrest which isnt an illigal act but how far you can go with a citizens arrest i dont know as i am not a solicitor
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 07-12-2008 at 11:10.
07-12-2008, 11:15
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Re: Snowball Incident
Originally Posted by Less
Perhaps he will, but maybe if he sees justice being done, i.e. his abductor facing the full force of the law, he might just have a reason to try to be different from the rest.
What a shame that a young lad has been written off as a "bad 'un", just over a snowball!
The Police have already stated that no offence has been commited, the lad was'nt abducted, he was placed under citizens arrest! As such he was taken, under arrest to a Police Station! ..Now maybe it was wrong of the chap to carry it out in this manner, but he did the right thing in bringing it to the attention of the Police. I'm sure this lad will now think twice about the consequences of his actions before throwing things at moving vehicles in future. The Driver too, probably wont act in the same away again either. If any form of action was taken by the Police against the Driver..then surely all thats going to do is re-enforce some teenagers opinion that they can get away with anything!
Best Regards - Taggy
07-12-2008, 11:30
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Re: Snowball Incident
Don't blame this man at all.......I had a car tyre lobbed at me a few months ago, luckily I was able to swerve out of the way in time.......but if I had got a hold of the little dears I would have been arrested believe me.
Incidentally the kids in question were no more than 9 or 10........says a lot about their upbringing.
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07-12-2008, 11:34
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Re: Snowball Incident
anyone else notice how its the scummy families that kick up fuss about kidnaping , child abuse and threaten retaliation yet a decent family would be applogetic for their childs actions and show some degree of embarrasment or shame regarding their childs actions
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
07-12-2008, 11:36
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Snowball Incident
Originally Posted by accyman
anyone else notice how its the scummy families that kick up fuss about kidnaping , child abuse and threaten retaliation yet a decent family would be applogetic for their childs actions and show some degree of embarrasment or shame regarding their childs actions
that says it all.
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07-12-2008, 11:50
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Re: Snowball Incident
Originally Posted by accyman
anyone else notice how its the scummy families that kick up fuss about kidnaping , child abuse and threaten retaliation yet a decent family would be applogetic for their childs actions and show some degree of embarrasment or shame regarding their childs actions
Isn't this just another example of our "Broken Society", as for taring this lad the same as his family Less, unfortunately it is all so true today that the children grow up with the same outlook as their parents, and learn from an early age to sail close to the wind with regards to what is right and what is wrong, if this lad sees his father committing crime, no doubt he will have been told that is Dad is a good guy, but was in the wrong place at the right time and got his collar felt
07-12-2008, 15:15
Re: Snowball Incident
Originally Posted by accyman
anyone else notice how its the scummy families that kick up fuss about kidnaping , child abuse and threaten retaliation yet a decent family would be applogetic for their childs actions and show some degree of embarrasment or shame regarding their childs actions
Very good point that. If I had not just given you karma for your other one this would have got it.
If the Police say the man did not commit a crime then I don't see what all this abducted rubbish is all about.
The kids throwing snowballs at cars are as bad as the ones who drop things on vehicles on motorways off bridges. Even a snowball can distract a driver enough to cause a fatal crash.
Originally Posted by Caz
Some did.....
This has gone on for eons, it's not a new thing is it?
And that makes it ok to throw things at cars does it?
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07-12-2008, 15:59
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Re: Snowball Incident
Originally Posted by accyman
anyone else notice how its the scummy families that kick up fuss about kidnaping , child abuse and threaten retaliation yet a decent family would be applogetic for their childs actions and show some degree of embarrasment or shame regarding their childs actions
Very true. I would most certainly be furious with a child of mine and very apologetic to the victim.
However, all we intelligent people know that you can't bundle other folk's kids into your car these days and expect not to be castigated for it.
I totally understand how angry the man was at that moment , it seems no crime was committed but certainly the fuss was only to be expected.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
07-12-2008, 16:09
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Re: Snowball Incident
i still think the bloke was %100 right in his actions and will go as far as to say we need more people preppared to take action WITHIN the law and seen as this bloke has broken NO law his actions were legal and therefore correct
how many times do we hear people say " we cant punish kids anymore because they know tehir rights" well if this blokes actions show kids that they are not untouchable then hooray for teh bloke
teh man should be given an award for serving the comunity not protrayed as a criminal by the local rag
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 07-12-2008 at 16:11.
07-12-2008, 16:21
Re: Snowball Incident
I think the majority of the posts from that newspaper are in favour of the driver taking action, several think he was a bit over the top and a few completely wrong. I don't think one person thinks what the kids were doing was ok. The lads parents/grandparent get a slating as well.
maninasuitcase.com, typicallancstown says...
9:22am Fri 5 Dec 08
I feel that this is disgusting that a young child, irrespective of his alleged actions can be put in the back of a STRANGERS car and then the same organisation (constabualry)that advises us to tell our children to do exactly the opposite, condone what this over reacting teddy throwing abductor has done.
Hypocrits of the highest order.
I feel that this is disgusting that a young child, irrespective of his alleged actions can be put in the back of a STRANGERS car and then the same organisation (constabualry)that advises us to tell our children to do exactly the opposite, condone what this over reacting teddy throwing abductor has done. Hypocrits of the highest order.
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The silver fox, Lammack, Blackburn says...
9:24am Fri 5 Dec 08
very one sided article in favour of the boy if you ask me. What if the snowball had caused the driver to swerve and then have an accident. The story would then have been something like thugs cause accident. Instead, because there was no accident the reporter paints a saintly picture of this lout. No wonder these yobd get away with murder, even the press goes soft on them.
very one sided article in favour of the boy if you ask me. What if the snowball had caused the driver to swerve and then have an accident. The story would then have been something like thugs cause accident. Instead, because there was no accident the reporter paints a saintly picture of this lout. No wonder these yobd get away with murder, even the press goes soft on them.
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Stormcock, Blackburn says...
9:58am Fri 5 Dec 08
What else would you expect from the lad who got caught other than 'It wasn't me, it was those other lads'. He's bound to say that.
If more people took a bit more direct action like the car driver did then it might stop young hooligans doing what they want and thinking they can get away with it.
What else would you expect from the lad who got caught other than 'It wasn't me, it was those other lads'. He's bound to say that. If more people took a bit more direct action like the car driver did then it might stop young hooligans doing what they want and thinking they can get away with it.
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pip pip!, Hyndburn says...
10:08am Fri 5 Dec 08
Don't see why Grandad's getting worked up. I understand he and his employer are happy to use anti terrorist legislation (RIPA)to beardown on local residents who may be in contravention of minor civil infractions.
Snowballing moving cars on a busy main road is not 'fun'. Get a grip,Grandad, clip his ear!
Don't see why Grandad's getting worked up. I understand he and his employer are happy to use anti terrorist legislation (RIPA)to beardown on local residents who may be in contravention of minor civil infractions. Snowballing moving cars on a busy main road is not 'fun'. Get a grip,Grandad, clip his ear!
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jennyyellow, Accrington says...
10:21am Fri 5 Dec 08
I have had to tackle misbehaving kids directly as I think adults should.
But this fella hit a child, and bundled him into a car!!!!
He couldnt have known who threw the snowball - and he overreacted.
I have had to tackle misbehaving kids directly as I think adults should. But this fella hit a child, and bundled him into a car!!!! He couldnt have known who threw the snowball - and he overreacted.
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Blondie, says...
10:33am Fri 5 Dec 08
But this fella hit a child, and bundled him into a car!!!!
He did not hit this boy!! No where does it state he did and there has been no criminal action taken againt the driver or the boy!
Stones inside a snowball are weapons, no wonder the driver was angry.
But this fella hit a child, and bundled him into a car!!!!
He did not hit this boy!! No where does it state he did and there has been no criminal action taken againt the driver or the boy! Stones inside a snowball are weapons, no wonder the driver was angry.
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Jet, Rishton says...
10:40am Fri 5 Dec 08
This child was snatched off a main road by a stranger.
This week a man was found guilty of the rape and murder of a schoolgirl from Scotland, she was snatched off a road.
This time it was an innocent mistake (we hope),but just think if you see a man bundle a child into a car and speed off what would you do.
Ring the police or just shrug your shoulders and think the kid deserved it and walk on by!
This child was snatched off a main road by a stranger. This week a man was found guilty of the rape and murder of a schoolgirl from Scotland, she was snatched off a road. This time it was an innocent mistake (we hope),but just think if you see a man bundle a child into a car and speed off what would you do. Ring the police or just shrug your shoulders and think the kid deserved it and walk on by!
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loobeylu, nelson says...
11:06am Fri 5 Dec 08
While i dont condone what the driver did by putting the lad in his car which was silly to do,on Tuesday morning at 9.00am on the corner of walton lane pupils from Pendle vale high school nelson proceeded to throw snowballs at passing cars and lorries.A few of the drivers opened the doors to chase them,there was about 20 lads throwing them, can you imagine the accident that would have caused on that roundabout.
Then they shouted racist comment to the drivers as well.
My son is 9 and i hope i have taught him better, even at that young age he knows wrong from right and definatley understands how dangerous it is to throw them at cars.
Maybe this young boys family havent taught him right.His grandad should stop moaning about the driver and learn his grandson some manners and morals.At 12 he should know better.
While i dont condone what the driver did by putting the lad in his car which was silly to do,on Tuesday morning at 9.00am on the corner of walton lane pupils from Pendle vale high school nelson proceeded to throw snowballs at passing cars and lorries.A few of the drivers opened the doors to chase them,there was about 20 lads throwing them, can you imagine the accident that would have caused on that roundabout. Then they shouted racist comment to the drivers as well. My son is 9 and i hope i have taught him better, even at that young age he knows wrong from right and definatley understands how dangerous it is to throw them at cars. Maybe this young boys family havent taught him right.His grandad should stop moaning about the driver and learn his grandson some manners and morals.At 12 he should know better.
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LadyB28, Lancashire says...
11:08am Fri 5 Dec 08
I agree with Blondie! I would of been fuming if I was driving with my 4yrd old daughter in the car and some stupid kid threw a snowball at my car! Its bad enough driving in those conditions let alone someone making it much harder! Would the grandad been as understanding if the driver had to swerve and hit another child or a passer by and killed them! I think not!
However I think he was wrong to put him in his car and take him to the police station but what else could he do! I cant see the police getting there in a hurry and I cant see the boy waiting either!
I agree with Blondie! I would of been fuming if I was driving with my 4yrd old daughter in the car and some stupid kid threw a snowball at my car! Its bad enough driving in those conditions let alone someone making it much harder! Would the grandad been as understanding if the driver had to swerve and hit another child or a passer by and killed them! I think not! However I think he was wrong to put him in his car and take him to the police station but what else could he do! I cant see the police getting there in a hurry and I cant see the boy waiting either!
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reasonable, Darwen says...
11:29am Fri 5 Dec 08
At last someone does something proactive when kids think they can get away with anything. Well done that man.
At last someone does something proactive when kids think they can get away with anything. Well done that man.
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AnthonyUK, Accrington says...
11:30am Fri 5 Dec 08
If the boy caused an accident thru this, would the father still be defending his boy? If he does then Mr.Wood needs a lesson in teaching manners to his children because it sounds to me like he couldn't care or give a monkeys as long as his kid can do whatever he likes knowing the police can't touch him and people who suffer as a result of the misdemeanour risk arrest for punishing the child. Stones/grit packed into snowballs can cause cracking/damage on windscreens and carwindows and the loud crack on the windscreen/window would probably shake up and frighten the driver causing a swerve/possible collision. I would've commended the driver and gave the kid a thick ear as a punishment for joining in antisocial behaviour like this.
If the boy caused an accident thru this, would the father still be defending his boy? If he does then Mr.Wood needs a lesson in teaching manners to his children because it sounds to me like he couldn't care or give a monkeys as long as his kid can do whatever he likes knowing the police can't touch him and people who suffer as a result of the misdemeanour risk arrest for punishing the child. Stones/grit packed into snowballs can cause cracking/damage on windscreens and carwindows and the loud crack on the windscreen/window would probably shake up and frighten the driver causing a swerve/possible collision. I would've commended the driver and gave the kid a thick ear as a punishment for joining in antisocial behaviour like this.
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Jed, Blackburn says...
12:01pm Fri 5 Dec 08
Well done the driver! If more action like this was taken eventually no kids would be bundled into cars because the message would go out as a deterrant. It is not "fun" to throw missiles at moving traffic. The family should thank the driver for teaching their child a valuable lesson whether he threw the snowball or not.
Well done the driver! If more action like this was taken eventually no kids would be bundled into cars because the message would go out as a deterrant. It is not "fun" to throw missiles at moving traffic. The family should thank the driver for teaching their child a valuable lesson whether he threw the snowball or not.
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Ashley R, Oswaldtwistle says...
12:01pm Fri 5 Dec 08
Throwing snowballs at cars is dangerous, it doesn't take another Einstein to figure that that out!
I also think it is about time people stood up to these yobs, it might let them know they wont get away with their stupid actions.
However, bundling anyone, be it child or adult into the back of a car is just as if not more stupid than throwing snowballs at cars! If I saw a fully grown man bundling some scared child into the back of a car your **** right I would be alerting the police!
Its not the correct way to deal with these yobs.
Throwing snowballs at cars is dangerous, it doesn't take another Einstein to figure that that out! I also think it is about time people stood up to these yobs, it might let them know they wont get away with their stupid actions. However, bundling anyone, be it child or adult into the back of a car is just as if not more stupid than throwing snowballs at cars! If I saw a fully grown man bundling some scared child into the back of a car your **** right I would be alerting the police! Its not the correct way to deal with these yobs.
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AnthonyUK, Accrington says...
1:26pm Fri 5 Dec 08
That kid needed to be dealt with directly with direct action;if not his and his friends actions' could have caused an accident at best, and if the driver had swerved into a wall or other oncoming car as a result of this, he could have died. I wouldn't have alerted the police had I seen this I would have left him to do it. Direct action is sometimes the only action to deal with youth scum like this if kind words have no effect whatsoever;if we don't stand up to this and do nothing,the yobs will win(and the police would probably just slap their hands warn them and let them go).
That kid needed to be dealt with directly with direct action;if not his and his friends actions' could have caused an accident at best, and if the driver had swerved into a wall or other oncoming car as a result of this, he could have died. I wouldn't have alerted the police had I seen this I would have left him to do it. Direct action is sometimes the only action to deal with youth scum like this if kind words have no effect whatsoever;if we don't stand up to this and do nothing,the yobs will win(and the police would probably just slap their hands warn them and let them go).
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Jack-son, Burnley says...
2:54pm Fri 5 Dec 08
Well done. Grandfather says nothing for the kids to do in Rishton, well you know what to do, get off your backside and get people together to organise things for them to do. Another alternative is to let the kids use a room in one of their homes to meet rather than be on the street.
Well done. Grandfather says nothing for the kids to do in Rishton, well you know what to do, get off your backside and get people together to organise things for them to do. Another alternative is to let the kids use a room in one of their homes to meet rather than be on the street.
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Haveyoursay1, Rishton says...
3:05pm Fri 5 Dec 08
Come on Grandad,
"Its not surprising as there is absolutely nothing for kids to do in Rishton.
Does that mean it is okay for kids to throw weapons at cars then!!!!!! or do what they want in most cases.
The driver could have had a serious accident even killed himself and his daughter or a pedestrian if he had gone off the Road.
It is about time Britain pulled up its socks and took responsibility for its children.
If anyone should have been complaining in the news it should be the driver as he was the victim. Has anyone got the drivers side of the story?
As parent's it is our responsibility to teach our children right from wrong not turn a wrong doing into something it isn't.
Has the driver of the car had an apology, did the boy involved tell his mates not to throw the weapons, did the boy tell the police who his mates are that actually commited the crime?
Oh well as the saying goes got away with it again, really puts out the right message to all the kids that want to throw weapons at drivers, Fireengines, Police cars, Buses and Ambulances.
One last point Mr Wood and Danny, how would you feel today if the driver had crashed his car due to the weapon hitting his car, how would you feel today if lives had been lost? Or how would you have felt if it had been your family in the car and it had crashed.
Come on Grandad, "Its not surprising as there is absolutely nothing for kids to do in Rishton. Does that mean it is okay for kids to throw weapons at cars then!!!!!! or do what they want in most cases. The driver could have had a serious accident even killed himself and his daughter or a pedestrian if he had gone off the Road. It is about time Britain pulled up its socks and took responsibility for its children. If anyone should have been complaining in the news it should be the driver as he was the victim. Has anyone got the drivers side of the story? As parent's it is our responsibility to teach our children right from wrong not turn a wrong doing into something it isn't. Has the driver of the car had an apology, did the boy involved tell his mates not to throw the weapons, did the boy tell the police who his mates are that actually commited the crime? Oh well as the saying goes got away with it again, really puts out the right message to all the kids that want to throw weapons at drivers, Fireengines, Police cars, Buses and Ambulances. One last point Mr Wood and Danny, how would you feel today if the driver had crashed his car due to the weapon hitting his car, how would you feel today if lives had been lost? Or how would you have felt if it had been your family in the car and it had crashed.
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AnthonyUK, Accrington says...
3:08pm Fri 5 Dec 08
There may well be nothing to do in Rishton Jack-son but doesn't excuse this sort of behaviour in the least! Mr.Wood should be taking better care of his kids as a parent and keeping an eye on what they do-to defend this as he has done and sit back and do nothing sucks of feeble parenting, I would have clipped him round the ear and grounded him for a good few weeks and commended the driver-parents who don't control their kids and let them get up to things like this without punishment should be punished and their kids locked up.
There may well be nothing to do in Rishton Jack-son but doesn't excuse this sort of behaviour in the least! Mr.Wood should be taking better care of his kids as a parent and keeping an eye on what they do-to defend this as he has done and sit back and do nothing sucks of feeble parenting, I would have clipped him round the ear and grounded him for a good few weeks and commended the driver-parents who don't control their kids and let them get up to things like this without punishment should be punished and their kids locked up.
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john the boss, great harwood says...
3:16pm Fri 5 Dec 08
the poice said the driver should of rung them ,ffs the driver and 12 year old (norden primary school pupil ???) would of died of frost bite with the time it takes the police to turn up ,
the poice said the driver should of rung them ,ffs the driver and 12 year old (norden primary school pupil ???) would of died of frost bite with the time it takes the police to turn up ,
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Saythetruth, Rishton says...
3:30pm Fri 5 Dec 08
Dear Grandad,
Your grandson was throwing snowballs on wednesday afternoon at the buses going past near the canal bridge just past Norden school, he seemed to have a very good throw on him. I seen him with his mate, I was walking my dog and I should of got hold of them then.Love to hear your excuse now.
Dear Grandad, Your grandson was throwing snowballs on wednesday afternoon at the buses going past near the canal bridge just past Norden school, he seemed to have a very good throw on him. I seen him with his mate, I was walking my dog and I should of got hold of them then.Love to hear your excuse now.
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Catweazle-Gary, BLACKBURN says...
3:37pm Fri 5 Dec 08
PITTY it was not 40 years ago the young lad would have got a real good HIDING for just being there!
The driver should have blindfolded the young lad and left him on the Moors where there is lots snow to play with!!!!!
PITTY it was not 40 years ago the young lad would have got a real good HIDING for just being there! The driver should have blindfolded the young lad and left him on the Moors where there is lots snow to play with!!!!!
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rishtowner, rishton says...
4:10pm Fri 5 Dec 08
hes my little brver never been in trouble in his life get a life he happened to be at the wrong plaace at the wrong time that is no excuse to grab him by his neck and throw him into the car tht is bsically abduction he has no right he didnt even see danny throw the snowball which he didnt as he was taking his asthma inhaler so that is why he couldnt run if he was a real yob he would have kicked off aand smshed his windows alone so all you writing them nasty comments you might waant to think aabout wht you put
hes my little brver never been in trouble in his life get a life he happened to be at the wrong plaace at the wrong time that is no excuse to grab him by his neck and throw him into the car tht is bsically abduction he has no right he didnt even see danny throw the snowball which he didnt as he was taking his asthma inhaler so that is why he couldnt run if he was a real yob he would have kicked off aand smshed his windows alone so all you writing them nasty comments you might waant to think aabout wht you put
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rishtowner, rishton says...
4:19pm Fri 5 Dec 08
and yes he did hit him round the hed and drgged him by the collar across the ice how the f*** does this man have the right 2 do this 2 my 12 year old bruva when he has no proof it was him how cud he have thrown it when he was taking his inhaler if he rely was a " yob " or " hoody " he would of atleest tried to escpe from the mans grip alot of other boys his age would hve been violent towrds the man i wish i ws there i for one would have not let him do this to my brother
and yes he did hit him round the hed and drgged him by the collar across the ice how the f*** does this man have the right 2 do this 2 my 12 year old bruva when he has no proof it was him how cud he have thrown it when he was taking his inhaler if he rely was a " yob " or " hoody " he would of atleest tried to escpe from the mans grip alot of other boys his age would hve been violent towrds the man i wish i ws there i for one would have not let him do this to my brother
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The offspring, Blackburn says...
4:37pm Fri 5 Dec 08
I grew up in the the Pringle street area of Blackburn and this article reminds me of two 'old' chaps that lived in the area at that,one was featured in the telegraph a while back he was called mr Ford,the other was mr Jones.I recall as a child how both of them would gladly come out of their houses and would put a stop to any behaviour that they took exception too,they commanded respect;something which is sadly lacking amongst the youth of today!.whislt i agree that the motorist in question shouldnt have put the child into the back of his car i commend him for challenging this anti social behaviour,society needs more peoople like this!
I grew up in the the Pringle street area of Blackburn and this article reminds me of two 'old' chaps that lived in the area at that,one was featured in the telegraph a while back he was called mr Ford,the other was mr Jones.I recall as a child how both of them would gladly come out of their houses and would put a stop to any behaviour that they took exception too,they commanded respect;something which is sadly lacking amongst the youth of today!.whislt i agree that the motorist in question shouldnt have put the child into the back of his car i commend him for challenging this anti social behaviour,society needs more peoople like this!
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rishtowner, rishton says...
5:06pm Fri 5 Dec 08
i cant wait till mine and dannys dads out of prison new yer day he will sort tht Google Page Ranking*** out if the police rnt
i cant wait till mine and dannys dads out of prison new yer day he will sort tht Google Page Ranking*** out if the police rnt
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Stormcock, Blackburn says...
5:24pm Fri 5 Dec 08
So Daddy's in prison is he? Sounds like he'll be straight back in there if he goes to sort 'tht Google Page Ranking***' out. That would be a fine example to set a kid who already seems to be heading off the rails.
As for you, rishtowner, maybe you should pay a bit more attention in your English lessons - you write like a complete numbskull.
So Daddy's in prison is he? Sounds like he'll be straight back in there if he goes to sort 'tht Google Page Ranking***' out. That would be a fine example to set a kid who already seems to be heading off the rails. As for you, rishtowner, maybe you should pay a bit more attention in your English lessons - you write like a complete numbskull.
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suttydog, accrington says...
5:52pm Fri 5 Dec 08
i was born in rishton and there was never anything to do we just played football on botton rec never caused any trouble but if you did u got a thick ear off the men but you didnt go home and tell your parents cause you got a clip round the other ear thats how it should be we respected people and their property ever parents today make excuses for bad behavior they seem to think out of sight out of mind. i do agree the man shouldnt have forced him in his car this day and age you open yourself up to being accused of all sorts
i was born in rishton and there was never anything to do we just played football on botton rec never caused any trouble but if you did u got a thick ear off the men but you didnt go home and tell your parents cause you got a clip round the other ear thats how it should be we respected people and their property ever parents today make excuses for bad behavior they seem to think out of sight out of mind. i do agree the man shouldnt have forced him in his car this day and age you open yourself up to being accused of all sorts
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sengland, great harwood says...
8:01pm Fri 5 Dec 08
haha, danny arested, lmao
haha, danny arested, lmao
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Pendle BNP, Pendle says...
8:55pm Fri 5 Dec 08
Please visit our blog for lighthearted discussion, News and information on a range of different issues concerning Pendle and the surrounding area.
Please visit our blog for lighthearted discussion, News and information on a range of different issues concerning Pendle and the surrounding area. http://pendlebnp.blo gspot.com/
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rishtowner, rishton says...
9:00pm Fri 5 Dec 08
**** you all if your that bothered chek the cctv cameras we would see wht happened den get a life ! have you got nout beta 2 do on friday nite than comment on storys on the internet you can say **** bout ppl online is that ment to make you hard danny is my little brother he is 12 and has never been in trouble his life except from now when he has had a youth refferal of the police for supposedly throwing a " snowball " for a start he was having problems with his asthma at the time when some boys who he was with were throwing snowballs round who nows if it was thrown on purpose but danny ws tking his inhaler and wlking home when the boys ran and the man jumped out the car and grabbed hold of him by his neck drgging him along the ice ANd throwing him into his car there is no prooof it ws my brother danny if he ws a real yob he would hve atlest kicked off but he didnt is this the type of world we live in were any strnger cn assult a child and tke them in there car against there own will with no proof they have done anything wrong !? nd yes i can speel but sumtimes it is easier not 2 . as a matter of fact i hve n a * in english gcse but sumtyms spelling isnt importnt as i dont cre wht you low lifes think of me i only mde this account so i could comment and stick up 4 my brother i no he is innocent and if anyone is bithered enough why dont the police check the cmers as tht will tell who the real criniml is and whoever said danny is going off the rails how hve you got the right to say that the only thing you know bout him is tht he has been accused off throwing a snowball if tht is going off the rils then i dont know wht else 2 say 2 u it wil be wsting my tym as i am not tht sad 2 argue online with ppl i dont know about something i know nothing bout
**** you all if your that bothered chek the cctv cameras we would see wht happened den get a life ! have you got nout beta 2 do on friday nite than comment on storys on the internet you can say **** bout ppl online is that ment to make you hard danny is my little brother he is 12 and has never been in trouble his life except from now when he has had a youth refferal of the police for supposedly throwing a " snowball " for a start he was having problems with his asthma at the time when some boys who he was with were throwing snowballs round who nows if it was thrown on purpose but danny ws tking his inhaler and wlking home when the boys ran and the man jumped out the car and grabbed hold of him by his neck drgging him along the ice ANd throwing him into his car there is no prooof it ws my brother danny if he ws a real yob he would hve atlest kicked off but he didnt is this the type of world we live in were any strnger cn assult a child and tke them in there car against there own will with no proof they have done anything wrong !? nd yes i can speel but sumtimes it is easier not 2 . as a matter of fact i hve n a * in english gcse but sumtyms spelling isnt importnt as i dont cre wht you low lifes think of me i only mde this account so i could comment and stick up 4 my brother i no he is innocent and if anyone is bithered enough why dont the police check the cmers as tht will tell who the real criniml is and whoever said danny is going off the rails how hve you got the right to say that the only thing you know bout him is tht he has been accused off throwing a snowball if tht is going off the rils then i dont know wht else 2 say 2 u it wil be wsting my tym as i am not tht sad 2 argue online with ppl i dont know about something i know nothing bout
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Stormcock, Blackburn says...
10:04pm Fri 5 Dec 08
What the hell is this half wit on about?
"nd yes i can speel but sumtimes it is easier not 2"
What a ******.
What the hell is this half wit on about? "nd yes i can speel but sumtimes it is easier not 2" What a ******.
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Ian123xyz, Blackburn says...
11:00pm Fri 5 Dec 08
Well done Mr Driver, although you took a big risk in todays climate. Common sense from the police as well.
Well done Mr Driver, although you took a big risk in todays climate. Common sense from the police as well.
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Anne S, Accrington says...
9:03am Sat 6 Dec 08
"nd yes i can speel but sumtimes it is easier not 2 . as a matter of fact i hve n a * in english gcse but sumtyms spelling isnt importnt as i dont cre wht you low lifes think of me"
Unbelievable!!! If Rishtowner has an A* in English GCSE and still writes like a dimwit then it just shows how ridiculous the education system is nowadays1 I cannot believe that someone can even pass English GCSE who is a complete idiot and has not even the basic concept of English grammar and spelling!!! Maybe you and your little brother should spend more time concentrating on your education -when you are not visiting daddy in prison!
"nd yes i can speel but sumtimes it is easier not 2 . as a matter of fact i hve n a * in english gcse but sumtyms spelling isnt importnt as i dont cre wht you low lifes think of me" Unbelievable!!! If Rishtowner has an A* in English GCSE and still writes like a dimwit then it just shows how ridiculous the education system is nowadays1 I cannot believe that someone can even pass English GCSE who is a complete idiot and has not even the basic concept of English grammar and spelling!!! Maybe you and your little brother should spend more time concentrating on your education -when you are not visiting daddy in prison!
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suttydog, accrington says...
10:08am Sat 6 Dec 08
rishtowner seems you havnt got anything to do on a friday nite now the snow has melted.
rishtowner seems you havnt got anything to do on a friday nite now the snow has melted.
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suttydog, accrington says...
10:14am Sat 6 Dec 08
oh and another thing what would have happened if the driver had swerved and run into either another car or someone walking and killed them who would be at fault.if someone else threw the snowball and he swerved into 1 of your relatives and killed them you would soon be passing blame all you who defended these kids think about that.
oh and another thing what would have happened if the driver had swerved and run into either another car or someone walking and killed them who would be at fault.if someone else threw the snowball and he swerved into 1 of your relatives and killed them you would soon be passing blame all you who defended these kids think about that.
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Tazz360, Rishton says...
11:29am Sat 6 Dec 08
Dear Mr council worker
Totally off the subject here but isn't throwing snowballs at cars more dangerous than accidentally dropping a sweet wrapper out of the car window? Plus it is a form of littering.
Maybe the kid should be fined £50 too hey?
Dear Mr council worker Totally off the subject here but isn't throwing snowballs at cars more dangerous than accidentally dropping a sweet wrapper out of the car window? Plus it is a form of littering. Maybe the kid should be fined £50 too hey?
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sengland, great harwood says...
11:51am Sat 6 Dec 08
why dont you w*****s leave her alone, her dads in prison n u lot r takin the **** out of her, get a life ffs !!
why dont you w*****s leave her alone, her dads in prison n u lot r takin the **** out of her, get a life ffs !!
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arrodchick, Great Harwood says...
1:38pm Sat 6 Dec 08
rishtowner wrote:
i cant wait till mine and dannys dads out of prison new yer day he will sort tht Google Page Ranking*** out if the police rnt
Says it all really doesnt it.
[p][bold]rishtowner[/bold] wrote: i cant wait till mine and dannys dads out of prison new yer day he will sort tht Google Page Ranking*** out if the police rnt[/p]
Says it all really doesnt it.
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Haveyoursay1, Rishton says...
5:15pm Sat 6 Dec 08
Well what a your say this is turning out to be. We are all trying to have our say, but it appears that certain children don't think we have a right to say. It is a real shame that the children of today know nothing other than swearing or is it ******** staring.
Mr Wood took the decision to publish this article and get himself and Danny in the paper, maybe he should have thought twice about making accusations at the driver. When obviously he has more than enough to deal with at home.
A 12 year old boy gets arrested then the sister shows herself up for the low life she is.
I would have thought it would have been better to have punished the boy for doing wrong in the first place.
I would also suggest a crash course in manners for the sister, just out of curiosity how old are you rishtowner?
Well what a your say this is turning out to be. We are all trying to have our say, but it appears that certain children don't think we have a right to say. It is a real shame that the children of today know nothing other than swearing or is it ******** staring. Mr Wood took the decision to publish this article and get himself and Danny in the paper, maybe he should have thought twice about making accusations at the driver. When obviously he has more than enough to deal with at home. A 12 year old boy gets arrested then the sister shows herself up for the low life she is. I would have thought it would have been better to have punished the boy for doing wrong in the first place. I would also suggest a crash course in manners for the sister, just out of curiosity how old are you rishtowner?
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Linda1963, Blackburn says...
6:21pm Sat 6 Dec 08
It is time people had manners and had a civil conversation rather than dogging children
It is time people had manners and had a civil conversation rather than dogging children
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Accy Lad, The Valley Of The Dammed says...
7:41pm Sat 6 Dec 08
Now then Rishtowner, regardless of the fact that my cat is better at English Grammar then yourself, making threats of violence is a criminal offence. So your brother has been marched to the cop shop and warned, well I have reported your threats to the local police at Great Harwood and they will soon be knocking on your door.
To those tree huggers that are whinging on that this chav is a child, then yo gain an A* in English you have to have left school so they will be of later tennage years. Get your heads out of your back sides and see this as what it is. Lad does worng, gets caught and doesn like it.
As for he couldnt run away because he was using his inhaler. What utter garbage.
Now then Rishtowner, regardless of the fact that my cat is better at English Grammar then yourself, making threats of violence is a criminal offence. So your brother has been marched to the cop shop and warned, well I have reported your threats to the local police at Great Harwood and they will soon be knocking on your door. To those tree huggers that are whinging on that this chav is a child, then yo gain an A* in English you have to have left school so they will be of later tennage years. Get your heads out of your back sides and see this as what it is. Lad does worng, gets caught and doesn like it. As for he couldnt run away because he was using his inhaler. What utter garbage.
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Anne S, Accrington says...
8:22pm Sat 6 Dec 08
Well said Accy Lad
Well said Accy Lad
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Anne S, Accrington says...
8:31pm Sat 6 Dec 08
sengland -maybe if her dad had not broken the law he wouldn't be in prison???? It is not a difficult concept-don't break the law and you won't go to prison! You expect people to be sympathetic to these scummy people -the son is obviously following the father. Don't even mention how dreadful the sister is suggesting what the father will do when he gets out of prison! Amazing they have the same father -sound like a typical benefit family -evreything for nothing and none of them work!!!
sengland -maybe if her dad had not broken the law he wouldn't be in prison???? It is not a difficult concept-don't break the law and you won't go to prison! You expect people to be sympathetic to these scummy people -the son is obviously following the father. Don't even mention how dreadful the sister is suggesting what the father will do when he gets out of prison! Amazing they have the same father -sound like a typical benefit family -evreything for nothing and none of them work!!!
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WillowTheWhisp, Accrington says...
9:02pm Sat 6 Dec 08
Throwing snowballs at cars should be taken very seriously. If a snowball hits the windscreen and obscures the drivers vision he could crash into another car or run over a pedestrian. Kids need to have it drummed into them not to do this. The driver did not over-react.
Throwing snowballs at cars should be taken very seriously. If a snowball hits the windscreen and obscures the drivers vision he could crash into another car or run over a pedestrian. Kids need to have it drummed into them not to do this. The driver did not over-react.
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Not-so-Old Bill, Cumbria says...
10:25pm Sat 6 Dec 08
Rishtowner, your sweet little "brver" is one thing and one thing only. He is scum, just like you. And when daddy sees the light of day after his incarceration, i'm sure he'll be very proud. Not to mention the joke of a grandad of yours, trying to tell people that's it's ok to commit a Section $ Public Order offence, or even criminal damage, cos "there is absolutely nothing for kids to do in Rishton.
It should be just like the old days... show disrespect, you get a smack in the mouth. If I had done it my day, my feet wouldnt have touched the ground. Therefore I would do it again.
This PC, cotton-wool, scum-loving so called society is a disgrace
Rishtowner, your sweet little "brver" is one thing and one thing only. He is scum, just like you. And when daddy sees the light of day after his incarceration, i'm sure he'll be very proud. Not to mention the joke of a grandad of yours, trying to tell people that's it's ok to commit a Section $ Public Order offence, or even criminal damage, cos "there is absolutely nothing for kids to do in Rishton. It should be just like the old days... show disrespect, you get a smack in the mouth. If I had done it my day, my feet wouldnt have touched the ground. Therefore I would do it again. This PC, cotton-wool, scum-loving so called society is a disgrace
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Slimplynth, Blackburn says...
10:51pm Sat 6 Dec 08
it wouldn't surprise me if these kids were the same little turds throwing water balloons at passing cars in the summer... I pulled over an reported it to the police but I think they were too busy.
I witnessed a few water balloons go inside the cars through windows that were open due to the stifiling heat. This was happening just outside the Bentley showroom just meters away from a busy junction at rush hour.. someone could have easily been killed in a resulting accident... they're just kids though so why do anything.
it wouldn't surprise me if these kids were the same little turds throwing water balloons at passing cars in the summer... I pulled over an reported it to the police but I think they were too busy. I witnessed a few water balloons go inside the cars through windows that were open due to the stifiling heat. This was happening just outside the Bentley showroom just meters away from a busy junction at rush hour.. someone could have easily been killed in a resulting accident... they're just kids though so why do anything.
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tonto, Rishton says...
11:46am Sun 7 Dec 08
I appauld the driver for having the guts to tackle this yob (yes yob) and take him to the police station. Shame it was a waste of time, the police are pathetic and the law well it's a waste of space too, where's the protection for us good honest folk.
As for grandad he needs to learn some parenting skills, before shooting his mouth, idiot.
I appauld the driver for having the guts to tackle this yob (yes yob) and take him to the police station. Shame it was a waste of time, the police are pathetic and the law well it's a waste of space too, where's the protection for us good honest folk. As for grandad he needs to learn some parenting skills, before shooting his mouth, idiot.
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fuschia, bacup says...
1:44pm Sun 7 Dec 08
It's about time people stood up to these yobs who think it's o.k to intimidate people whatever the outcome of their actions.I take special needs children to school and on wednesday morning our vehicle was bombarded with snowballs from pupils at the school i was going to and they just thought it was hilarious makes you wonder what sort of families they come from
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07-12-2008, 19:58
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Re: Snowball Incident
If there had been a police station in Rishton the motorist would not have needed to bundle the boy into his car, proof we need more local stations and police out on the beat.
If 'child' is old enough to be out on his own then he is old enough to be reprimanded as an adult should he miss behave.
If child is innocent and if he had been mine, I would have been grateful to the motorist for taking him away from the group of delinquents he was with.
The part of the l email that the sister wrought that worries me is where she says she does not care what 'low life' think about her. My interpretation is that she is calling anyone from main stream society (eg those disgusted by boys behaviour) as low life!! Ironic really, but worrying that she seems to disassociate herself from the rest of us.
It also seems very sad to me that someone in a council appointed position is so irresponsible as to seem to condone throwing snowballs at car.
07-12-2008, 20:11
Re: Snowball Incident
Originally Posted by polly
It also seems very sad to me that someone in a council appointed position is so irresponsible as to seem to condone throwing snowballs at car.
Who is in a Council appointed position?
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07-12-2008, 20:12
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Re: Snowball Incident
Originally Posted by Neil
Who is in a Council appointed position?
His grandad is the dog warden
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