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Old 05-06-2009, 23:02   #16
God Member

Re: so its election day again...

seems like the Tories have got the county elections sewn all over the country doubt in my mind they will win the next General Election so if you are a pensioner or your income is less than 40k you best start stocking up with baked beans and the like, get used to laying on trollies in hospital corridors etc...the less well off will be blamed and made to pay for this reccession, not the rich Tories!
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Old 05-06-2009, 23:52   #17
God Member

Re: so its election day again...

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
seems like the Tories have got the county elections sewn all over the country doubt in my mind they will win the next General Election so if you are a pensioner or your income is less than 40k you best start stocking up with baked beans and the like, get used to laying on trollies in hospital corridors etc...the less well off will be blamed and made to pay for this reccession, not the rich Tories!
yup anopther 10 -15 years of the poor getting screwed on teh horizon untill the poor wake up again and realise that they can no longer get treated in a hopsital in under 5 years

the tory way of treating ilneses like heart problems and cancers is to make the patient wait as long as possible in the hope they will die before any money has to be spent on treating them

RIP N.H.S it was nice while it lasted

roll on the new era of screw you jack im ok
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Old 06-06-2009, 08:55   #18
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Re: so its election day again...

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
seems like the Tories have got the county elections sewn all over the country doubt in my mind they will win the next General Election so if you are a pensioner or your income is less than 40k you best start stocking up with baked beans and the like, get used to laying on trollies in hospital corridors etc...the less well off will be blamed and made to pay for this recession, not the rich Tories!
Get real Mancie, the last time they had the sick laid on trolleys in corridors was during the shambles of the last Labour Government, the only problem now is that when this discredited shower are finally kicked out the problems are going to be ten times worse than 1979, another 12 months of Brown and co we won't be the sick man of Europe, we'll be banana republic, but without the fruit
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Old 06-06-2009, 09:35   #19
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Re: so its election day again...

maybe for the first time Jaysay I can say you are either lying or the old blue tinted specs have come out... the NHS was brought to it's knees with massive underfunding by the cuts for the weathly will be the first priority of a Tory government....that is what your masters demand.. and you know it.

Last edited by Mancie; 06-06-2009 at 09:38.
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Old 06-06-2009, 09:39   #20

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Re: so its election day again...

Originally Posted by accyman View Post

RIP N.H.S it was nice while it lasted
Your having a laugh, the NHS is already in trouble and its been getting worse. Building hospitals like at Blackburn that are all but rented from some firm making a fortune. They built it then decided they had got it wrong so built a portacabin for A&E outside.

Everyone is asked to clean their hands as they walk in or out, except the staff. They blame the patients and visitors for making the place dirty then allow Doctors and Nurses to walk out of Hospital wearing the clothes they have been getting covered in who knows how many germs/viruses all day and take them home with them. They also allow them to wear there uniforms to work bringing bugs from outside the Hospital with them. The wards are dirty because people don't do their jobs properly which in turn is because the over the top management don't manage the staff.

You have spent time in hospital so you must know what I am saying is true. A lot of the staff are incompetent, also the management are incompetent because they don't sort out the staff below them.

What do you Government do? They just throw more money at it and come up with useless schemes to spend it on.

Now stop making me rant on about the NHS you tart.
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Old 06-06-2009, 09:54   #21
God Member

Re: so its election day again...

all i know is that if i had gotten my ilnness before labour got into power and provided more funding for the NHS and started cutting down waiting times i would probably have died waiting for a hospital bed

iv said this before on here , my friend rasied money to buy what was then queens park hospital a baby incubator as a thankyou for saving his premateur sons life , the tory woman whos name i cant remember who was in charge of some part of teh NHS demanded that a baby incubator be removed from queens park hospital which was allready short of them and had it sent down to her local hospital

when my friend visited the ward all that was left was the plaque saying who donated it to the hospital and a few screws

save money buying machines for souther hospitals just steal one from the north and screw us
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Old 06-06-2009, 10:01   #22
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Re: so its election day again...

at least the NHS have got staff!...I was talking to a nurse who had worked in the same hospital for 15yrs and she was saying that under the Tories she was expected to oversee 8 it's down to 3.
It's already started..peolple are already defending the inevitable massive cuts the Tories have in mind.

Last edited by Mancie; 06-06-2009 at 10:05.
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Old 06-06-2009, 10:09   #23
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Re: so its election day again...

teh stupid thing is although labour did increase funding to teh NHS and made more treatment avaiable it got wasted on treating other coutries sick people

if the tories cut funding to the NHS they shoudl also cut how many imigrants get treated under the NHS

if you dont contribute you dont get treatment
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 06-06-2009, 10:27   #24
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Re: so its election day again...

what i should have said is if you are an imigrant and dont contribute you dont get treatment

the N in N.H.S is for national not worldwide
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 06-06-2009, 10:42   #25
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Re: so its election day again...

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
at least the NHS have got staff!...I was talking to a nurse who had worked in the same hospital for 15yrs and she was saying that under the Tories she was expected to oversee 8 it's down to 3.
It's already started..people are already defending the inevitable massive cuts the Tories have in mind.
Mancie my first stay in hospital was in 1980 and have been in and out of hospital ever since, the last time was last September, the Ward I was on was a complete and utter shambles, it had been mothballed instead of being refurbished, then opened up again in the same condition except all the essentials were missing, I didn't have a water jug for two days and was eating my meals on my bed because there were no tables. The Irony of it was the nurse who were staffing the ward all came from Burnley where the brand new state of the art ward, which had been opened for only 18 months was closed down, as the sister said to me they closed my new ward down and have given me this sh1t tip,
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Old 06-06-2009, 11:03   #26
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Re: so its election day again...

The NHS has improved over the last 10 yrs...wether it has been value for the vast amount of money poured into it is up for debate...but we will get the same old tory doctrine that you can make massive cuts and still keep a decent service... it's an illusion and a lie!
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Old 06-06-2009, 12:43   #27
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Re: so its election day again...

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
The NHS has improved over the last 10 yrs...whether it has been value for the vast amount of money poured into it is up for debate...but we will get the same old tory doctrine that you can make massive cuts and still keep a decent service... it's an illusion and a lie!
The problem with the NHS under this shower of a government is they have put to much store on the men in ivory towers running it. The only way to run a successful health service is for it to be run by clinicians not out of work double glazing salesmen, who better to know what is best for patients than people with medical know how, not government lackeys who one week are selling baked beans to supermarkets then the next running hospitals
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Old 06-06-2009, 13:09   #28
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Re: so its election day again...

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
The problem with the NHS under this shower of a government is they have put to much store on the men in ivory towers running it. The only way to run a successful health service is for it to be run by clinicians not out of work double glazing salesmen, who better to know what is best for patients than people with medical know how, not government lackeys who one week are selling baked beans to supermarkets then the next running hospitals
I will agree with that...but then it was your government who set up the NHS Management Board in 1985...a management that was chock a block with ex carpet salesmen and took away the running of hospitals from was theTories involved private management to a NHS they openly do live in a fantasty land Jaysay!
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Old 06-06-2009, 14:01   #29
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Re: so its election day again...

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
I will agree with that...but then it was your government who set up the NHS Management Board in 1985...a management that was chock a block with ex carpet salesmen and took away the running of hospitals from was theTories involved private management to a NHS they openly do live in a fantasty land Jaysay!
Its no fantasy land when your seeing it first hand like I have, only his week a report stated that due to this governments mania for private investment to build hospitals, much needed money for patient care will be hard hit in the future because Trust will be forced to use money meant for patient care to service the debts, but as usual every time there's a labour administration they leave a tip behind them for other to sort out after them
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Old 06-06-2009, 14:16   #30
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Re: so its election day again...

oh deary me Jaysay..already blaming this Government for the misery of a Tory serve your masters well..tea boy!
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