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Old 09-03-2010, 10:46   #1
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flashy's Avatar

So much for recycling

On Sunday me and the grumpy old man next door decided to clear the 'garden' at the back of my house, it was overgrown with tree's, brambles and branches. it didnt take us long to cut them all down, the grumpy old man decided it wasn't a great idea to let his daughter run wild with the electric saw so he kept it far away from me anyhow...i dragged all the brambles, twigs and branches to the front of the house (there's a tree in there somewhere too) i called Blackburn with Darwen council up this morning to ask if they could take them away...and their answer was....'yes for a minimum charge of £25'

we do have a wheelie bin for garden waste but it aint going to take the huge amount that i have even if i break it all up, i don't want to burn it because i don't want to naff the garden up, i've stripped quite a few of the branches down to make a sort of fence inbetween the tree's that are left but other than that what the hell am i supposed to do with the rest?
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Old 09-03-2010, 10:57   #2
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Re: So much for recycling

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
On Sunday me and the grumpy old man next door decided to clear the 'garden' at the back of my house, it was overgrown with tree's, brambles and branches. it didnt take us long to cut them all down, the grumpy old man decided it wasn't a great idea to let his daughter run wild with the electric saw so he kept it far away from me anyhow...i dragged all the brambles, twigs and branches to the front of the house (there's a tree in there somewhere too) i called Blackburn with Darwen council up this morning to ask if they could take them away...and their answer was....'yes for a minimum charge of £25'

we do have a wheelie bin for garden waste but it aint going to take the huge amount that i have even if i break it all up, i don't want to burn it because i don't want to naff the garden up, i've stripped quite a few of the branches down to make a sort of fence inbetween the tree's that are left but other than that what the hell am i supposed to do with the rest?
You don't really want us to answer that do you shaz
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Old 09-03-2010, 10:58   #3
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Re: So much for recycling

any suggestion other than 'shove it up your backside' would be useful lol
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Old 09-03-2010, 11:00   #4
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: So much for recycling

You could have a bonfire on ground you plan to dig over, the ash will be good for the soil.

I would check your by-laws though before doing it, as some Councils frown upon such things these days, perhaps they feel they are losing out on lot's of £25 if they allow you to have one?
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Old 09-03-2010, 11:02   #5
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Re: So much for recycling

the land that we did at the back of the house still has some tree's Less and is too close to the house to be able to burn anything, i don't want to spoil the grass at the side and front, thats my pride and joy
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Old 09-03-2010, 11:31   #6
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Re: So much for recycling

You could ask some of your neighbours if they could spare a bit of space each in their recycling bins? If it doesn't get rid of enough you'll probably just have to get rid of a binful at a time till it's gone. Not ideal but free.

Failing that, collar the binmen when they next come round. Ours are always very obliging when we have extra stuff to get rid of.

As a last resort, save up and pay the £25. It's not a huge amount of money and would save tremendous hassle for you.

I'm surprised they're asking you for money though as HBC offer up to five extra collections per household per year for nothing. Do you fall within the purview of Blackburn Council, Shaz?
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Old 09-03-2010, 12:06   #7
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Re: So much for recycling

Hyndburn's policy may be different.

I recall the days before recycling bins happened, at a time when I had built a garden in a terraced house back yard. I had a lot of climbers that needed an annual prune.
One autumn they got missed due to a bad case of flu, and by the next autumn the pruning load was enormous - about 8 wheelie bins might have coped.

I rang the council and they cleared a patio full of prunings for FREE
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Old 09-03-2010, 12:24   #8
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Re: So much for recycling

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
I'm surprised they're asking you for money though as HBC offer up to five extra collections per household per year for nothing. Do you fall within the purview of Blackburn Council, Shaz?

yes we are classed as Blackburn Ken, we are just over the border, they remove household things for free, just not garden waste

if it is there for more than 2 weeks i will get a letter off Twin Valley homes telling me to remove it or else
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Old 09-03-2010, 12:54   #9
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Re: So much for recycling

Chop it up, bag it, put it in the car & take it to a recycling centre where they have skips for gardening watse.
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Old 09-03-2010, 13:34   #10

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Re: So much for recycling

Its surprising how much you can fit in a wheelie bin if you cut it up. I stick loads of garden waste in my grey bin because the council seem to think I dont have a garden so I don't get a green bin. Fill up the grumpy old mans as well
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Old 09-03-2010, 13:45   #11
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Re: So much for recycling

is it any wonder fly tipping is getting to be a bigger problem when councils wont even provide basic waste removal despite already been paid to do it along with other services paid by council tax

burn it at the weekend so no one from the council will be sniffing about to come tell you off and if anyone says out say you piled it up for removal and the local scallywags must have set it on fire
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Old 10-03-2010, 00:37   #12
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Re: So much for recycling

Don't worry about any letter from Twin valley shaz

and if you see any of our neighbourhood workers doing any gardening in the area just ask them nicely, they are usually very good too

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 10-03-2010, 00:46   #13
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Re: So much for recycling

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Its surprising how much you can fit in a wheelie bin if you cut it up. I stick loads of garden waste in my grey bin because the council seem to think I dont have a garden so I don't get a green bin. Fill up the grumpy old mans as well
Neil - you can request a green waste collection, even if you don't have a green bin. Just ring 388111 or 399988 and ask to have it picked up.

Last edited by claytonender; 10-03-2010 at 00:48.
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Old 10-03-2010, 01:10   #14
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Re: So much for recycling

Saturday 27 March 10.00am to 4.00pm
Experimental Mixed Media with Pam Potter
Pam potter was born in Penrith , Cumbria ; daughter of the artist Stella Platt. She was educated in Southport, and trained in Fine Art with textiles at the Harris College of Art, Preston . She has a further degree in Education and History of Art, and for most of her career has been a lecturer in Fine Art and Calligraphy at both Blackburn and Preston Colleges.
The development of fabric and paper collage as a medium in the late 60s and 70s was a rejection of mainstream painting and concerned the gender power struggle within art at that time. Pam's work in collage led to a solo exhibition sponsored by North West Arts in Lancaster and further shows across Lancashire . Pam continues to exhibit widely throughout the North West including the Manchester Academy and has shown in London, America, and Europe .
The workshop will include practical experience of working in pastel, graphite, charcoal, collage and other mixed media and painting straight from the tube. Sprays, rollers, scratching, tissue paper, ink, modelling pastes and powdered gesso will be used to develop the representation of the participant's chosen subject into a fantasy of colour and texture, the experimental and the unexpected. Participants will be encouraged to make drawing marks with twigs, ruling pens and plastic spreaders to depict patterns found in the landscape, for example, or whatever fits their chosen composition.
Haworth Art Gallery, Accrington - Workshops, Talks and Activities at the Haworth Art Gallery
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Old 10-03-2010, 08:27   #15

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Re: So much for recycling

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
Neil - you can request a green waste collection, even if you don't have a green bin. Just ring 388111 or 399988 and ask to have it picked up.
I know that thank you for posting though.

Its just a touch annoying that I cant just throw it straight in the bin out of the way when I have finished gardening.
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