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Old 05-03-2011, 09:39   #16
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley?

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
The Lib-Dem came 6th ..just behind the fart in a biscuit tin party candidate... looks like they are taking most of the flack for this government and it serves em right.
The Lib-Dems joined the Tories for two resons.. one is that Clegg was given the deputy PM post and the other a referrendum on AV.. Clegg has been shown up as a "wet" and is ignored by the Tories.. the AV will likely be a no vote.
You forgot the main reason as usual Mancie, to get rid of that load of crap Brown and Co
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Old 05-03-2011, 09:41   #17
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
You forgot the main reason as usual Mancie, to get rid of that load of crap Brown and Co
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Old 05-03-2011, 09:42   #18
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
You forgot the main reason as usual Mancie, to get rid of that load of crap Brown and Co
Main reason my arse, if the leader had been Charlie Chaplin, Clegg would have still done the same,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-03-2011, 10:17   #19
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

the thing is further down the years the truth will come out brown wasnt that bad a leader and everybody will stop believing the propoganda that is being stuffed down our throat that we never had any debt before labour came in brown and co created jobs for people that wouldnt have had a chance in hell under the tories.people have got short memories the national minimum wage will be next to go..
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Old 05-03-2011, 10:43   #20
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

One thing nobody's commented on is the improved showing of UKIP. I hope this is a sign of growing disillusionment with the lunacies of the EU. I'd really like to see UKIP garner a massive protest vote at the next election to put the frighteners on both the Tories and Labour. Don't want to see 'em in power, as their policies seem far too rightwing for me, but I'd like to see mainstream politicos jolted into standing up to the dictates of the EU, in a similar way to the French!
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Old 05-03-2011, 15:45   #21
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
the truth will come out brown wasnt that bad a leader
No, he wasn't a bad leader.

He was a great leader.

A real man of the people.

Totally in tune with the thinking of the oridinary man on the street...and woman too.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 05-03-2011, 15:47   #22
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
the thing is further down the years the truth will come out brown wasnt that bad a leader
sometimes mate i mistake yeh fer a dingle. dont let Existence see this, will call it racist.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-03-2011, 15:48   #23
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
One thing nobody's commented on is the improved showing of UKIP. I hope this is a sign of growing disillusionment with the lunacies of the EU. I'd really like to see UKIP garner a massive protest vote at the next election to put the frighteners on both the Tories and Labour. Don't want to see 'em in power, as their policies seem far too rightwing for me, but I'd like to see mainstream politicos jolted into standing up to the dictates of the EU, in a similar way to the French!

We can live in hope mainstream parties eventually see support for minority parties as being due to their failure in addresing peoples' very real worries.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 05-03-2011, 16:11   #24
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

You can only vote for UKIP candidate if the party fields many areas at the last election, there wasn't a UKIP candidate to vote for.
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Old 05-03-2011, 16:14   #25
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

As for Gordon Brown not being a bad leader........that has to be some kind of joke surely.
He had nothing in the way of communication skills, no charisma, he sold the country's assets at a fraction of their worth.......he hid the banking fiasco........spent much more than the country could what constitutes a bad leader in your book then?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 05-03-2011, 16:40   #26
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
the thing is further down the years the truth will come out brown wasnt that bad a leader and everybody will stop believing the propoganda that is being stuffed down our throat that we never had any debt before labour came in brown and co created jobs for people that wouldnt have had a chance in hell under the tories.people have got short memories the national minimum wage will be next to go..
Totally agree with you - Brown wasn't a bad leader - he just wasn't a leader at all
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Old 05-03-2011, 17:37   #27
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

To be expected really, Barnsley has maintained its ties to Labour throughout the years. A friend of mine lives over that way & he & pretty much all his family & relatives are staunch Labour supporters & unionists through & through, blinkered you might say but it's like a tradition where they come from.

As to the Lib-Dems & Cons, forgone conclusion they'd take a proper hiding at the polls, that being the case a fair bit of that withdrawn Lib-Dem & Cons support has been re-chanelled into UKIP amongst others, so it isn't out & out in favour of Labour by a long stretch. With your man being ex-military it may not sit well in the future with certain elements of the populace thereabouts. So watch this space.
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Old 06-03-2011, 17:11   #28
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
To be expected really, Barnsley has maintained its ties to Labour throughout the years. A friend of mine lives over that way & he & pretty much all his family & relatives are staunch Labour supporters & unionists through & through, blinkered you might say but it's like a tradition where they come from.

As to the Lib-Dems & Cons, forgone conclusion they'd take a proper hiding at the polls, that being the case a fair bit of that withdrawn Lib-Dem & Cons support has been re-chanelled into UKIP amongst others, so it isn't out & out in favour of Labour by a long stretch. With your man being ex-military it may not sit well in the future with certain elements of the populace thereabouts. So watch this space.
This is quite a crock ... nice insult to the folks in Barnsley: "blinkered" And does it surprise anyone that voting Labour is a "tradition" in a traditionally working class area? And why was the crap kicking that the governing parties got "a forgone conclusion"? If the voters in Barnsley had any confidence in the policies of the current government, there would not have been such a wild swing away from them. They may not have won, but at least they might have had the satisfaction of holding onto their vote. Not losing votes, and face, in a strong Labour constituency could have been counted a minor victory. And from what source did you get the information that those who supported the government parties in the General Election fled to the UKIP and to other fringe parties?
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Old 06-03-2011, 18:05   #29
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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
This is quite a crock ... nice insult to the folks in Barnsley: "blinkered" And does it surprise anyone that voting Labour is a "tradition" in a traditionally working class area? And why was the crap kicking that the governing parties got "a forgone conclusion"? If the voters in Barnsley had any confidence in the policies of the current government, there would not have been such a wild swing away from them. They may not have won, but at least they might have had the satisfaction of holding onto their vote. Not losing votes, and face, in a strong Labour constituency could have been counted a minor victory. And from what source did you get the information that those who supported the government parties in the General Election fled to the UKIP and to other fringe parties?
I quite agree. I don't think there's such a thing as traditional voters anymore.

You only have to see Thatcher's appeal to many who were seen as traditionally working class Labour voters, and Blair's massive '97 victory, when he convinced the middle classes of middle England that New Labour were the best choice, to witness this.

Historically this area was seen as traditionally a Labour seat, but we had a Conservative MP from 1983-1992.

People vote for a number of reasons. Though only a tiny minority vote the way they do because their parents did, or because they see themselves as a particular class, and therefore have to vote in a certain way.
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Old 06-03-2011, 19:11   #30
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: So, what happened in Barnsley

Eric the comments made were due to responses garnered when speaking with the people I've met over there. They were more than happy to take me round & show me all the derelict housing, shut up shops & run down communities left behind in the wake of the Pit closures (under Thatcher).

The resentment lays a long way back & is passed on through the generations, this I have personally witnessed, they've no love of the Tories roundabouts, as to the UKIP & others if you look at the %'s Ukip only featured in 2010 as a defined recipient now look at their margins, Labour gained 13% & Lib-Dem/Cons lost between them 23ish% so exceeds the make up of Labours gained total. UKIP came on the screen in 2010 with 4.67% but now have 12.2% so it's safe to assume a part of their net gain was due to LD&C's poor showing.
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