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Old 07-06-2005, 06:43   #16
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: Something for HBC to ponder on.

On Saturday I picked up a tourist information leaflet in the Town Hall and was quite surprised to read in it that most of Accrington town centre is a conservation area! That being the case how come we have a white elephant in the shape of the "Wilkinson's block" slap bang in the middle of it now dwarfing the market hall and town hall and, by virtue of its size alone, looking totally incongruous?

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Accrington Web
Old 07-06-2005, 17:23   #17
I am Banned

Re: Something for HBC to ponder on.

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
In which case Graham, why isn't the Labour Group shouting this appalling incompetance from the rooftops? What happened to public accountability?

Why isn't the evidence published in The Observer for all to see?

Why is there not a stream of complaints to the District Auditor, The Minister for Local Government and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister?

If the situation really is as bad as you lead us to believe, why is not being investigated?

A while ago you told us about a conservative councillor from the south who was here as part of some appraisal or other who, you said, was privately appalled at the shenanagins of the Idiot in Chief and his pals. Has anything changed as a result of this visit ? And if not, why not?

What is the Labour group up to, besides producing completely irrelevant alternative budget proposals and re-shuffling itself?

The people of Hyndburn have elected you and your colleagues to act as a check and a balance for the controlling group. If you are not screaming your heads off at any and every irregularity and bad decision then you are not doing your jobs properly and are as much to blame for any situation that arises as the conservatives - sins of omission as opposed to comission.

And another thing, while I'm at it, why aren't more of your colleagues members of this board? Is actually communicating with their constituents between elections too much of an arse-ache for them?
Labour shouting from rooftops: we didnt get our act together and some members voted for it.

Public Accountability: Planning is very legal, very formal and an open forum, some members of the public did attend.

Evidence Observer: newspapers print headlines these days, not substance.

ODPM/Auditors. District Audiotor would not get involved in a case like this. BwD basically represented ODPMs position [as did ELEVATE]

HBC bad as said, why no investigation: Its incompetence not corruption. We have Tories on this board who wont vote for the best, just vote anti-Labour. You get what you ask for, and the media coverage of important decisions is patchy. Wyn Frankland speaking out was a rare exception, everything else is glossed over and the real impact is hidden from voters through sleazy politics.

Visiting Conservative leader: From Richmond. It was a fact finding visit on the cabinet style of local govt. I dont think they cared a hoot about us come 5 o'clock.

Labour Group: The Labour budget was an amendment BTW. Quite different from a [full] Labour Budget in terms of time, effort, resources etc.. When you are in opposition you are on your own so to speak. The reshuffle was not by choice but party rules. Jean Battle now holds a senior position on another authority, LCC. I think it is fair and clear that in this position she should resign one for obvious reasons.

Labour Group: 5 years has seen a lot of change. We have several more councillors up for retirement next may. Most of the new councillors have spent 2 years finding their feet and putting out Conservative fires, but yes, there is a real recognition of a need for alternative ideas, however a lot goes on whatever party is in power. We would do these better and it is on these essentials that most effort has been made in oppostion as opposed to new or radical policies.

What ideas do the Lab Gp have: We will introduce 24 community wardens out of the main council budge within 6-9 months. It is increasingly likely we will have more affordable housing and less free market housing, mainly elderly accomodation instead of £170,000 shoeboxes real people cant afford. There will be a Zero Tolerance [the Conservatives have a go lightly policy] on fly tipping, litter, dog fouling, anti social behaviour with fines and new by laws where appropriate.

Likewise we will pull out all stops against private landlords who provide a poor service, dont control their properties. Tackling landlords, aloingside the TC and Wardens will be the intial priorties.

As with the ZT approach Landlords will be full licensed [though the Tories have made this more difficult through incompetence] and monitoring of them. We will have the warden service to assist in monitoring of course, working much closer with police.

It is increasingly likely we will be looking at a major multi million £ redevelopment of Broadway and elsewhere, a completely different redevelopment of Accrington as a historic market town. If we can prevent it the MArket Hall will kept in public ownership.

The Town Hall and Civic Theatre and all the arts and culture/festivals staff brought out of the Trust and back to the Council. We will be looking at more open govt so you see who are the fools and who are not.

A people approach. Helping to organise, help with, advertise, encourage a whole host of people activities, such as struggling sports leagues especially aimed at older people [healthy hearts etc..], charities - like dial a ride - , better more public use of the Town Hall etc and better use of the Civic Theatre particulalry aimed at young people.

Making Hyndburn more attractive to young people [no not the loutish variety!!]. Value are history more. No tendering of services and more careful consideration of amalgamations with other authorities, particularly Blackburn. An effort to attract better jobs, work with a wider agenda for high skilled employment, a local university, better life long learning [like more plastering places at Accy college!!!]. If you vote Labour, this is where we will directing resources. We aim to reverse the growth in bureaucracy by reducing office workers and increasing the numbers of front line workers. Managing finances better. Make sure everyone feels included.

Scream our heads off: We try but its a balance. You understand the dangers of totalitarianism [which is how Hyndburn is run compared to elsewhere] however the public like to see us 'working together'! It does not help when the press do not scrutinise all the false allegations that PB tells to con people. He would have been voted out years ago if the press had done its job. Instead we end up with the labour group says this and Conservatives say the opposite and the public is confused. People want to feel positive and some hope about where they live, not how bad it is.

Members of this board: dont know?

POSTSCRIPT: PB said Wyn Frankland had originally said at a Con exec meeting she was resigning next year, everyone then discussed a replacement without any consideration or hesitation instead of askng why? Hence, I will resign now then... PB says there will be no leadership in the Cons because 2/3 will always do as they are told and the other 1/3 are to spineless to argue in public.

Last edited by Graham Jones; 07-06-2005 at 17:47.
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Old 07-06-2005, 17:26   #18
I am Banned

Re: Something for HBC to ponder on.

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
On Saturday I picked up a tourist information leaflet in the Town Hall and was quite surprised to read in it that most of Accrington town centre is a conservation area! That being the case how come we have a white elephant in the shape of the "Wilkinson's block" slap bang in the middle of it now dwarfing the market hall and town hall and, by virtue of its size alone, looking totally incongruous?
What are the boundaries? On that point though Warner St is, yet no one has challenged the external plastering on several of the properties. When I enquired I was told 'dont know why?'
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Old 08-06-2005, 22:06   #19
Accy Red

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Cricket Challenge Champion!
Re: Something for HBC to ponder on.

Some interesting postings from yourself Graham, facts mixed with opinions but not too overpowering, could I mention the £35,000 again and why nothing has ever been made public even though some members of Labour where very annoyed about it, remember we can only kick up a fuss if we know the facts.

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