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Old 26-10-2008, 13:34   #1
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Studio25's Avatar

Something to melt even the coldest of hearts

Dog protects kittens from fire

A dog has risked its life to protect four kittens trapped in a house fire in Melbourne, Australia.

Last edited by Mick; 26-10-2008 at 15:29.
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Old 26-10-2008, 19:28   #2
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Re: Something to melt even the coldest of hearts

I watched and was 'touched' even though I am not a dog person.
It just shows that animals as well as humans can be 'righteous' without subscribing to any religion

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Old 26-10-2008, 22:47   #3
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Re: Something to melt even the coldest of hearts

I expected the dog to be larger for some reason. Heart warming story.

The firemen were spot on too, giving the dog oxygen.
Semper in stercore versor, solum altitudo mutat
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Old 27-10-2008, 10:08   #4
Resting in Peace
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Re: Something to melt even the coldest of hearts

So a clip of this storey on TV this morning, just goes to show that animals have the survival instincts not only for themselves but other species as well, maybe humans could take notice of this and be more considerate to each other
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Old 27-10-2008, 11:24   #5
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Re: Something to melt even the coldest of hearts

That was so sweet - we could definitely learn from it ( but not to go running into fires)
had it been a human most would have priced their life over that of the kittens and left them. I would have had to have been held back to stop me getting them out. Thats just me - I couldnt have lived with the consequences. Obviously the dog just wanted to save a life or four - and that was it.
Many people are able to seperate their feelings and stay pretty objective - its just an animal they say - I dont undertand it.
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Old 27-10-2008, 11:40   #6
Resting in Peace

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Re: Something to melt even the coldest of hearts

Originally Posted by keetah992000 View Post
That was so sweet - we could definitely learn from it ( but not to go running into fires)
had it been a human most would have priced their life over that of the kittens and left them.
I think the thing is Keetah is that animals do not quite have the perception of the meaning of death and that it is finito. Does not negate the fact though that this little dog felt a loving protective instinct to these little kittens, and was aware of the danger.
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Old 27-10-2008, 11:47   #7
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Re: Something to melt even the coldest of hearts

I know - the dog just followed an instinct.
But there are differences in people where - some wouldnt even give the kittens a second thought- but on the other and of the scale there are people who would fight tooth and nail to save them. I am not saying that either is wrong. I wish sometimes, that I could be more callous I get so upset over stupid things - I once lived in a rented property that was over run with mice but rather than put poisin down - i moved lol i just couldnt have done it - but i wish i could. That doenst mean that people who could do it without a second thought are bad or wrong - I just dont understand how there can be such a vast difference in human beings.
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