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Old 12-03-2005, 06:55   #1
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Read it and weep...,00.html
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Old 12-03-2005, 08:05   #2
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Re: Speechless....

Weep for whom? The teacher, the boy, for a society in general were this is going on?

Very sad story, interesting in relation with other recent threads. Abused, in this case became abuser.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 12-03-2005, 08:22   #3
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Re: Speechless....

In Teesside Crown Court John Evans, for the defence, said that it was a tragic but not unique case.
This was referring to how the boy was treated by his parents. I find that very sad.
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Old 12-03-2005, 10:05   #4
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Re: Speechless....

How could this have been allowed to go on for so long and finish up as it has done.

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Old 12-03-2005, 10:26   #5
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Re: Speechless....

It's a disgrace that this happened, if the boy was brought up to believe this was normal behaviour then can you really blame him for his actions.The fault is down to his family, and the people who knew what was happening to the boy and chose to do nothing about it.
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Old 12-03-2005, 10:40   #6
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Re: Speechless....

l agree with you Janet, but if we're to feel some sympathy for the boy we need to know his parents background too. Very often the abusers were themselves abused, lt's a horrible circle.
l am in no way saying however, that all abused children will or do go onto abuse themselves. Most abusers do claim to have been abused themselves though.

l hope re: the other similar threads that have run here recently, people might consider all the options, and not be so quick to want to kill them. After all this boy committed a horrible sex crime yet the over whelming feeling so far is sympathetic. ls it so very different?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 12-03-2005, 10:43   #7
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Re: Speechless....

Originally Posted by garinda

After all this boy committed a horrible sex crime yet the over whelming feeling so far is sympathetic. ls it so very different?
I am sympathetic somewhat to the boy - he has obviously had a very sad and tragic childhood.
However I hope he is punished (and rehabilitated) to the full extent of the law. Lets not forget the other victim here - the woman he raped. I doubt the fact that the boy didn't know any better is of any comfort to her whatsoever.
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Old 12-03-2005, 17:33   #8
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Re: Speechless....

The families who abuse their children like this never have fertility problems, they always manage to get pregnant. I lost count of the number of times I attended social services case conferences about families similar to this when I was on community. This boy may not have known any better, but he knew enough to initially deny the charges. On some level, he knew this was wrong..
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Old 12-03-2005, 22:22   #9
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Re: Speechless....

My hope is that where ever they put this child there will be a good programme of rehabilitation. His past will never be obliterated but I hope his future can be altered. Of course he knew that what he did was wrong but, to him, doing wrong was acceptable.

I feel pity for the boy and for his teacher. She will live with the nightmare of what happened for the rest of her life, poor soul.
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Old 12-03-2005, 22:28   #10
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Re: Speechless....

With the upbringing he had (or rather didn't have) I really doubt that he has any concept of right and wrong. He is a victim and who is to say how far back this goes? His parents themselves may well have had the same horrendous life which could explain their behaviour.

I too hope that wherever they put him it can be with a view to rehabilitation. I cannot imagine the effect this must have had on his teacher.

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