29-12-2006, 21:25
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Re: Speed Cameras On M65 Today.
Indicated 78 is as Neil said probably about 71-2 so you will be fine. Don't worry about it.
Sat Nav are ace at telling you how far out your speedo really is. Mines a bit weird as its not linear. As Kipax, I spend so much time on motorways you get used to them. I regularly go past plod at indicated 80 and they never bother as longas you show you are showing attention to whats around you and are sensible/correct in your driving (moving over when you should, correct indications etc).
The thing that a lot of the 'anti speed' people don't understand is that people have totally different feeloings of speed. At 80 I feel like I'm doing 30, to someone who only potters round town, 50 may feel fast. My brain has become accustomed to that speed and can interpret whats happening around me quite easily. Its what its used to. To M Schumacher, 80 probably feels like walking pace as his brain is used to 150+.