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Old 23-04-2008, 13:56   #16
carlsbergaddict's Avatar

Re: St Georges Day

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Accrington Web
Old 23-04-2008, 14:28   #17
Apprentice Geriatric
jambutty's Avatar

Cool Re: St Georges Day

The Scots on St. Andrew’s day and the Welsh on St. David’s day, fly their national flags so we English should do the same with pride and to show the BNP that it is our symbol and not theirs.

In fact the BNP should be forced to stop using the cross of St. George as their symbol. I’m sure that there must be a law somewhere that forbids people using the national flags as a symbol for an organisation of some sort.

In the meantime maybe we should consider using the White Ensign as shown in my Avatar.

Donkeys years ago and particularly with the European Catholics they had a tradition of using ‘saints’ days as a sort of second birthday. Anyone called George would have the 23rd April as their “Names Day” and they would receive a card and present from family and friends. This was a church thing to encourage people to use saints names when naming sons.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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