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17-07-2008, 10:12
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Stand in Oakhill Park
Any more news on when this is going to get rebuilt? Noticed its still not done!
formerly cyfr
17-07-2008, 14:19
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
maybe a poll would be in order to see when people think it will be rebuilt 
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
17-07-2008, 14:57
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
I thought he was telling us his plans for the weekend....
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
17-07-2008, 15:17
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
Is that the bandstand?
Didn't realise it was being rebuilt!
I got stuck on it once when i was younger,climbed up it but couldn't get back down!
Had to be rescued,ive pretty much avoided it since then!
 Diesels' Wife!!
17-07-2008, 15:20
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
i think the last time it was brought up it wa smentioned that the council had put a claim in on the insurance
wether that money gets used to rebuild the band stand is another matter all together
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
17-07-2008, 16:42
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
Originally Posted by accyman
i think the last time it was brought up it wa smentioned that the council had put a claim in on the insurance
wether that money gets used to rebuild the band stand is another matter all together
Your not sugesting the council would claim on their insuance then use the money on something else are you accyman, heaven forbid   
17-07-2008, 16:46
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
Originally Posted by jaysay
if totaly honest i wouldnt put it past them to grab one of the deckchairs they are bringing to accrington and sod of to spain for a week with the money and leave us watching punch and judy lol
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
17-07-2008, 17:20
Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
I think you may be getting an answer to your question soon looking at the name of the latest registered user 
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17-07-2008, 17:26
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
Originally Posted by Neil
I think you may be getting an answer to your question soon looking at the name of the latest registered user 
Only joking it changed before i replied!
I take it you are on about www.oakhillpark.com or something like that?
 Diesels' Wife!!
18-07-2008, 07:46
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
Originally Posted by andrewb
Any more news on when this is going to get rebuilt? Noticed its still not done!
The current situation as I understand it, is that the Council, having agreed a settlement with their insurers, have given the go ahead for the rebuild. However, the insurance settlement will not cover the full cost of rebuilding the bandstand (additional disabled facilities, extra security measures, fire retardant materials etc.), so there is a shortfall. The council have stated that they will fund the shortfall (indeed these funds were committed in their 2007/2008 capital program).
To reduce their outlay, they are now trying to get a reduced price for the build, which may involve going out to tender again. We are in regular dialog with the parks department, and councillors Tony and Paul, who are both trying to move this forward, so hopefully we will see some progress soon.
You will find a couple of other threads on the bandstand on this forum, which may go some way to explaining the battle for the bandstand to be rebuilt, and how this battle has led to the new make-up of the Friends of Oak Hill Park.
If you would like to know more, or get involved, then please come along to one of our meetings (dates on website www.oakhillpark.com?page=events
Also there is a news page you might want to check out, which we will try to keep up to date with news on things like the bandstand.
The Friends of Oak Hill Park Accrington.
Friends of Oak Hill Park
18-07-2008, 15:04
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
Great stuff, thanks for the information!
formerly cyfr
18-07-2008, 15:44
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
the insurance wont cover a rebuild ?
what sort of pathetic insurance policy did they have in the first place , im no insurance expert but i thought the idea was to insure an item to the value it would cost to rebuild or replace it.
me thinks HBC should get the rest of their polocies looked at by somone who knows what they are doing
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
18-07-2008, 16:30
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
Originally Posted by accyman
the insurance wont cover a rebuild ?
what sort of pathetic insurance policy did they have in the first place , im no insurance expert but i thought the idea was to insure an item to the value it would cost to rebuild or replace it.
me thinks HBC should get the rest of their polocies looked at by somone who knows what they are doing
I think some one should look at your brain before you go out at night as well, the band stand was burnt down a while ago and the price of bulding work is rising faster that Darling raises taxes. It is rare that you will recoup all the cost for a rebuild on any insurance policy, well not in the real world that is, but I supose in your world Accyman anything is posible, Dreamer
18-07-2008, 16:52
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
Originally Posted by accyman
the insurance wont cover a rebuild ?
what sort of pathetic insurance policy did they have in the first place , im no insurance expert but i thought the idea was to insure an item to the value it would cost to rebuild or replace it.
me thinks HBC should get the rest of their polocies looked at by somone who knows what they are doing
The bandstand was very old. Quite evidently the old one was not built using fire resistant materials. It costs more money to rebuild it because there are improvements, as the guy from Friends of Oakhill Park said.
But why let facts get in the way of an attack on the council?
formerly cyfr
18-07-2008, 19:00
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Re: Stand in Oakhill Park
Originally Posted by jaysay
I think some one should look at your brain before you go out at night as well, the band stand was burnt down a while ago and the price of bulding work is rising faster that Darling raises taxes. It is rare that you will recoup all the cost for a rebuild on any insurance policy, well not in the real world that is, but I supose in your world Accyman anything is posible, Dreamer
oh dear did i upset a supporter of the cons who incidently are incharge of this mess
anyone with half a brain knows the basics of insurance
if you buy a house with a mortgage you have to insure it well over the value of the actual house to cover a rebuild and the expense of getting it rebuilt and if new legislation has come in since the house was built then the rebuild would have the costs of this in the quote which the insurance company should pay as part of the rebuild
if you take home insurance you get a new for old policy so that if your computer for example gets stolen or busted you get a brand new one or teh if its no longer made you get one with the latest gizmos with only the exess to pay for
i will stay in my dreramer world where all my possesions are insured correctly thankyou
like i said im no insurance expert but even in my dreaming world i seem to have a better grasp on it than you
if the council got paid out ages ago and prices have risen then its their fault for not doing the work as soon as the money was recieved when rebuild prices matched what they were paid
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 18-07-2008 at 19:06.
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