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Old 28-01-2013, 19:44   #31
Resting in Peace
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Re: stoopid stoopid stoopid

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
One minute you want the government to create jobs for people, next minute your saying the government have too many people doing those jobs.

You can't have it both ways.
There are two sorts of jobs, there are true jobs and jobs just to placate unions and politicians, if the private sector, and always remember the private sector are the wealth creators, because without them nobody works, ran their business like the public sector they'd go bankrupt in six months, the public sector is and always has been top heavy with clerical staff, even now in the age of the computer, which on the face of it should help to speed administration up. if you had a private building firm that had 50 trades men and labourers on their books along with 50 office staff how long would they be in business, not very long, but the public sector wonder on blindly financed by the tax payer, and nobody says a dickybird, they just keep throwing money at it year after year, and not only that when they do retire they'll get a pension far better than ordinary joe in the street
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Old 01-03-2013, 11:46   #32
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: stoopid stoopid stoopid

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
So in the meantime you don't get any money off anyone?
How did you stop yourself from screaming?
Just for you Gordon a link to my blog about this:-
Once Upon A Time In The Land Of We're All In It Together - Accrington Web

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 01-03-2013, 12:05   #33
I am Banned

Smile Re: stoopid stoopid stoopid

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
so you go to the town hall and sit at the window talking to an advisor for 20 mins while you fill in the forms you require

you are then handed back your documents and told to put them in an orange envolope and take it outside the building and put it in the mail box so it can be collected at the end of day by someone upstairs

why cant the muppet keep hold of the documents and take them upstairs?

i know there are cuts but is leg power that expensive ?

Also if asked for proof of ID the council now expect you to mail in your passport or driving licence or drop it off in the mail box outside the building so they can scan it and send it back to you by mail.

Has the world become so complacant that people are willing to leave documents that are basically your identity in the hands of a muppet with a scanner and the shambles known as royal mail ?

i never let vital documents out of my sight and i cetrainly wouldnt expect to be parted from them for up to a week.God knows what could happen to them and they arnt cheap to replace either
Totally agree with you. This kind of thing seems designed to drive a bloke mad. I really hate it when they ring you up stating your name and you respond normally as you do on the phone, one human being to another, when they suddenly have the cheek to ask you three questions to prove you are the person they rang in the first place.
My identity is so undesirable that I wish someone would nick it, debts 'n all.
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Old 01-03-2013, 15:05   #34

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Re: stoopid stoopid stoopid

Originally Posted by Tesco Rambler View Post
Totally agree with you. This kind of thing seems designed to drive a bloke mad. I really hate it when they ring you up stating your name and you respond normally as you do on the phone, one human being to another, when they suddenly have the cheek to ask you three questions to prove you are the person they rang in the first place.
My identity is so undesirable that I wish someone would nick it, debts 'n all.

I tell them that I should be asking the questions to prove who they are. I then tell them to write to me.
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Old 01-03-2013, 15:07   #35
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Re: stoopid stoopid stoopid

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Just for you Gordon a link to my blog about this:-
Once Upon A Time In The Land Of We're All In It Together - Accrington Web

It's a bit like Shakespeare, thinking he'd mastered the art of comedy in Hamlet, decided to write a script for a 'Carry On' film.
You couldn't make it up. Unfortunately in your case, Less, you don't have to.
Still, the bright side is you're keeping a lot of incompetent people in work making life hard for people like yourself.
If you can see through your tears to type and they don't cut off your power, broadband and air supply please let us know what happens.
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Old 01-03-2013, 16:16   #36
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Re: stoopid stoopid stoopid

DWP shed 11,000 jobs in one year.
DWP: 11,000 jobs shed in last year » Housing »

Civil service cuts = poor service, this was expected so 'they' devised a scheme whereby you could try to jump through more hoops to get 'redress' for maladministration.

I have browsed this forum searching for posts mentioning 'civil servants'.
Some members were pleased that there were to be such cuts - are you pleased now?

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Old 01-03-2013, 17:14   #37
God Member

Re: stoopid stoopid stoopid

meanwhile cameron is defending obscene bonuses for bankers saying that if they are capped it will take all teh top tallent away from europe

well im sorry but if this shower of crap we have now in the banking buisness is what cameron thinks is top tallent then id say we were better off without them and go let them ruin another countries economy
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 01-03-2013, 17:17   #38
God Member

Re: stoopid stoopid stoopid

went down to the town hall today and i reakon the next step will be to shut the area once used by people to pay council tax and discuss problems and just leave the letterbox in operation to avoid heating costs to the room once used.

not to worry though because as the recorded message saya when waiting to speak to someone you can always hop online and aske them questions which isnt much use to people who dont have internet
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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