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Old 19-05-2009, 16:11   #136
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by jaysay
Fact Bagpuss, was on the Telly and in the press yesterday
Must be fact if it's been in the press.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Old 19-05-2009, 16:41   #137
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
Must be fact if it's been in the press.
TV is pretty reliable yourself, the Beeb I mean
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Old 19-05-2009, 17:43   #138
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
TV is pretty reliable yourself, the Beeb I mean
Propaganda machine out to discredit the BNP

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 19-05-2009, 17:48   #139
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Was there not a report of a soldier being attacked by some drunks in Oswaldtwisle a few weeks back? I seem to recall reading about it.

As for the Muslims we all saw them on the News staging their protests at the Homecoming parade in Luton. Nobody should be allowed to vent their hatred in such a public way.
Irish catholics got away with much worse for years!
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Old 19-05-2009, 19:20   #140
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Irish catholics got away with much worse for years!
So that make everything ok does it?
Call yourself English it's people like you that have got us in the state we are now, too soft, but if it had been Conservatives that abused a Labour march you would have been up in arms.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 19-05-2009, 20:05   #141
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Irish catholics got away with much worse for years!
Maybe so, so does that make it right that another group are doing it now? Not to my mind it doesn't but hey ho voice an opinion about the behaviour of Muslim fanatics and somebody will harp back to fanatics of other denominations. Fact it is very wrong and IMO no excuses can be made for it!!!!
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Old 19-05-2009, 20:08   #142
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
So that make everything ok does it?
Call yourself English it's people like you that have got us in the state we are now, too soft, but if it had been Conservatives that abused a Labour march you would have been up in arms.
well you just let the cat out the bag ()..if there's one thing that has always wound up BNP supporters's the fact that if you are English and don't support thier twisted crap then you are labled a got the gall to question my alleigence to England?... you and the likes are the ones that dishonour this nation!
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Old 19-05-2009, 20:14   #143
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Maybe so, so does that make it right that another group are doing it now? Not to my mind it doesn't but hey ho voice an opinion about the behaviour of Muslim fanatics and somebody will harp back to fanatics of other denominations. Fact it is very wrong and IMO no excuses can be made for it!!!!
Did I say it made things right?..I'm stating a fact..and I don't remember the BNP kicking up much fuss when British troops were shot dead in Ulster a few weeks back!... the BNP have tried very hard over the past few years to shift the blame of all the ill's this county suffers was black people in the past.. now it's muslims.
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Old 19-05-2009, 20:23   #144
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Did I say it made things right?..I'm stating a fact..and I don't remember the BNP kicking up much fuss when British troops were shot dead in Ulster a few weeks back!... the BNP have tried very hard over the past few years to shift the blame of all the ill's this county suffers was black people in the past.. now it's muslims.
Well I won't be taking any notice of what the BNP say, in fact it is very hard to take any of them seriously. By the way I come from an Irish catholic background and my feelings towards the IRA are the same as the ones I harbour for fanatical Muslims.
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Old 19-05-2009, 20:38   #145
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Well I won't be taking any notice of what the BNP say, in fact it is very hard to take any of them seriously. By the way I come from an Irish catholic background and my feelings towards the IRA are the same as the ones I harbour for fanatical Muslims.
When I posted about Irish Catholics abusing British troops it was to get a reaction .... go back to the 70's and the then National Front (now the BNP) were totally racist towards the Irish and blacks..this got them nowhere and so they moved to the more fashionable trend of blaming the Polish and Muslims for anything wrong in our economy or social affairs...they will pick and chosse when they see a new target.
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Old 19-05-2009, 20:50   #146
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
well you just let the cat out the bag ()..if there's one thing that has always wound up BNP supporters's the fact that if you are English and don't support thier twisted crap then you are labled a got the gall to question my alleigence to England?... you and the likes are the ones that dishonour this nation!
What cat? it's no secret that I do not like muslims or poles in fact any forgeigners that come here and bleed our country dry whether legally or not. I have never been a member of the BNP but I have voted for them.
I look at it this way if English people had tried to do in a muslim country what the muslims did in Luton they would be beaten or killed. So what do the damby pamby English do on accyweb? instead of condeming them as scum they whitter on about drunks fighting soldiers and the IRA, like I said mancie you and shakermaker just don't get it, too bloody soft.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 19-05-2009, 21:04   #147
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
When I posted about Irish Catholics abusing British troops it was to get a reaction .... go back to the 70's and the then National Front (now the BNP) were totally racist towards the Irish and blacks..this got them nowhere and so they moved to the more fashionable trend of blaming the Polish and Muslims for anything wrong in our economy or social affairs...they will pick and chosse when they see a new target.
I remember the seventies very well as extremely worrying times for my parents as my bro was serving in Northern Ireland. As for the BNP being racist to the Irish and Blacks I'm sure they were well able to cope, it was not many years before when notces on boarding houses put them lower down than animals. I have heard the tales of the signs in windows stating that there were vacancies but "No animals, Irish or Blacks allowed".
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Old 19-05-2009, 21:07   #148
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
What cat? it's no secret that I do not like muslims or poles in fact any forgeigners that come here and bleed our country dry whether legally or not. I have never been a member of the BNP but I have voted for them.
I look at it this way if English people had tried to do in a muslim country what the muslims did in Luton they would be beaten or killed. So what do the damby pamby English do on accyweb? instead of condeming them as scum they whitter on about drunks fighting soldiers and the IRA, like I said mancie you and shakermaker just don't get it, too bloody soft.
Can't speak for anyone else but I don't namby pamby...the IRA in the past have killed more Brits than any Muslims...and I hate there guts the same as Muslim killers... but I reckon the BNP are more concerned with the colour of people rather than any threat.
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Old 19-05-2009, 21:40   #149
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Re: Stop the bnp

I've got to add that I do have a problem with anyone who basis thier opinions on the colour of a anyones skin!
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Old 19-05-2009, 21:52   #150
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Re: Stop the bnp

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
What cat? it's no secret that I do not like muslims or poles in fact any forgeigners that come here and bleed our country dry whether legally or not. I have never been a member of the BNP but I have voted for them.
I look at it this way if English people had tried to do in a muslim country what the muslims did in Luton they would be beaten or killed. So what do the damby pamby English do on accyweb? instead of condeming them as scum they whitter on about drunks fighting soldiers and the IRA, like I said mancie you and shakermaker just don't get it, too bloody soft.
Unusually subtle for you, that. You practically hid the little dig away. Don't go soft on us

Let's not get silly with 'keyboard wargames'. I know for a fact that we agree on many principles. We don't want illegal immigrants to enter the country, we don't want migrants to be preferred to British workers for jobs in the UK, we don't want British soldiers to be abused. That's just some.

The difference in views on the latter issue seems to be that I see all people who abuse soldiers as the same breed. I don't care if they practice Islam or wear nipple tassles on Thursday nights. They're all idiots and their actions are disgusting. They should all be brought to justice. Your view, and that of the British Nazi Party, is that only immigrants and Muslims attack soldiers. Any attacks by British people on British soldiers must be drunken scuffles and therefore not comparitive to the attacks by Muslims.

The BNP breed ignorance and hate. The cornerstones of the party are angry quotes from angry people dressing up racism as patriotism, taken in by people who really should know better.
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