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Old 19-05-2007, 08:32   #1
Senior Member+
***Mr D***'s Avatar

Strange Text

Recently I got a new mobile phone, on T Mobile (Contract) when I bought the phone (approx 2 months ago) I took it home plugged it in and turned it on like you do.

IMMEDIATLY the phone sent a message, thought nothing of it, maybe a service message registaring the phone.

However upon receiving my second statement, I see I have 1 text outside my text bundle that I have been charged 17p for?

17p you might say, but I dont like things happening like that, so I decided to ring T Mobile (who I must say have very good customer service) and asked what this text was about, the guy at T Mobile was as baffeled as I was, refunded the 17p, and looked to investigate.

Now the Text turns out to be a international text, sent to sweden.

The conspiory theriest (SP) in me came up with a possible mad reason.

If T Mobile had 17p for every international text that has been sent unknowingly from new customers (And who normally would bother about 17p) multiply that by 10.000+ and it starts to become a nice little earner.

Anyone else here with T mobile and had a strange text sent from there phone.
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Old 19-05-2007, 09:29   #2
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Re: Strange Text

I gave up T Mobile a while back and went pay as you go. I dont use my phone that often and as I couldnt justify the monthley cost I never renewed it. It wont be the first time or the last that someone would be caught out this way and yes MR D they are proberly raking it in. Good job it was only a text and not a 20 minute call. To the point about having it investigated I wonder how many people would have that done, me I wouldnt have noticed.

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Old 19-05-2007, 09:46   #3
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Re: Strange Text

T mobile are a dodgy outfit, when I got my first mobile they sent me a horoscope reading everyday I tried allsorts to get rid, I rang the helpline and threatened to change they took it off, it was costing 25 pence a day.
The best deal at the moment is o2 Genie card you can, download them free off their website, Broadway News is charging £3.99 for a sim card no need to pay they will send you 4 sets out for nowt.
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Old 19-05-2007, 09:49   #4
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Re: Strange Text

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
T mobile are a dodgy outfit, when I got my first mobile they sent me a horoscope reading everyday I tried allsorts to get rid, I rang the helpline and threatened to change they took it off, it was costing 25 pence a day.
The best deal at the moment is o2 Genie card you can, download them free off their website, Broadway News is charging £3.99 for a sim card no need to pay they will send you 4 sets out for nowt.

I agree with you, i am with o2, get 300 text a month for topping up a tenner also get 500 mins to a chosen o2 number a month as long as you top up 10.00 a month!

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Old 19-05-2007, 09:55   #5
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Re: Strange Text

Originally Posted by Traceyb37 View Post
I agree with you, i am with o2, get 300 text a month for topping up a tenner also get 500 mins to a chosen o2 number a month as long as you top up 10.00 a month!
Best deal going Tracey, if anyone wants one PM our 'Vicks' she get's loads off their website.
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Old 19-05-2007, 09:55   #6
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Re: Strange Text

I was previously and still use my old phone that was a BT genie, all good for £10.00 per month.

However I needed to upgrade my phone so T-Mobile was the cheapest £15.00 per months for £34.00 worth of credit use how I like. Does me.

O2 also do the dodgy subscription texts two, I Mail, you get a I mail phone subscribe to use it, 50p a month IIRC, thing is you change phone and no longer have a I mode Phone, you cannot deactivate it so 50p per month.

And If anyone wants a O2 Sim send me a PM I have LOADS at home doing nowt yours for the price of FREE.

I must say I found T Mobile's (UK) Customer service very good.
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Old 19-05-2007, 10:49   #7
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Re: Strange Text

Mr D, And If anyone wants a O2 Sim send me a PM I have LOADS at home doing nowt yours for the price of FREE.
You'll have them from Broadway News round, it's advertised in the shop window o2 Genie cards £3.99 the cheek of them!
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Old 19-05-2007, 11:04   #8
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Re: Strange Text

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
You'll have them from Broadway News round, it's advertised in the shop window o2 Genie cards £3.99 the cheek of them!
Wouldnt supprise me. I bet they still sell a few also. like you say the cheek of it.
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