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Old 12-02-2008, 08:01   #16
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Re: Street lighting

As I've said many times, what western Europe does is a drop in the ocean to how much power and oil USA and China use. Untill these two stop sucking the world dry we are just peeing in the wind. All this 'green' propaganda that is being pushed on us is so short sighted its laughable.

Take Toyota Prius, hybrid thing. It uses more energy in build and recycling than 5 'normal' cars and how far will it travel on a full charge of eleccy? 3 miles according to a bloke I know who runs one. Utter utter rubbish yet all the 'stars' go out and buy one to be seen to be 'doing their bit'. Well, if you really want to do your bit, drive your car till its falls to bits instead of trading it in for a shiny new one every 3 years.

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Old 12-02-2008, 10:36   #17

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Re: Street lighting

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
As I've said many times, what western Europe does is a drop in the ocean to how much power and oil USA and China use. Untill these two stop sucking the world dry we are just peeing in the wind.
And as a country we should state that we are doing nothing 'green' until the big boys do. All this so called green bull has killed our industry. We shut our heavy plant to save the planet, the same plant opens in china but making more polution.
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Old 12-02-2008, 13:38   #18
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Re: Street lighting

The power was shut off in Lancaster not so long ago (i made a thread about it) and the lack of street lighting was refreshing. Of course, some streets need the lighting for safety issues, but the majority dont and it would be nice to just have the natural darkness instead of overuse of artificial lighting.

I'm all for it, though there are many places I can think of that should keep some lighting.
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Old 12-02-2008, 20:09   #19
God Member

Re: Street lighting

Maybe you're right, maybe we've got an obsession in this country to light everywhere that is dark. We've forgotten how to hold a torch at night.
Personally I don't see how street lights stop burglaries, all they do is light the path down the street for a quick get away, it was dark around the back of the house they've just broken in to.
Plus chavs are like moths, they gather around street lights at night. Turn em off and you'll get rid of the chavs.
Very funny post neil, well done.
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Old 12-02-2008, 21:06   #20
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Re: Street lighting

what you doing back then?

Technical God, No 1 Geek And Linux Guru

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