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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 02-05-2006, 11:24   #1
God Member
SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Angry Stupidity at its best

We all go on about how the state hands out cash to the wrong people well in the paper yesterday front page was this;


It appears due to a loophole in the benifit system "patients" at Carstairs Hospital can get up to £95 a week in income support!!! Add to that the insult of back payments and this lot are leading a life of luxuary at our expense. It was originally £16.40 a week until recently and the new payments kick in if they have bee a resident for a year. The place is full of the most mentally deranged killers up here and possibly some from down there and yet the are lording it up with all the modern luxuarys they can buy. They even throw this "windfall" in the face of the staff.

It applies to those sent directley to the facility from the coursts and is under investigation due to the friction it causes. Ok these people are ill but they are in some cases better of than those outside. The DWP is "alledgedly" looking for ways to change the system to prevent it, yet in the mean time it looks like murder pays and we foot the bill. If its happening up here what about the other places like Carstairs? Are they getting the same deal?

We say the state has gone mad but this beats all and sundry that has gone before. Is there to be an inquiry and a head on the block for this mess? These people are in these establishments for a reason and are supposed to be being treated for mental disorders not treated like hotel visitors.

Now I think the softley softley approach has been pushed so far we need a restart!! All I want to know is;



All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 02-05-2006, 11:37   #2
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Basher's Avatar

Re: Stupidity at its best

I sympathise Spuggie, it's purely ridiculous

It gets my goat that many people who are detained at HM pleasure (tax payers expense) are often in much better surroundings than when they were in their own places of residence.

The prison overcrowding lot get me too, what do they want a palacial experience for all those criminals?

If you can't do the time don't do the crime!
I enjoy long walks, especially when they're taken by people I don't like.
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