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Old 25-03-2007, 08:54   #46
Resident Waffler

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Re: supermarkets and pork products

Originally Posted by mani View Post

its threads like this that make me cry

how i was deprived of winnie the pooh during my childhood - all thanks to that evil piglet

I know someone (muslim) who wouldn't touch my piggy bank because it's pig shaped even though the thing is made of pottery. I do think she gets things out of proportion - like that guy who complained about somebody having a box of tissues with a Piglet cartoon on it. I also know muslim children who enjoy Winnie the Pooh, Babe, Charlotte's Web etc. It's just different people isn't it? Some are more extreme than others. I don't drink alcohol for religious reasons - some members of the same church get too carried away and won't even eat in a licenced restaurant. All we are asked to do is not drink the stuff. Nobody said we shouldn't look at it but some people just go to extremes.

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Old 25-03-2007, 12:10   #47
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Re: supermarkets and pork products

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
As for Halal meat! Isn’t that where the animal has its throat cut and it is allowed to bleed to death?.
they do that with pigs in slaughter houses, they stun it, hang it up and well you know!
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Old 25-03-2007, 12:50   #48
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Re: supermarkets and pork products

was kermit a muslim because he wouldnt touch miss piggy or was he just gay ?
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Old 25-03-2007, 13:12   #49
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Question Re: supermarkets and pork products

No meat or fish keeps very long in hot climates Gayle. That’s why they used to salt it or dry it before keeping it cold became fashionable, although salted pork would go off eventually as many a sailor in the ‘good old sailing days’ found out. That’s why they took live animals to sea with them to be slaughtered as required, for the officers of course.

Where did this notion that pigs don’t have a neck come from? Of course a pig has a neck, a short thick one but still a neck and by slashing just below the head it slices the jugular.

2,000 years ago when Christianity was born, fishermen went out in the morning and came back at dusk with their catch. Preserving fish with ice was unknown then so the catch had to be brought in each evening. Leave a freshly caught fish out in the kitchen for 5 days and see what you get.

Ah! Yes panther! But the difference is stunning the animal and not cutting its throat whilst it is conscious.
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Old 25-03-2007, 13:58   #50
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Re: supermarkets and pork products

Fish on Fridays has absolutely nothing to do with eating it when it's fresh. They didn't just catch fish on Fridays.

Originally people could and did eat fish several times during the week. They also ate meat on whichever day took their fancy. However, the Catholic church chose to not eat meat on Fridays in rememberance of the death of Jesus. Maybe it was based at first on not wanting to kill an animal on the same day that Jesus was killed.

But, because people may not have been willing to be vegetarians once a week the church declared that eating fish was OK because fish wasn't meat. Apparently for the purposes of abstaining from meat on Fridays beavers were officially classed as a vegetable according to Fr. Henderson (now deceased) of St. Joseph's - not that you find many beaver joints on sale in Accy.

We used to have fish on Tuesdays and Fridays but I don't think there was any religious significance to the Tuesday, it was just my Mum's weekly meal plan.

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Old 25-03-2007, 14:06   #51
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Re: supermarkets and pork products

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
was kermit a muslim because he wouldnt touch miss piggy or was he just gay ?
no chav1, she was just a ugly pig
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Old 25-03-2007, 20:20   #52
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Re: supermarkets and pork products

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
was kermit a muslim because he wouldnt touch miss piggy or was he just gay ?
Let me just get this right - you're outing kermit!!!!!!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 25-03-2007, 21:14   #53
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Re: supermarkets and pork products

It may be that fish was eaten on Fridays was in rememberance of Good Friday, also Jesus was known as the 'fisherman of men' a mantle he passed on to St Peter, now known as the Pope. I am not a Catholic but am only reading between the lines, so I stand corrected without animosity.

Last edited by Ianto.W.; 25-03-2007 at 21:16.
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