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Old 08-10-2009, 20:29   #16
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US Angel's Avatar

Re: Support Our Soldiers Xmas Parcels

We have the same thing going on over here.
Next week I get to see my youngest son Graduate from basic training,
So thats means we have 4 serving in the Army my daughter just
finished her service weds.
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Old 10-10-2009, 22:24   #17
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cherokee's Avatar

Re: Support Our Soldiers Xmas Parcels

Originally Posted by mez View Post
hi, all its that time again & i hope mel & all the sos people get those parcels in on time , good luck all.
Originally Posted by mez View Post

now i have a true story to june i was in the railway (yes the raiway pub ) & a nice afternoon was had by all, on deciding to go home , i got talking to a young man who was on leave from afghanistan he's serving with the marines out there, i happened to mention that this website & good friends of mine run the sos parcels all year, he had the biggest grin on his face i'd seen off him all day, he said that so many parcels were sent last year that they had to delay some till january but that the lads & lasses are so pleased to get them & be rememberd by people at home, i also told him that i like to wear something red on fridays to which he replied ..yea thats right ..remember the soldiers that are fighting i don't know if anyone else wears red on friday like i do but it sure made the lads day he ended up saying could you please thank all who contribute to the service & those who remember the serving forces on fridays a BIG THANK YOU TO ALL ........ FROM A SERVING MARINE ..........

Mez what a lovely story. Its so true that they really do appreciate the parcels and nothing is unnapreciated.

I get some lovely replies off the lads and lasses and it makes everything worthwhile when I read them.

As for the RED FRIDAY we have just introduced Red T shirts with the union Jack on front and the words saying "Supporting the british troops Everyday" They look fab esp the girls one.

US ANGEL Please pass on our support and thanks to your family out there.
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Old 10-10-2009, 23:53   #18
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Re: Support Our Soldiers Xmas Parcels

As for the RED FRIDAY we have just introduced Red T shirts with the union Jack on front and the words saying "Supporting the british troops Everyday" They look fab esp the girls one.

US ANGEL Please pass on our support and thanks to your family out there.
Where do you get these shirts?
I will pass on your support and thanks as well
(Scottish Angel)

Last edited by Mick; 11-10-2009 at 06:08.
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Old 12-10-2009, 21:28   #19
Resting In Peace
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Re: Support Our Soldiers Xmas Parcels

a box on its way from tosh and pam 1.
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Old 15-10-2009, 18:09   #20
Senior Member+

Re: Support Our Soldiers Xmas Parcels

I don't know if this will work, hope it does, will post it on FB as well. Sent by an ex USAF MS that i worked with in Saudi - they lose them as well as we do.

This email is being circulated around the world - please keep it going

When a soldier comes home, he finds it hard.... listen to his son whine about being bored. keep a straight face when people complain about potholes.

to be tolerant of people who complain about the hassle of getting ready for work. be understanding when a co-worker complains about a bad night's sleep. be silent when people pray to God for a new car. control his panic when his wife tells him he needs to drive slower. be compassionate when a businessman expresses a fear of flying. keep from laughing when anxious parents say they're afraid to send their kids off to summer camp. keep from ridiculing someone who complains about hot weather. control his frustration when a colleague gripes about his coffee being cold. remain calm when his daughter complains about having to walk the dog. be civil to people who complain about their jobs. just walk away when someone says they only get two weeks of vacation a year. be forgiving when someone says how hard it is to have a new baby in the house.

The only thing harder than being a Soldier..

Is loving one.

I was asked to pass this on and I will gladly do so,

Will you???
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Old 19-10-2009, 22:01   #21
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Re: Support Our Soldiers Xmas Parcels

Originally Posted by US Angel View Post
Where do you get these shirts?
I will pass on your support and thanks as well
(Scottish Angel)
Hi US Angel
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner but ive been so busy just lately hardly had time to sneeze lol.

Anyway you can buy the t shirts online at
along with all our other merchandise.

Tosh Thankyou very much for your support ,

Barrie that is lovely .
I would like to copy it to our own forum if you dont mind . Im sure the members would appreciate it .
It certainly made me smile because its so very true.

Once again thanks to everyone who is supporting the appeal
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Old 09-11-2009, 21:10   #22
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Re: Support Our Soldiers Xmas Parcels

Thanks for the info
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Old 27-11-2009, 06:59   #23
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Re: Support Our Soldiers Xmas Parcels

If anyone has a box ready can they please PM me i can collect local or i will give you my address where you can drop it off
This will have to be soon as the closing date is coming up fast
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Old 29-11-2009, 12:42   #24
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Re: Support Our Soldiers Xmas Parcels

Hi all

Would just like to say that we have now closed the appeal for our xmas parcels.

We have had tremendous support this year (defininately our busiest to date) which has forced us to close it a week early, but all in all what a huge success.

Due to the overwhelming response we have been in a position to send some first class quality parcels out which im sure will be very very welcomed and appreciated by our lads and lasses.

Thankyou to everyone who has donated from the Hyndburn area, and also Thankyou to our very own MICK and ANNE who have played host to being a drop off point once again for us.

Please can i remind everyone that although our Christmas appeal has now closed you can still donate or sponsor a parcel for just £5 by visiting

Karen Webster is fundraising for Support Our Soldiers - JustGiving

We do send parcels out all year round and if you have someone in the forces that would like to recieve one of our parcels please feel free to add thier name to our list by visiting the link above . All names are data protected and are used only by authorised SOS personnel

If you would like further info or have any questions please feel free to drop me a line at [email protected] or you can PM on here.

Thankyou once again to everyone for thier continued support .

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