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Well its that time again, Where we try and raise the moral and send a bit of xmas cheer to our lads and lasses out in Afghanistan. If you would like to donate you can either contact myself Via pm or email me at [email protected]
Or you can contact The Accrington A/C, Nic aka Onlyme at [email protected]
Also Our very own Mick has agreed to allow himself to be used and abused by us once again (Got a feeling Anne has not yet been told) sorry Anne !!!
Items can be left with him and Anne
Mick can be contacted by PM for further details.
Thankyou very much once again x
Support Our Soldiers Christmas Parcel Appeal 2009
Each year since 2003 Support Our Soldiers have sent Christmas parcels to members of the
British Armed Forces serving in Afghanistan, Iraq and other overseas operations. Last year,
thanks to the wonderful generosity of both individuals and companies, nearly 12,000 parcels
were despatched. We’re now embarking on our Appeal for 2009 and hope that we can count
on your support.
We have full approval from the MOD to run our Appeal, but to avoid overwhelming the systems
we will be limiting the number of parcels sent to 12,000. Once this number has been reached
any further donations, parcels or parcel fillers received will be used in the New Year.
This is the official statement from the MOD –
"The MOD welcomes SOS‘s work. The aspiration to provide support to the men and women on the front line is shared by many of the public. This charity has arranged with the British Forces
Post Office to send high quality parcels to named Service personnel on operations in a way
which causes the minimum of disruption to the operational postal service.”
For every parcel sent this Christmas, 50p will be donated to
BLESMA (the British Limbless Ex-Servicemen’s Association). So not only will you be bringing
a smile to one of our boys and girls serving overseas, you’ll be helping on a more permanent
basis too!
Suggested Parcel Item
Shower Gel
Roll on Deodorant
Shaving Gel
Talcum Powder
Foot Powder
Cotton Buds
Wet/Moist Wipes
Lip Salve
Travel Wash
Sanitary Protection Savoury Snacks
Pork Scratchings
Beef Jerky
Savoury Rice
Stock Cubes
Packet Soups Sweet Snacks
Fruit/Cereal Bars
Fruit Flakes
Dried Fruit
Small Cakes
Small Tins Fruit
Packets Custard
Evaporated Milk
Condensed Milk Confectionery
Travel sweets
Mars Bars, etc
Chocolate Raisins
Chocolate Peanuts
Energy Sweets
Love Hearts, etc
Fruit Pastilles, etc
Chewing Gum Clothing
T Shirts
Underwear Recreation
Paperback Books
Puzzle Books
Sport Programmes
Playing Cards
Travel Games
Artists Paints
Sketch Books
Batteries Pharmacy
Insect Repellant
Sun Screen Misc
Boot Laces
Blank Greetings
Message of Support
This list is not definitive – it’s to give you an indication of suitable items. The
key is to things small and light as they are packed into shoeboxes which are
weight and size restricted. Travel/individual sizes are ideal rather than
family/bulk packs. Variety is important too – it’s much nicer to receive a box
filled with lots of different items, rather than one full of say toiletry items. And
please remember, these are morale boosting parcels – the lads and lassies
are being well fed and watered!
Please note aerosols, alcohol, and lighters are strictly prohibited.
Good luck with it, a wonderful gesture as it is every year, I hope the Christmas will soon come when your hard work is no longer needed because the troops will have been brought safely home.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Yes, Support Our Soldiers - and Airmen and Sailors. I have just seen that the BFPO Europe is due to be closed next year. My Son picked it up today on the RE Chat room. Unofficial at this time, but rumours from within, especially when the RE run the Post Rooms these rumours tend to have a basis and tend to be reasonably accurate. This will be an absolute disgrace. Troops throughout Europe will then have to pay European Postal rates - how long before the same happens in Iraq, Afghanistan and every other outpost where we have troops stationed?
Barrie Lets just hope theres no truth behind the rumour, as yet nothing has been heard here but with our ever popular prime minister anythings possible eh!!
Less sorry to bring Xmas foward dear but we do have a lot of parcels to send this year (I feel like santa) haha
But I do know how just the thought of xmas brings you out in a sweat and then you HAVE to drink more beer to cool down lol!!!
I told her why do you think i have a bad back now
If you have a box ready please pm me and i will give you my address where you can drop it off
i would offer to collect but after my accident i am in no condition to go out the house at the moment sorry
hi, all its that time again & i hope mel & all the sos people get those parcels in on time , good luck all.
now i have a true story to tell........in june i was in the railway (yes the raiway pub ) & a nice afternoon was had by all, on deciding to go home , i got talking to a young man who was on leave from afghanistan he's serving with the marines out there, i happened to mention that this website & good friends of mine run the sos parcels all year, he had the biggest grin on his face i'd seen off him all day, he said that so many parcels were sent last year that they had to delay some till january but that the lads & lasses are so pleased to get them & be rememberd by people at home, i also told him that i like to wear something red on fridays to which he replied ..yea thats right ..remember the soldiers that are fighting i don't know if anyone else wears red on friday like i do but it sure made the lads day he ended up saying could you please thank all who contribute to the service & those who remember the serving forces on fridays ........so a BIG THANK YOU TO ALL ........ FROM A SERVING MARINE ..........
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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