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Old 22-01-2009, 22:36   #16
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Swearing

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

As for why we find these words offensive...well, I think we must look back to our upbringing.........I only heard my dad swear if he hit himself with the hammer...and then it was something mild like 'Chuffing'...or 'bloody hell'.
Children these days seem to be exposed to the effing and jeffing from a very early age,(by some parents) so it will be no surprise that they find this to be acceptable language when they grow up.
not sure its just that margaretmy dad very rarely swore, bloody hell or damn n blast was all i ever heard him say occasionally, n i used to go for the odd pint with him when i was older, n still heard no more than those. yet i can remember a neighbour who was horrified at those words, so not mild in their eyes.
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Old 22-01-2009, 22:38   #17
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Re: Swearing

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i too have always wondered who decided what is offensive in society.everyone is different, regarding tolerance of language, ya can go to some parts of the british isles n FFFING n Jeffing is in everyday use in any company, go to other places n its offensive to people n that is not "How" someone says it, its just saying it that offends.i use some words that i do not find offensive or swearing, yet others might, it beats the hell out of me.
I know. i mean I sometimes utter the "s..." word, for instance if I drop something on my foot! I sometimes use Bloody and buggar, as is often used on here, lol!

Those swear words are supposed to be mildly offensive to some. But others are considered taboo in polite society, myself included. Sometimes I think it is just the actual sound ....of one word in just isn't nice. Someone somewhere must have decide that these words weren't acceptable, would be interesting to pin point when and who. Also why people have to use these words. It definitely seems to be a class thing...the more vulgar the word...the lower the people that use it. In my experience anyway.
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Last edited by Caz; 22-01-2009 at 22:40. Reason: spelling
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Old 22-01-2009, 22:41   #18
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Re: Swearing

Originally Posted by Caz View Post
It definitely seems to be a class thing...the more vulgar the word...the lower the people that use it. In my experience anyway.
thats very debatable to me Caz, met a lord who swore worse than me.
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Old 22-01-2009, 22:53   #19
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Re: Swearing

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
thats very debatable to me Caz, met a lord who swore worse than me.

I had a friend who lived on the Isle of Wight in the 60s and 70s. She often saw Princess Anne at Cowes, yachting, and she said Anne's language would make a sailor blush.
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Old 22-01-2009, 23:02   #20
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Re: Swearing

remember back in 1971, Harvey Smith the great "Equestrian" gave a two fingered salute to some lords n toffs that ran the event, after a pre-event dust up with em cos he had forgot to bring the trophy, he won the previous year, they said he left it home cos he was arrogant n thought he would win again, so they told him he would not under any circs win it. he did n stuck two fingers up at em, he became the publics darling fer tellin em to get stuffed.cannot remember any complaints to the BBC about that.
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Old 22-01-2009, 23:13   #21
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Re: Swearing

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
thats very debatable to me Caz, met a lord who swore worse than me.

Well maybe, but presumably said Lord could also hold an intelligent conversation about something, without profanities, which some people of a certain ilk seem to be unable to do these days?
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Old 22-01-2009, 23:30   #22
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Re: Swearing

Originally Posted by Caz View Post
Well maybe, but presumably said Lord could also hold an intelligent conversation about something, without profanities, which some people of a certain ilk seem to be unable to do these days?
know what yer saying, but personally that don't make it acceptable, to have no regard fer the presence of ladies don't sit well with me,n i told him so.
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Old 23-01-2009, 00:03   #23
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Re: Swearing

MargaretP - we have discussed this before
Different countries both speaking English have different standards

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Old 23-01-2009, 01:02   #24
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Re: Swearing

I've mentioned it in similar threads but I never heard my dad swear, ever.

If he was really, really angry he'd say 'blood and sand'. It was so rare when he said it, that to me it was just as shocking as if he'd come out with a tirade of the vilest swear words.

It is odd how some words are deemed unacceptable, and some aren't. There was the recent thread about the localised use of the word '******', which is used as a term of endearment in this area, sort of. Yet it's meaning is sexual, like many of the other non-acceptable swear words.

Personally people who swear in public, especially in earshot of women and children, are often the recipients of some non-swearing choice words from myself.
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Old 23-01-2009, 01:05   #25
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Re: Swearing

Lol, l've been auto-censored!

The rude word I posted, which is sort of acceptable locally, begins with a 'b' and rhymes with 'rugger'.
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Old 23-01-2009, 01:07   #26
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Re: Swearing

Should have spelt it with an A like I did, lol.

I'm a crafty ******.
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Last edited by Caz; 23-01-2009 at 01:11.
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Old 23-01-2009, 01:10   #27
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Re: Swearing

When I was a child blasphemy was also shocking
'Oh my God' was frowned upon
Remember when the BBC wouldn't play My Sweet Lord by George Harrison

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Old 23-01-2009, 09:16   #28
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Re: Swearing

^ Pretty much my view.

Do it and enjoy it in the company of those who happily tolerate it.
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Old 23-01-2009, 11:14   #29
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Re: Swearing

Well, being brought up on building sites and used tap rooms in my younger years, I know my fare share of expletives, bu there's a time and place for everything. When I was growing up if I used a four letter word at home my feet wouldn't have touched, that's just the way we were raised, even when my Father was still alive and I was well into my 50s I still used very little dad language when he was around. I can honestly say that I don't use bad language in mixed company, there's no need for and as West Ender said it hows a lack of vocabulary
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